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Topics - oldmoozy

Pages: [1]
Yandex, the largest Russian search system, just've got a new functionality. It automatically finds duplicates of the images, you search for. How does it help us? Just put the url of your photo in the search box, it will work just like Tineye.

Microstock Services / Find who uses your photos
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:06 »
Eyemypics checks your portfolio in TinEye, so you don't need to do it manually for each photo yourself.

admin comment:
*link removed*
don't enter your user name or password into any program or website or you are not 100% sure of.

I'm trying to find out the best selling technique for isolation. Hope some Pros could help me with that.

I've shot an object on white background. After playing with curves I've got the object with a nice shadow, and light background.
Whould it raise the sells if I manually erase the background to uniform white (255,255,255) or get rid of the object's shadow?

Should the clipping path include just the object or the object with it's shadow?

Does including the clipping path mean that everything outside of it should be erased?

Pages: [1]


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