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Topics - thirdbornentertainment

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Pond5 / Pond5 Sales slump.
« on: September 28, 2023, 14:34 »
I went 6 weeks without a sale, and had one since. I noticed this trend started after I uploaded to gettys, although I'm not sure there is any correlation between the 2.

Has anyone else had a bad few months at pond 5? This has never happened since I started in 2016

General - Stock Video / How bad is it for the rest of you?
« on: January 21, 2021, 17:09 »
I'm down to 3 agencies, pond5 adobe and dissolve. Earnings last December for my 1500 clip portfolio were over 1k usd. This year I barely cracked 300. I'm getting fewer sales no matter how much I add (quality clips). If you thought 2020 sucked just wait....

So much for $1.50 sales huh? I'm done with these morons

I want to mass delete my portfolio from this giant steaming turd of a company...any ideas? The only way I found is one by one. (I don't want to just disable, I want 100% out of this dumpster fire)

Had one for $3 two weeks ago, followed by $102, $23 and now $1.80

Fyi SS I'm deleting every clip you sell for scraps.

Pond5 / Will Shutterstock csv work with Pond5?
« on: May 18, 2020, 17:21 »
I tried in the past but wasn't able to get my keywords and titles to load properly. Is there a way to do this without having to go through clips one by one?

Shutterstock.com / $3.36 for a Hyperlapse clip
« on: May 03, 2020, 13:29 »
This is my lowest sale to date. I've seen the $1.50 threads but thought I'd just share this anyway. I guess the 90 minutes it took to shoot this clip and the hour to process it is only worth $3.36. Keep up the great work shutterstock.

Here's what SS considers to be worthless. https://www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-1030079846

I've not experienced a total loss of footage but was wondering if any of the stock agencies would allow you to download the master file for low to no cost in the event of data loss?

Typically they have my clips reviewed within a day or two but no it's been over 2 weeks and my clips are still pending. Anyone else experiencing this?

I saw one of my exclusive clips on Adobestock. How is this exclusive at all? SMH

General - Stock Video / Pond5 removing 4k pricing
« on: February 07, 2019, 12:56 »
Remember when Pond5 had different pricing for 4k and 1080? Not anymore! They just cut the prices of more than half of our portfolios for 4k footage. This "test" which nobody was informed about is a brilliant way for them to help us make more money by giving our footage away. Told yall it was a race to the bottom. JFC.

Just had a sale where I made 13$ which is weird since my clip price is $70. It appears that pond5 has introduced a web tier pricing to help us lose even more money. I'm currently going through and manually changing the cost of web pricing to match my HD prices.

I just had two 4k sales on videoblocks/storyblocks and the clips were refunded immediately. How is this possible? I'm assuming the person is just buying the clips and getting their money back while keeping the digital downloads. Why are they allowing this crap to happen? So basically we can download content, any content we want and then ask for a refund. Great stuff Video Blocks!

I just looked at my sales and saw the tax withheld rate went from $4.72 to $14.15. Anyone know what is up?

I just had a bunch of clips rejected due to no model releases. It was water-skiing footage of a major event which is similar to a lot of my shoots where it would be considered editorial footage. I talso had a timelapse clip rejected due to no property release, again it should be considered editorial.

Here's the message: " Thanks for your upload but unfortunatelly we cannot take this clips because we no longer accept logos/brands/ads etc on main focus and without property release."

I understand where they are coming from due to the sheer volume of crap footage that people upload but there has to be some give when it comes to quality stuff. If this is the new way it'll mean blurring out every single logo, every face unless you have permission from everyone in it.

Anyone else experienced this yet?

General - Stock Video / Shutterstocks new pricing structure
« on: April 13, 2017, 15:11 »
Some good, some bad. The bulk buy option sounds like the kind of garbage fotolia offers with regards to how much we will make.

Email from shutterstock:

"While high resolution footage is increasingly popular with our customers, they often choose entry-level clips because of the lower price. To encourage bulk high resolution downloads, we've narrowed the pricing gap across all our video packs. By raising the price for entry-level clips and lowering the prices for higher resolution packs, we've made this higher-quality content an easier choice for our customers. These pricing changes will vary globally.

We're introducing a new high-volume footage package.

Recently there's been a demand for a large number of downloads from a specific set of customers from large companies. To suit their needs we will soon introduce a high-volume footage package. This package gives your work an opportunity to reach a broader audience that could result in even more downloads.

We will only be offering this package to large business customers who are guaranteeing bulk purchases of footage. It wont be shown on our public website. With this package, clients will be given the opportunity to download a large volume of footage clips at a negotiated price per clip. As with our other footage products, your earnings under this high-volume footage package will be a percentage of the purchase price of each download, with payouts between $3 and $6 per clip."

I try to put a lot of effort into most of my footage, creating the highest quality possible because any garbage clip ive ever shot never sells. With that said, I found a fella with 39,000+ clips on pond 5 which doesnt impress me from the stuff i've seen. Do you think it's possible to make much money with such a gigantic catalog? https://www.pond5.com/artist/weathernews#1/2063

General - Stock Video / $1000 clip sale on motion elements.
« on: January 30, 2017, 01:40 »
Put two clips (hyperlapse) on there and priced them at 1000 kinda as a joke and two months later sold one. Looks like it's time to upload everything!

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