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Topics - Firn

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What in the world are the people who designed this smoking? Now you actually have to scroll down (like, a lot) to see any relevant information. I had to take 3 (!) pages of screenshot to show you the full dashboard. And the latest downloads are now completely missing - again. There is just the map with dots on it, but no list that shows you your latest downloads anymore.

 And not only does it not show me my latest downloads, it does not even show me the current month's earnings anymore. Yes, with Shutterstock now you can't even tell how much you have earned in the current month when looking at your dashboard. Isn't that crazy? I have a"livetime earnings" window that shows me my lifetime earnings and there is the old "monthly earnings" tab where I can select "year to date" or past months' earnings. There doesn't seem to be any way to see this month's earnings directly on your dashboard anymore. The only way to get that information now is to click on the "Earning summary" tab. If the dasboard wasn't the only place where I can submit new images, I would not even have any reason to go there anymore.

This is even worse than their last attempt at redesigning the dashboard.  :o

I took the survey and the question what I would like to see on my dashboard had all sorts of random things no one really cares about, but not the obvious options: "Latest downloads" or "monthly earnings".  :o

No matter how I try to wrap my head around this, I absolutely cannot understand what they were thinking with this new redesign. When I go to the dashboard I want to see what I sell and how much I earn. Additional information regarding MY SALES is welcome, but random blog entries should absolutely not be the top priority taking up a full page so that I have to scroll to even see any information that is relevant to me.

2 / "Exciting" news ahead?
« on: April 07, 2022, 10:44 »
Today I briefly had a banner in my Shutterstock dashboard telling me that there would be some exciting changes ahead. There was also a link I was supposed to click on for more information, but it only lead to the contributor FAQ page and I couldn't spot anything new there. Now it's gone again.
Anyone else seen it? What do you think it will be?  I really hope it's just something as harmless as the redesign of the dashboard page.  :'(

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