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Topics - hongee

Pages: [1]
General Stock Discussion / Food and Landscape Stock Photography
« on: September 12, 2017, 21:17 »
I have been selling stock photos for a while. But sales is not very good. I would like to seek some pointers to improve sales.

I mainly shoot food and landscape.

Should I leave more copy space in the photo? or any other pointers

Here is my portfolio in one of the agencies:

Many thanks

2 / Crestock is absolutely not contributor friendly
« on: August 10, 2017, 23:18 »
Tried this site, but very disappointed.

1. 10 photos upload for 10 days
2. Long approval cycle, already stuck for 2 months

So, if I have 300 photos to up, I need 300 days to get them uploaded, almost a year. I also hope they will approve these photos in a prompt manner.

Definitely not worth the time.

New Sites - General / photospin
« on: August 10, 2017, 21:16 »
I have been photospin for about 6 months.

Slow sale: I have about 180 pictures there, 4 sales for the past 6 months.

I don't know how to view my portfolio, as a contributor. I stupidly search my name on the search bar, like a visitor, to find my portfolio.

Does anyone have the same problem or any can tell me how to solve it?

General Stock Discussion / Cannot upload to Bigstock
« on: August 04, 2017, 21:18 »
Don't know other members have the same problem.

I tried to upload through FTP, but got error message "530 Only 5 connections are allowed per login.". The I shift to use web upload, no response with firefox. I changed to Chrome, the upload process started, finished at 100%. But I could not find the uploaded image in the Edit and Submit section.

I only upload 1 image with 20mb in size

Site Related / Graphicleftover long approval cycle
« on: July 31, 2017, 22:00 »
I hope people from Graphicleftover will read this thread.

I joined Graphicleftover in Feb this year. I then uploaded around 60 photos. But since I forgot to provide my portfolio link, all files were rejected. That's fair.

In June, I provided my portfolio link and got approved to upload files. In June, I uploaded 57 files, and in July, I uploaded 40 files. But I never hear from them afterward. I messaged their Review Team twice got no reply. I messaged their support team, got no reply neither.

I wonder how long does it take for them to either approve or reject a submission.

I started to wonder whether my GRAPH is LEFT OVER.

Pages: [1]


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