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Topics - Dodie
« on: May 12, 2021, 03:46 »
Someone downloaded 11 of my images yesterday and 21 today, all $0.35 subs. They are all local editorials, outdoors but very different subjects from Christmas market to car races and food festivals. I wonder if this is a legit buyer or it will end up as customer refund?
« on: June 19, 2020, 08:01 »
Is there a way to see earning stats for several years at AS? I can't find it. Thanks.
« on: October 03, 2019, 07:48 »
I asked for account closure and deletion of all my images at Canstock. I got a fast answer, account closed. My problem is that their affiliates still display all my images, even those deleted by me many month ago. One of their affiliates, https://www.freeart.com gives away small resolution images for free and without watermark, which are still usable for bloggers. I asked CS to close affiliate accounts too but I got a bogus answer to wait 24 hours till affiliates update their database which is not happening. Does anyone know how to get rid of these guys? Many thanks in advance.
« on: July 18, 2019, 13:42 »
Sometimes, I see this text in red on some images, on the edit page (on new uploads). What does this mean? I thought I will figure it out in time but I didn't, so please can anyone tell me what it means?
Thank you very much.
« on: May 02, 2019, 16:19 »
« on: April 21, 2019, 10:01 »
I already received my report at noon for today while the day is not over yet. I thought these emails should show earnings from previous day. The emails always come at noon but last night I received another copy for sales from two days ago.
It is not that they are of any use, I already know my sales when the email comes but if they still send it, at least wait till the day is over.
« on: April 12, 2019, 11:35 »
Hi everyone,
It seams that DT is on autopilot.
My main complaint is that none of my approved images this month are showing in my portfolio. I contacted support on the 10th and got an answer that my list with the missing image ID-s was forwarded to their tech guys but nothing was fixed till the time of this writing.
Also, after completing the submission process (keywording, categories, submitting), some images simple vanish, not in pending, not in rejected, not in approved.
I stopped uploading now until they fix their bugs.
Anyone else having these problems?
« on: March 21, 2019, 11:02 »
Hi everyone,
Can somebody please answer my question?
Last year I asked for the deletion of my images and the 6 month waiting period should have been over sometimes in April. During this period I had small sales, my earnings are $42 but still many uncleared. My last sale was on March 5 and shortly after my port was deleted, earlier than said (6 month).
My question is, if I wait till my earnings will be paid (cleared) and then close my account, will I get my money even if it is less than $50?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
« on: November 21, 2018, 04:44 »
I uploaded seven images on November 13 to the Adobe, for the first time using the portal. They were approved but three of them are not mirrored on my Fotolia portfolio and the search engine can't find them either on Fotolia.
I reported it to FT, no answer yet but later I realized that this must be an AS glitch, so now I reported it to AS too (waiting).
My question to fellow contributors: is this happening to someone else too, do you check each time if the images are mirrored on FT?
I've read here on this forum that uploading to AS is faster and easier than FT. I am very disappointed with the upload process and I would mention two problems that could be better (in case anyone listens):
1. If you have more than 50 keywords, which happens once in a while, AS cuts down the last ones without giving the chance to choose which one to delete.
2.If there are no subcategories, at least there should be more meaningless categories, for example, for Christmas images the category "Religion" is totally inappropriate IMO, even the world "holidays" would be more expressive.
Your thoughts?
P.S. I got a lightning fast answer from AS Support, thank you. They "reindexed" my missing images and now they show up on FT too. The question remains, do we have to check this all the time?
« on: October 18, 2018, 12:30 »
I am using Alamy for 2+ years and I'm still having a hard time to understand their statistics, or even to find my earnings.
1. Yesterday I got a "Other income - DACS Payment 2018" and I have no idea how I got it. Is there a way to know where does it come from? This payment showed up after I deleted all my images (almost).
I reported a website using one of my images starting May and there was no sale reported for it. Finally, after insisting, the sale showed up on September 25 but it is still not cleared, so that is not the source of my DACS.
2. Another question that no dictionary could answer, please: what is the difference (in meaning) between "Balance brought forward" and "Balance carried forward"?
Thank you very much for any help.
« on: September 27, 2018, 07:01 »
Hi everyone,
I have a sale for "Web use, One month, Bulk Discount, Flat Rate".
Can anyone please tell me what does the "One month" bit mean from this report?
I found the image on a website on May 16 but it was never reported. After a long email exchange with Alamy support, now the sale showed up being shown as downloaded on September 25, $1 my cut.
It is more than 4 month that the image is online on that site, so I wonder what does the "one month" mean in Alamy report?
« on: August 14, 2018, 02:22 »
Not a single sale in 5 days. I have the same images I had at the time when FT outsold SS but more in numbers.
They are very picky with approval, two images from the same session, like the same food in totally different setup is rejected for "similar image already submitted".
