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Shutterstock.com / Can't login to my SS contributor account
« on: August 27, 2015, 02:37 »
Am I the only one?

I also can't get to their forums to ask this silly question :D

Does anybody know if I can use Wikipedia maps for a part of the products that I want to sell? Like in some slides of powerpoint or other illustration?

Like this one:



Selling Stock Direct / Building my own site/portfolio
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:11 »
Hi guys. I'm just thinking of building my own site and would love to keep it simple and minimal like unsplash.com.

Does anybody know where could I get the best "template" like that to start with. I'm pretty familiar with Wordpress, Squarespace etc.

I tried to find a perfect one, but none of them had a search box where people could search my images. Maybe there was one that it searched the whole page and that's not what I want. I think unsplash has a perfect search as it stays on the same page.

Does anybody has a solution to my problem?


Computer Hardware / Ergonomics - Do you sit or stand?
« on: December 05, 2014, 10:58 »
I'm having some serious back problems, because I sit way too much in front of my computer. Getting some fancy leg pain from herniated disc. That sucks :(

So it's time to change my routines and I'm going to get an electric desk so I can stand more. I already have a gym ball that I'm sitting on so that my posture stays good :D

Has anyone else had any health problems by sitting too much and is there any self treatments that you've found successful?

I'm probably going to buy this one:


Selling Stock Direct / Sellfy Shop - Any Thoughts?
« on: December 04, 2014, 08:57 »
Sellfy has just opened a marketplace where you can sell photos, vectors or any other digital products. Sellfy has been around for a while as a place where you can upload digital products and sell them via your website, but now they opened a marketplace too. It's pretty v.0.1 still, but you can decide your own price and if I remember correctly you'll get 95% commission :D

I hope all the best for them.


General Stock Discussion / June 2014 earning results
« on: July 01, 2014, 02:42 »
Didn't see one yet so let's fire it up!


Pretty good month for me. Fotolia somehow 25% down. Maybe it was some cut down of my bestsellers, DPT opt out or just a summer slump.

Compared to May 2014 (only vectors):

DL's +3%
Earnings -7%
Portfolio Growth +6%

SS - 45%
FT- 16%
IS - 14%
Low Ones Together - 25%

Just wondering if a dollarphotoclub or some other one-dollar-flat-rate would give contributors 70%, would you opt in?

I get around $0.70 - $0.80 per download (last 50,000 dls from various microstock sites).

iStockPhoto.com / Minus balance
« on: May 09, 2014, 12:24 »
Just a moment ago my balance was $104-$105 and now it\'s -$30.45.

Anybody else having same problems?
There shouldn't be any clawbacks today and if there is, mine isn't that big.

Shutterstock.com / Problems with Shutterstock uploader
« on: April 09, 2014, 10:02 »
Anybody else having problems with Shutterstock website uploader?

I gets stuck everytime I try to upload  ???

Shutterstock.com / Login problem
« on: February 08, 2014, 03:02 »
Having problems to login my contributor page. Just keeps saying "Invalid security code. Please try again". Tried to change password multiple times but no help. Anyone else?

Got me inspired so I wanted to share!

Just Wow!!


Seems like she is shooting with Canon EOS 5D Mark II + some 50mm and 135mm lenses. Would like to learn that post processing technique!

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