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Messages - cascoly

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attached your image as example, 6 seconds by AI, easy 90% similar

..posting my image without my permission is a violation of my copyright!!

Should we expect firefly bonus this year?
:( I want a protection for crawling by firefly and all other crawlers and not a tiny bonus  :( . i see copies of my best seller renderings all over Adobe, even same title and keywords. just read about reddit not allows crawling anymore, by google only. dont know, just want let my bad feeling about this topic out  :o

you're confusing 2 issues

1 - theft of images by individuals

2 - scraping for AI training - and AS lets you opt out having your images used for training
where can i opt out?

they are not downlaoded and re-uploaded. they are 90% similar, as good as the AI can re-create these images

opt out policies are clearly defined by adobe - do your research before making false claims &  complaining about something YOU are responsible for

how did you decide they were '90% similar' - very strange claim

how do you know those 'copied' images are done by ai? why not simple editing by those who copy?  it's nigh impossible for AI to produce something you created - unless you're creating extremely generic image

post your images & the copies to prove your case, otherwise it's just more anti-AI whinging

where's the beef?

Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« on: July 25, 2024, 14:00 »

Why don't you have any website?
Why are you giving direct download of the software?
Is this safe and legitimate?
What is your privacy policy and terms and conditions?

Sorry, I haven't had time to make a website, I will try.

My main purpose of making this application is to make it easier for me to fill in the metadata for my images that I will send to various Microstock sites.

what changes were made in this version?

how many days long is the trial period? - last time it was short and ended without any warning or explanation when you tried to test more images

i've been using https://www.visualmind.ai and have processed over 600 images in the last week @ $.03 per image - excellent results & it provides both a CSV and zip of the edted images

Should we expect firefly bonus this year?
:( I want a protection for crawling by firefly and all other crawlers and not a tiny bonus  :( . i see copies of my best seller renderings all over Adobe, even same title and keywords. just read about reddit not allows crawling anymore, by google only. dont know, just want let my bad feeling about this topic out  :o

you're confusing 2 issues

1 - theft of images by individuals

2 - scraping for AI training - and AS lets you opt out having your images used for training

yes,what I want to wait for is the last quarter of the year...

no need to wait (and last qtr may have always been significantly different from other) --> keep a running average of the last 3 completed months - then you'll aways be able to compare a current quarter vs 1 yr, etc ago

Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« on: July 13, 2024, 13:07 »
turns out the trial period had ended, but they didnt bother to tell anybody

Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« on: July 11, 2024, 14:02 »

I'm developing software to automatically generate metadata using the gemini API, it's called Maigen.

You can try it here
Download : https://t.ly/KQvGs

Trial key : MAIGEN_TRIAL_IKN48
Thank you.


no longer works - says 'link  has expired'

Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« on: July 09, 2024, 13:49 »
... testing report removed

I have a photo showing a United States locale that is named using a non-standard English character. It has an in the formal name. When writing keywords/titles, should I use a standard n or keep the tilde?

Dreamstime made me change it to a regular n, but Im not sure how to best handle other sites to ensure its easily findable by buyers.

it'd be rejected by many agencies - one of most troublesome is caf which autocorrect insists on adding the accent. i have to use something like caFe to bypass

Don't worry, I have the little troll on ignore, I only see the posts if someone quotes them.

I didnt know about that awesome feature! Thanks for pointing that out. I can now ignore idiots and focus on reading posts from intelligent and well-mannered individuals. This will make my time spent on this forum a lot more enjoyable.

back in the BBS modem days (1980s), we added a twit filter to our Stonehenge program - it let the twit continue to post, but it wouldn't actually display anything except to them, leaving them wonder why no one was responding to their comments

Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« on: July 06, 2024, 17:19 »
... testing report removed

Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« on: July 06, 2024, 17:17 »
i... testing report removed

Software / Re: Maigen - Automatic metadata generator
« on: July 06, 2024, 15:40 »
.... but anyways - the "ai" systems will stick in "wierd" results... so just make sure you check for that.


ignoring your usual off-topic diatribes, just how can his app check for 'weird' results w/o a human manually checking each result?

you say you tried the app.  then you fly a tangential argument about theoretical errors  - what 'very bad results' did you find with THIS app?

it's up to the user to ensure this tool is producing results they consider accurate

General Stock Discussion / Re: What If?
« on: June 21, 2024, 16:25 »
I have been in this industry for a looooong time, I still earn thousands a month on my stock "mostly video" As I see people getting hammered on photos and I have the same concerns I was wondering if we all went to P5 which is not perfect and priced our largest size at $10 and just uploaded there then hey we would at least see a decent return on our images. Oh I am aware of the getting sales and traffic problem but I think it could be done!

first, we'd be just as small % of folk charging 10%, but bigger factor is pond's poor performance and there's not much we can do to influence their sales & traffic -- these are not just a 'problem' they are a massive wall that prevents us from reaching the marketplace on our own

we don't have the resources to compete in google searches.  google ads never were useful, but my ads on ebay (for non-photo items) have a return of $40-50 for each dollar spent.  mostly that's because i dont take ebay's 'advice' on what to spend per click and - ebay has about about 10K listings for my categories, so it's easier to pay to rise to the top.  we can't afford to that whe there are millions of images avaialble o google

Adobe Stock / Re: After 3 years in stock I feel scammed
« on: June 21, 2024, 16:12 »
I have over 4k images on sale (3D + AI + some videos)

Adobe used to make $250 a week at ~2k images, I'm down to $40 a week now, with 4k+ images

I have to feed the beast daily because I'm sure that last upload date is part of the search algorithm, but even that doesn't help anymore...