I really don't understand why did AS buy FT just to destroy it.
Anyone else having this bad experience or is it just me?
« on: July 05, 2018, 17:02 »
Has anybody heard about ALAMY/BE & W AGENCY?
I've found one of my images on a website watermarked with "ALAMY LIMITED/ BE & W AGENCY" but I have no download reported for the image on Alamy.
I contacted support and they confirmed that BE & W AGENCY is their distributor and they seam to have a yet unreported sale for the image but I should write back to Alamy if I don't see the sale in my account by 16/09/2018.
The webpage with my image (and others) was published on May 16 and Google search already shows 5 pages of which 4 pages are verbatim copies of the first site (with different URL-s), all in Russian. Pinterest also shows my image as pinned from a Russian site.
So, anyone can use and misuse our images on Alamy and in six month, when the website is history, they will just refund the buyer.
Wait, they don't have to refund him, he never payed for it.
« on: June 28, 2018, 06:19 »
I just checked my sales on FT (just for this month) and I noticed that withholding for US sale is higher than it should be. I have 92% US sales (unfortunately), withholding for my country should be 10% but the stat shows 11% withheld. Translated into money, the withholding is more than taxes would be for my total earnings.
I would like to know if anyone else has this happening. Thank you.
« on: May 11, 2018, 06:38 »
After SS's miserable footage pricing the avalanche began, at least these guys give us an opt out.
My question(s) is: - the new pricing is in credits, the old one is in license points. Is 1 credit = 1 license point? - if so, is 1credit = $1? Thank you.
Not that it matters much, I'm just curious. Two weeks ago I deleted my last 5 editorials that were pending for 8 month.
PS. bellow are the new prices, excerpt from the email:
« on: May 04, 2018, 03:16 »
Would anybody be so kind to help me with two questions regarding sales:
1. For my last sale, on the sale history page I see under details the following text: "Usage: Single company - multiple use editorial only".
I didn't upload the image as editorial. Q: is the price different when the license is editorial license only?
2. Is payout automatic or I have to request it?
Thank you very much.
« on: April 21, 2018, 03:17 »
I just got this email from Flickr: Were excited to announce that Flickr has agreed to be acquired by SmugMug, the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
.......you can choose to not have your Flickr account and data transferred to SmugMug until May 25, 2018. If you want to keep your Flickr account and data from being transferred, you must go to your Flickr account to download the photos and videos you want to keep, then delete your account from your Account Settings by May 25, 2018.
If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr account and data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by SmugMugs Terms and Privacy Policy. So, what are you guys and gals doing?
« on: April 04, 2018, 13:38 »
I am receiving the same email with the title "Easter is coming" over and over again every hour or half an hour, from DT. It has a stupid image inside and a 50% discount offer. I already have 6 of them and over the night my mail box will be full of it if it continues this way.
Anyone else getting them?
« on: March 20, 2018, 06:03 »
I have a sale in red (image bellow), it is self explanatory what it means but my question is: is this normal? They used the image for 5 month and now they don't need it any more and they get their money back?
« on: March 15, 2018, 08:05 »
Can anyone please tell me what does "Subscription X" mean? I got these dls today and I don't remember having them before.
On the downloads page there is no size like with other dls but on the detail page I see 3 dls, Subscription X, for 14.85 credits (16.5 - 1.65 tax).
As far as I know, on FT X size means EL-s for 100 credits. Is this some kind of pack of 3 EL-s?
Not that I am complaining, I just don't understand.
« on: February 05, 2018, 09:32 »
I had my EL-s disable on all files. Today I went to upload some images and I found them enabled. Please, do you know a way to disable them on all file at once.
Someone already talked about a method but I can't find it.
Thank you.
« on: January 28, 2018, 06:17 »
Can anyone please enlighten me how does this work?
I received 4 requests like this today and they keep coming but I don't see any new downloads. Are these buyers just playing with us or they do buy something at the end?
« on: December 18, 2017, 10:01 »
I can't log in to FT, it is asking the check the captcha which is not in use for a long time now. The captcha sign is parked at bottom right but there is nothing to check. It happened before but it went away after reloading the page. Is there a workaround for this?
« on: November 26, 2017, 10:39 »
I noticed a changed relationship between weekly position and overall position compared to what it was 1-2 years earlier.
It seems like my weekly position is tailored to be equal with my overall (it was much higher earlier) and the download number is dependent of this number. Each time my download number (weekly position) drops, I begin to get dls one after the other but it stops once the two positions are ~ equal (+-). This pattern repeats itself as soon as my download number (weekly position) drops but no dls in between.
To put it simple, it looks like for a certain overall rank I deserve a given number of downloads, not more, not less.
I am not sure if I described this as I wanted but I am curious if someone else is seeing the same pattern.
« on: November 15, 2017, 02:23 »
Can anyone enlighten me how could this happen?
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