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Topics - Pacesetter
« on: January 26, 2025, 03:45 »
Stocker2014 would agree with me that while Biden was getting a bit old for the job and a little incoherent with his speech, he was overall a good leader who served his people well during his tenure as 46th president of the United States.
On behalf of Stocker2014, myself and the Microstock Group forum, we would just like to thank you Joe Biden and the Democrats for your four years of exceptional service and leadership.
Kind regards.
« on: December 11, 2024, 19:42 »
Yes! Yes You Can! You can MAKE UP TO AS MUCH AS 5 CENTS A MONTH IN 2025!
I hear it all the time, everywhere I go
Nup nope not possible noooo body can MAKE UP TO AS MUCH AS 5 CENTS A MONTH IN 2025!
Not even Yuri Acurs
Absolute utter garbage!
But first, stay tuned for my 3 hour, 14 min Youtube video where I do a deep reveel, and give a FREE detailed, deep-dive analysis into my earning proof to MAKE UP TO AS MUCH AS 5 CENTS A MONTH IN 2025!
The problem is NOT the wonderfully philanthropic agencies and marketplaces we upload to.
The problem is you.
Face it, you dont wanna work long and hard, pay for talented models and props, arrange model releases and property releases so as to produce high quality saleable content in demand. But then you cry and complain that you cant MAKE UP TO AS MUCH AS 5 CENTS A MONTH IN 2025!
You even do everything on the cheap, like buy a second-hand DSLR camera off eBay instead of investing in quality gear like a brand new Pentax 645D 40MP Digital SLR for photos or new Sony PXW-FX9K XDCAM 6K for video, and then wonder why you dont MAKE UP TO AS MUCH AS 5 CENTS A MONTH IN 2025!
If youre really serious about how to MAKE UP TO AS MUCH AS 5 CENTS A MONTH IN 2025! then you got to get yourself the 12 Dirty Little Secrets to Making up to as Much as 5 Cents a Month in the Microstock Industry in 2025!!
For your exclusive copy of the 12 Dirty Little Secrets to Making up to as Much as 5 Cents a Month in the Microstock Industry in 2025!! rush me your cash, cheque or money order today!
Regular price for this stock photography success blueprint is $247. But due to high inflation, the war in Ukraine, rising sea levels (and now Trump tariffs) you can get it all for the exciting low price of just $8,793.95!
Yes, thats right! Check out the special discounted prices below! These package deals are literally flying off the shelves!
Dont delay! These bargain prices wont last!
« on: August 31, 2024, 04:29 »
I have become partially reliant on microstock in recent years.
It has helped me to do some things in life I would not be able to do without it and I have a full time job - and I'm not talking about splurging on indulgences here. Rising costs and cost-of-living pressures has eroded my day-job discretionary income quite significantly.
Some people still make a living from microstock and I have to say you have my sincere respect. Clearly you have worked hard and smart to achieve this.
Others, like myself, have microstock as a supplementary albeit necessary side-income. Others have microstock simply as a hobby and making a bit of extra income, at whatever amounts, is like a small reward.
« on: August 20, 2024, 02:19 »
This might not be much for many contributors but it means a lot for me. Even with working full-time I would never of been able to upgrade on my old 2005 Mazda 6 Classic (with 376,000 kms | 233,000 miles) with this 12/2013 Mazda 6 GT 2.5L (with 146,000 kms | 90,000 miles) - at least not without a car loan - which I did this years ago and don't want to do again.
I bought this well-maintained car on the weekend and is fully paid with my microstock earnings - less a small trade in on the old Mazda. The GT is 8 years ahead of my old Classic but seriously feels like 20 years ahead. A grand leap in mod cons and features. Very impressive for a 10 year old vehicle and really nice car to drive.
« on: August 15, 2024, 17:34 »
Had an okay month in July 2024 though earnings were down about 13% from July 2023 even with quite consistent uploading over the year.
$296.43 was the monthly result with an RPD of $2.47 for stills and videos combined.
« on: August 15, 2024, 00:21 »
Was just doing a search of videos of Sydney City on Adobe Stock and came across this AI generated video clip of the city which has basically no resemblance (Link below). At least the clip is flagged as AI but find it strange Adobe would accept this kind of content. https://stock.adobe.com/au/video/city-view-of-sydney-australia/775815216 What do others think about this?
