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Adobe Stock / Genuine illustrations marked as AI
« on: January 08, 2024, 08:38 »
While preparing a new batch of submissions I just noticed a lot of my recent illustrations are marked as Generated with AI :o. I have a small number of photos generated with AI which are marked accordingly but have never created or submitted AI illustrations. This is a really low blow and I urge every fellow illustrator to check their portfolios for this. I'll contact support immediately but I'd love to hear from Mat Hayward about this

Adobe Stock / Adobe stock keyword mess
« on: December 08, 2022, 09:57 »
I just noticed that the keywords of my recent images/videos don't appear correctly on the customer's side - major keywords missing, keyword order off, completely irrelevent keywords added...
Could you guys check your recent submissions to see if it's widespread or only me?

I usually don't pay attention to newsletters but this really rubbed me the wrong way:

"Laughing in the purple rain
Today I heard an unusual term applied to content: the gift economy. The idea was to try thinking of whatever youre making not as operating in service of the commodity economy, but rather as a gift extended to the world without expectation. I love that concept because it requires an immediate mindset of generosity, and a conviction that we live in a world of creative abundance. This is not to say that art should be free; of course, creators need to make money, and I would never devalue the energy, skill, and talent that goes into making something. Rather, I see the gift economy as it relates to content as a recognition of value beyond simple exchange, reaching into what makes something special -- worth beyond measure, as it were. My favorite marketing concept is that a rising tide lifts all boats, which to me is the opposite of a zero-sum situation; more makes more. By putting our creative output into the world in a spirit of generosity, we lift the boat for everyone. How would your work change if you put it through this filter?
Happy creating!
Jennifer Braunschweiger
Senior Director of Content Marketing Shutterstock"

Now check this:

Adobe Stock / 1042-S form
« on: April 18, 2022, 11:30 »
I contacted [email protected] but I see people here and on adobe forums complaining about waiting for weeks or even months without an answer. My tax deadline is end of april. Is it worth waiting or should I just bite the bullet and file without? Any recent experience with adobetax?

Pond5 / Pond5 halving prices
« on: August 06, 2021, 14:27 »
I just noticed that the prices for all my videos are lowered...

After testing with various proxies it appears that Pond5 is setting different prices for different regions

Adobe Stock / Fotolia officially closed
« on: November 05, 2019, 08:20 »
So now that Fotolia is gone I remember this thread from january :
Other than the it been slightly more responsive, has anything other been improved on AS's contributor site since then?
I got lucky yesterday been able to enter the exact amount to be withdrawn but now this FT feature is gone.
Also it's still ridiculous to make two extra clicks every time you check your latest activity.
What happened?

7 / Closing account caution
« on: June 24, 2019, 14:00 »
Just wanted to share that Dreamstime keeps the remaining balance at account closure. Really shifty policy considering their payout threshold is 100$.
Sales were so poor I wasn't going to get my money until next year anyway.

123RF / 123rf reducing commissions
« on: February 01, 2018, 13:05 »
Anyone noticed  the change in their profile ? My 12 month total hasn't changed much but I dropped from fourth to second level .

10 / Closing account
« on: March 13, 2017, 06:37 »
Hi , Long time lurker here . I finally decided to pull the plug on iStock/Getty . I have been a member since 2010 and up to the acquisiton sales were really good . I decided to stop uploading and it was a freefall ever since . The ESP fiasco was the last drop for me . There's still money coming in but I really feel disgusted dealing with these people . The delays , the '90s interface , lack of detailed stats is beyond a joke now . I'm done , I just want out . The problem is I already sent 2 messages  to them and none has been answered yet .
The first message was about deactivating my entire portfolio but keeping my account/username just in case . The second one , 10 days later , was a formal ticket for closing my account . A week later both tickets are open and still no answer .

Why everything is a struggle with that agency ? What are my choices besides waiting ? My english is not good enough for a phone call and I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my cool speaking to them

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