Shutterstock.com / Anybody getting reviews?
« on: March 20, 2024, 16:31 »
Haven't had anything reviewed since Friday. Haven't hit a lull like this in a long time.
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Shutterstock.com / Anybody getting reviews?« on: March 20, 2024, 16:31 »
Haven't had anything reviewed since Friday. Haven't hit a lull like this in a long time.
Shutterstock.com / Great Job with the Keywording!« on: November 25, 2023, 09:42 »
No Savannah, No Skyline, and No Church. We have a perfect Trifecta
Shutterstock.com / SS working for anyone?« on: December 07, 2021, 18:44 »
Can't get to my profile and search doesn't work on customer side.
Computer Hardware / Need Advice on New Windows Laptop« on: June 18, 2021, 15:49 »
TL;DR version, need a new Windows laptop. Want the best I can get for photo editing.
Looking for some help. I'm ready to buy a new laptop and want to get as much input as I can. The only firm spec I have right now is that it be a Windows laptop. I've been running laptops for 30 years and not interested in changing - also don't want to learn a new OS. My current build is a Dell XPS 8th Ge i7 2.2Ghz with 32Gb Ram and a Nvidia GeoForce GT 1050 Ti and a 1Tb SSD It has served me well, although it runs hot sometimes and bogs down occasionally. It's starting to show age in keyboard and usb ports so, it's time. I've always done well with IBM and Dell, but I'm not overly partial to any brand of laptop, processor or video cards. Of course, I could always just go with the latest version of this model and call it done. Between clickbait, PPC, and affiliate marketing, trying to research anything on the web has become useless. So, I want to ask you guys. My highest use would be with my normal load of Chrome browser, Evernote, email and both Photoshop and Lightroom running. I say this next part with caution, but money is no object. Having said that, looking at the core specs of the really expensive machines don't look a lot better than that of the mid-range. I am assuming I will pay somewhere between $2500 and $5,000. The Alientech gaming machines have great specs but, I don't really need the fancy keyboard or speaker system, but if that gets my specs up, I'm good with that. I get a lot of conflicting advice on CPU vs GPU vs RAM and which I should invest in. Is 64Gb RAM going to buy me anything when I max out at 67% usage with my 32GB? At what point does one more generation of CPU help? Nvidia or AMD. If you were speccing out the perfect machine what would it be? Looking for any and all advice. Thanks 5
Adobe Stock / Mat Hayward - My new best friend« on: May 26, 2020, 13:13 »
An agency that has gone from 66% of my sales to 30% just decided to screw its long time contributors.
Goodbye. Hello, Adobe. Long live the king. 6
Alamy.com / Alamy Sold« on: February 11, 2020, 10:37 »
Today PA Media Group, the UK-based news and information business, has announced the acquisition of Alamy.
"Please be assured that its business as usual at Alamy" I've never heard that one before. 7
iStockPhoto.com / How to Find my Portfolio on Getty.« on: November 07, 2019, 15:31 »
Making my semi-annual trek here to get reminded how to fond my Portfolio on Getty. I'll give you a clue. It's not under the tab that say's My Content. And nowhwere to be found is the link like on every other site called something handy like, My Portfolio.
Can anyone remind me the secret door and handshake to see my images on Getty? 8
Software - General / What software do you use to store, retrieve and input keywords« on: June 04, 2019, 18:43 »
Not asking about keyword tools. I use the MSG one and SS. But how do you enter and store the keywords. I've used Lightroom for many years, but I don't have a good system for retrieving and entering repetitive data. I keep going back to the tools and searching once again for the same stuff. My LR keyword library is a mess after 10 years. I've used a spreadsheet in the past, but with tens of thousands of images, not sure that is practical.
How does everyone here get it done? 9
General Stock Discussion / This guy is reselling stock images on Amazon« on: November 16, 2018, 14:23 »
Has at least one of mine. I am pursuing it with Amazon at this time.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/islandburner/b/ref=bl_dp_s_web_3886970031?ie=UTF8&node=3886970031&field-lbr_brands_browse-bin=islandburner 10
Adobe Stock / Before you go.....« on: November 12, 2018, 15:59 »
Is this a valid licensee of Fotolia? They have a ton of images watermarked from there.
http://wallsheaven.com/wall-murals/blackened-grouper-in-window-light-E852866761 11
Software - General / iStock/Getty no longer accepting submissions from Stocksubmitter« on: July 17, 2018, 14:58 »
It will come as a shock that iStock has stopped us from using the easiest tool to submit to them.
Per email.... Please use ESP, our mobile app, or one of our approved third‑party tools for future submissions Keywording quality is essential to make it easy for customers to find and license your imagery. After careful review, weve concluded that the overall quality and accuracy of keywords we receive with imagery submitted using StockSubmitter does not meet the high standards we require. Due to this, we are no longer supporting imagery submitted using StockSubmitter, effective end of day, July 20, 2018. We value your content and hope that you will instead submit directly to us through our ESP upload tool or one of the third‑party direct upload tools that are available: DeepMeta or QHero. We believe that by submitting directly to us, your keyword quality will improve, and it will be easier to find and license your imagery. This benefits our customers and increases the potential of your content being licensed. We have also made significant improvements to the speed and ease of keywording in ESP, both on the desktop and in our mobile app, which we encourage you to take a fresh look at. Best wishes, The Getty Images | iStock team 12
Adobe Stock / Payment Delay at Adobe?« on: April 10, 2018, 17:49 »
Mat, I have a payment that's been pending since Apr 1, and now I have about $75 in sales I can't request payment. There haven't been any large sales that should hold anything up. I couldn't find any contact info anywhere on the site.
Should I go to the Fotolia site to get help? And speaking of which, will these two ever be merged? 13
General Stock Discussion / How Can I Possible Say No?« on: February 16, 2018, 16:20 »
NCL Cruise Lines saw one of my images and asked if they could post it to their social media sites and gave me a link to their terms. Sounds like a sweet deal. They get full, unfettered rights and as far as I can tell, I don't even get credit.
"I hereby grant to NCL Corporation Ltd., it subsidiaries, agents and affiliates, the unlimited worldwide, perpetual, unending right to use, reproduce, distribute, and convey my image/photograph in any format or medium now known or subsequently developed, to modify and edit my image/photograph, to combine my image/photograph with other images, video, audio, text and other media, to create derivative works incorporating, including or based on my image/photograph, and to sublicense any or all of the foregoing rights. This grant shall be construed broadly." 14
MicrostockSubmitter / SS has broken their uploader« on: November 06, 2017, 18:40 »
How long is it going to take to fix this mess? I don't know how you guys do it.
MicrostockSubmitter / Trying Stock Submitter« on: October 28, 2017, 19:30 »
I think I've tried this or similar in distant past, but didn't keep with it.
Now I'm trying to simplify my stock business and streamline some of the work. It seems to come highly regarded, but after reading some of the posts and reviews, I have a question. The developer is welcome to jump in also, but want some real life answers from users if you don't mind. Why and how does it save time? Currently, I have an automated FTP process send my daily uploads to the 8-10 agencies I regularly submit to. Then every morning, I go to each one and go through whatever process is involved to finish. Metadata is already done via Lightroom. As you know, some agencies are a few clicks to finish while others take more time, picking categories and such. From what I've read, it grabs the files and then I go to each agency and do the things required to make sure the upload is ready. So how is this different from doing it on the site. I don't mind spending the money if it will help, but just wanted to know more about how that happens. I would probably need the Casual or Pro level subscription. TIA
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