« on: June 05, 2024, 03:47 »
Check out the new Content Statistics page on iStock. This is a welcome feature. Stats are updated daily when filtered for month-to-date. There's some other filter options there too.
Check it out!
« on: May 17, 2024, 19:50 »
Getting a Connection Timed Out error quite regularly. I figure sometimes it might be my internet connection but other times the connection is fine and all other sites load without delay. Anyone else getting connection timed out errors?
« on: April 14, 2024, 03:10 »
For anyone who may be interested.
« on: March 20, 2024, 19:56 »
I'm seeing my Pond5 sales picking up really well this month. Anyone else having similar results?
Really good to see this with various problems and slowing sales on some other agencies in recent months. Hopefully will see continued sustainable lift in sales on Pond5.
« on: March 10, 2024, 04:20 »
Was going to say this is a hypothetical but the way things are heading it might not be too far off.
So you once made hundreds or thousands of dollars each month on Shutterstock but now making $100 a month is an exceptionally good month.
Yet Shutterstock still reports huge profits - by far the main coming from its data licensing program and AI generations. You can opt out but can you really trust that?
What will you do with your portfolio?
1) Nothing, will continue to upload like I've always done.
2) Keep it up but no longer upload.
3) Disable the port.
4) Close the account.
« on: December 31, 2023, 09:02 »
Just want to wish everyone and every subber contributor a very happy reset. May you be excited and incentivized on happy reset day.
« on: September 15, 2023, 20:13 »
Went to look at content statistics and nothing there so figure to check royalties and August is there already. Not a bad or great month, pretty average as per the chart....
« on: August 15, 2023, 16:32 »
Overall good month, my best month ever on iStock to date beating my previous BME in March 2023 by 78 cents (aka 0.78$)
« on: June 15, 2023, 17:03 »
Well that's an early arrival. Second best month with an RPD of $2.08 for photos and video combined.
Considering about 112 video licences sold in May (and 30+ images) it's really not a great result overall. Would think video sales would bring up the RPD more.
« on: March 20, 2023, 13:22 »
A BME in February 2023 with an RPD of $2.46 for stills and video combined. Just as well given a very slow month everywhere else in March so far for mine.
« on: February 17, 2023, 15:32 »
A BME in January 2023 with an RPD of $2.49 for images and video combined.
« on: December 16, 2022, 14:09 »
Fourth best month overall with $1.69 RPD for photos and video combined. This is a lower RPD compared to recent months. So not a bad month but not great either.
« on: December 06, 2022, 15:27 »
My Pond5 sales always report once a day at 10.39am AEST or 11.39am AEDT. However, for the first time I've seen a sale dropped in at 1.45 am AEDT. Not complaining, it's just unusual. Maybe all my customers are typically from my area of the world so sales always happen within the usual hours in the reporting cycle. And the commission was pretty good at $58.86. Anyone else have sales report more than once a day?
« on: October 19, 2022, 17:56 »
Second best month but RPD down to $1.63 in September vs $2.97 in August (which incidentally was my BME on iStock).
« on: June 17, 2022, 03:16 »
While my earnings were a tad over double the earnings in April, and over 12x that of May 2021, the downloads report suggested it would of been much more. Even so, May 2022 is my 4th best earnings overall on iStock.
« on: May 25, 2022, 20:15 »
« on: May 18, 2022, 17:29 »
Bit of a surprise really as the download information came in late this month. But anyway, not a great month in April. Better than the last two Aprils though.
« on: May 09, 2022, 03:54 »
I usually don't care much about finding my images in the media and online. Seen quite a few just doing a desktop search. But occasionally I find something that feels really quite cool. Watching television this morning and on comes an ad on Channel 7 about the final showdown debate of contending political party leaders here in Oz with the federal elections coming up later this month. I wasn't able to find the ad online so just took a recording of the tv screen on my phone. The clip goes for barely 1 second at the 8 second mark. Was an aerial drone hyperlapse of Parliament House I did over a year ago. Same clip appeared on a Sky News Australia ad last year. Linked to the Youtube upload below. Sorry for poor quality. Anyone else find your content in the media which you feel proud to see? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBt0V8LRpNU
« on: April 18, 2022, 20:54 »
Second best month ever for a $2.70 RPD overall.
Microstock Poll Results