Selling Stock Direct / Creating your own stock agency - software question
« on: December 22, 2016, 15:58 »
Hello Microstockers,
during the next months I am planning to create my own stock photo agency in a niche (aviation). Now I am in the process of finding the right software solution.
I found out that there is even a WordPress theme for selling your own photos, it is called Stocky: https://themeforest.net/item/stocky-a-stock-photography-marketplace-theme/8087525?s_rank=1
Anyone here who tried it out and may share his thoughts or show a result? It has almost 1000 downloads.
Those of you who run an own agency: Did you use a software or is it self-coded?
during the next months I am planning to create my own stock photo agency in a niche (aviation). Now I am in the process of finding the right software solution.
I found out that there is even a WordPress theme for selling your own photos, it is called Stocky: https://themeforest.net/item/stocky-a-stock-photography-marketplace-theme/8087525?s_rank=1
Anyone here who tried it out and may share his thoughts or show a result? It has almost 1000 downloads.
Those of you who run an own agency: Did you use a software or is it self-coded?