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Topics - jazz42

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High-quality keywording photos is a time-consuming, but essential task for ensuring success in stock photography.

I have earlier announced EasyTag, which is the predecessor of Mykeyworder for Lightroom. Sam and I have joined forces and developed Mykeyworder for Lightroom to take the pain out of keywording.

The plugin allows you to add keywords from the following sources:
 - http://www.mykeyworder.com - search for related keywords from 1-3 starting keywords.
 - Auto-identified from image contents.
 - Title and caption, which you need to enter anyway.
 - Manually entered keywords.
 - Synonyms from any of the above.

Mykeyworder for Lightroom supports both single-image and batch processing of multiple related images.

The basic version is free, but you'll need to make a donation of at least 10 USD (in the plugin) to unlock its full functionality.


Hope you'll like it and comments or suggestions for improvement are most welcome!

There has been a lot of postings in this forum about decline in earnings and how agencies are lowering the payouts. As I see it, it is a natural consequence of supply and demand. In short, the stocks of photos are increasing WAY faster than the demand for photos (maybe 10-20 times faster???). As in any other market, prices and earnings will be lower until that balance shifts. Let's face it. It is not going to happen unless the supply is lowered (all contributors suddenly stop uploading just good enough quality (rather unlikely)) or demands increase at least by a factor of 10 (also a bit unlikely).

So what can we do instead? A part of the earning problem is that most common niches are well covered. Buyers don't need "business handshake" number 1.000.001 and it is no longer enough to produce quality better than everyone else as most top niches are already filled with superb quality work.

Generally speaking, I would say these options remain:
1) Discover new niches to fill.
2) Improve visibility of already uploaded material (increase sales).
3) Reduce life-cycle cost per image produced. By cost I mean time and money spent to get the photo online.

The aim of this thread is to start a discussion on what we would like the ultimate stock agency to be like. Hence, to PITCH IDEAS to the bold agency/agencies who are willing to invest time in helping their contributors.
The recent discussion on GL Stock Images in this forum is a good and positive starting point and many ideas were raised. However, I think it got a bit cluttered with discussion on pricing models, bug reports, and whether or not the royalty rate was fair for newcomers.

Let's try to brainstorm and hope that GL Stock Images or another bold agency will pick up some of these ideas!

Some themes (rephrased from above) - feel free to add more:
 1) Research tools for niche discovery. How can the agency help us discover new less obvious niches?
 2) Boosting position on google and other search engines.
Google page rank is hugely important, both for the agency and for contributors - how can push our photos up the list?
 3) Easier workflow. Nothing is more dreadful than an tedious upload procedure. E.g. who need image categories?


Please number your idea Theme X, idea Y. I'll put a poll together once we are done so we can vote on the best ideas.

Ok?!? I'll pitch a few ideas in a couple of follow up postings to allow separate quotes for each of them.

I've been hesitating from submitting photos that require a property release because of the hazzle involved.
However, I have half a "deal" with the owner, but I was wondering if he needs to sign every single agency's own property release form. Showing up with 10-12 forms might scare him off.  :o

How do you handle this?
Is there one generic form that all agencies accept?
Will Fotolia accept an istockphoto form and vice versa?
What experiences do you have?


I'm interested in knowing what software you are using for post-processing.

This http://www.rkursem.com/poll/view.php?id=314e550f51eea83cb open poll will allow you to add your own.


BR, Rasmus


I have been developing EasyTag, a Lightroom plugin for improving tagging speed and keyword quality.

In short, EasyTag works as follows:
  • You enter the title and caption of the photograph. This is necessary for uploading to all stock agencies.
  • EasyTag extracts the words from the title and caption.
  • You can improve the list of keywords in three ways:
    • Select keywords and fetch their synonyms.
    • Apply the auto-keywording functionality to identify keywords from image content.
    • Enter additional keywords manually.
  • Easy select allows you to mark the keywords to use for the photo.

EasyTag supports both single-image and batch processing and it learns from your choices to suggest the most relevant keywords. New version can also do location tagging from GPS and title.

Please see: http://www.rkursem.com/lightroom_plugins/easytag.php

Hope you will enjoy the tool!

Best regards,

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