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Topics - bigmac

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I am fairly new to stock photography and when I first started I tested the water with a few agencies uploading a handful of images to them all before concentrating on the one which worked best for me.  Things have worked out reasonably well with that agency and I was planning on going exclusive when possible.  In anticipation, I have been attempting to close accounts elsewhere.  You know whats coming next....

One agency just wont reply to my account cancellation requests.  Two others are insisting that despite a portfolio of only a handful of images, they will implement the clause stipulating that images must remain on their sites for 6 months.  With one agency the 6 month rule applies only when you request deletion of images.  So, effectively that means I cant go exclusive until September.  Extremely galling as the portfolios with those agencies are so small and have only produced one sale in the last 4 months.

As I say, my fault for not reading the small print, but does anyone have any advice? 

General Stock Discussion / iStock worth the bother?
« on: January 24, 2008, 12:08 »
Can anyone who became exclusive at iStock detail any obvious improvements as soon as they became exclusive?  Is it worth sticking at it?  After reaching acceptance of over 90% (which i largely put down to my new L series lens/5d combo), I am now finding almost everything is getting rejected.  Now, far be it from me to question the decisions.  I am happy to accept them all.  I'm not a quitter and am prepared to work extremely hard to put it right (as I have done through various iterations over many months), but sometimes I also stick with a lost cause too long and I really dont want to spend the next 6 months banging my head against a brick wall.  Is it time to call it a day?

iStockPhoto.com / Rejection Cheer
« on: December 14, 2007, 10:40 »
I had a series of 60 really nice images of Grecian urns all rejected.....

...apparently they contained artifacting  ;D

i thank you. 

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