Image Sleuth / Selling my images displayed in an exhibition centre.
« on: December 25, 2017, 22:24 »
I have three images displayed in the National Science Centre in Kuala Lumpur, refurbished recently, and they are popping up on Facebook and Instagram with folk in happy mood posing in front of them, all well and good. Unfortunately, they have also been uploaded on Shutterstock, image only, by at least five different contributors. I have reported this to Shutterstock, it may take them a while. My immediate problem is that I have also found a couple on EyeEm, image with person posing in front, being touted as editorial. Question is, in either context with or without people, would they get away with selling this as editorial?
One of my images on Shutterstock https://www.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/sight-sore-eyes-digital-abstract-fractal-181260509
Look at similars for photographs of my image.
EyeEm images https://www.eyeem.com/p/114440439 https://www.eyeem.com/p/114461782
I have had several instances where my images have shown up at science exhibitions, but not found them for sale on microstock before. This place has only been open a couple of months and appears not to be temporary, so it may be a continuing occurance. The people ones may be good advertising for me, but not if photographic copies are uploaded.
One of my images on Shutterstock https://www.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/sight-sore-eyes-digital-abstract-fractal-181260509
Look at similars for photographs of my image.
EyeEm images https://www.eyeem.com/p/114440439 https://www.eyeem.com/p/114461782
I have had several instances where my images have shown up at science exhibitions, but not found them for sale on microstock before. This place has only been open a couple of months and appears not to be temporary, so it may be a continuing occurance. The people ones may be good advertising for me, but not if photographic copies are uploaded.