It's not just adobe, sales down x5 on all sites I contribute to, this is a horrible waste of time

where was the scam - did you not read the ToS  before submitting? did you not do your research on this forum & others to see if this was a good fit?

it really matters what your portfolio contains - i continue to get decent sales from 10+ years ago.

my portfolio is weighted towards non-time sensitive images -- medieval castles & ancient ruins don't change much over time, nor do traditional markets, nature, etc. i also sell many editorial images on sites that accept them -  my drop in sales over the last 5 years, compared to 2018 sales

  • 2023   -2.78%
    2022   -24.90%
    2021   -3.82%
    2020   -4.50%
    2019   -11.80%

of course  a 3% / yr average increase in inflation over that time period makes those numbers worse, since earning would have increased by about 20% by 2023 to maintain pace w inflation - but still a drop but not a disaster

i've always seen microstock as a supplement to my other retirement income, so my situation isn't comparable to those needing more income for time invested

we've seen this coming for years now, but my  drop in sales has been minimal to modest

these are my losses compared to 2018 total
  • 2023   -2.78%
    2022   -24.90%  while non-photo eBay & Amazon sales doubled under covid
    2021   -3.82%
    2020   -4.50%
    2019   -11.80%

SS continues to be my best source - consistently about 2 x AS, with canva and SS contending for 2nd place

much of the reason i've been able to minimize losses is i've opted in to every option for income for training, AS $5 to list as free, etc..

how many of those complaining about drop in sales have declined this low hanging fruit?

FAA, alamy and pond have low sales, but larger ones when they do occur

i've branched out to selling galleries (20+ images for a single price) on my blogsite (with links from my content) and started an etsy store a month ago so still filling the shelves there

General - Top Sites / Re: Etsy better than AI?
« on: June 20, 2024, 14:07 »
There can only be one copyright owner of a photo.  Multiple people can't resell if they are not copyright owners.

wrong - no problem as long as the creator/copyright holder gives a license for re-selling withount needing to hold the copyright. 

and if they keep the copyright, they can sell to as many people as they like

whether this is good business model is a completely separate issue

Canva / Re: Notice of violation emails
« on: June 20, 2024, 14:01 »
i get only $5-10/mo from canva, but their monthly bonus/creator plan usually outperforms AS and all others except SS

would be nice if they started accepting new content again instead of immediate rejections, but they dont bother to respond eighter here or thru customer 'support'


I'm afraid you'll have to forgive me but Wikipedia has been provably corrupted with false information and tactical omissions in an organised campaign by Susan Gerbic and her gorilla skeptics group. Who have behaved in an unethical way and have already been investigated prior to this latest scandle. Wikipedia was always a hit and miss affair but now anything of a paranormal or ufo nature within Wiki has been damaged beyond repair. This has been quite a public issue I'm surprised you've not come across it. She and her cohorts have committed a terrible act and they have hurt ufo history and the skeptical fraternity alike. ....

the 2 links i showed weren't from Wikipedia . i didnt know about the incidents you mentioned as i rarely use wiki since i agree it too often unreliable (it is useful for details on sports {eg rules of cricket}, specific historical events such as battles, overviews of architectural styles, etc)   

wiki does get it right when they've listed my early online multiplayer games  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sniper!_(video_game)


btw, no one has been able to demonstrate telekinesis under controlled conditions

It is much better to chat than battle. Ahhhhh now Steven - telekinesis has been shown under controlled circumstances but were they rigorous enough. Certainly at the time but by tidays standards 🤔 or skeptics 🤨. I'll avoid Randi he was an insufferable clot and he was also disingenuous and was not very rigorous. There was also a whiff he refused to pay up and moved the goal posts.


 you'll be surprised to know Randi was one of my heroes - along with the foundation that publishes Skeptical Inquirer to which i've subscribed since the late 70s.  many of their articles are free to all https://skepticalinquirer.org/volume/no-3-vol-48/  It's been an ongoing master class in critical thinking on any subject

Nobody ever claimed Randis prize because no one ever demonstrated paranormal powers under the testing protocols. (That they agreed to.)

Randi never claimed to be a scientist he was a magician who used his knowledge of magic to expose faith healers & other quacks - detailing how they performed their tricks  "The only difference between magic and astrology or feng shiu et al is that magicians tell you up front that they'll trick you"

regarding Nina, i went on a brief googe ramble again:

Some people and groups, like the James Randi Educational Foundation and the Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims on the Paranormal (CICAP), doubt claims about psychokinesis. Massimo Polidoro believes that the experiments with Kulagina had long preparation times and uncontrolled settings, like hotel rooms, which made it easy for tricks to happen. Magicians and skeptics think Kulaginas abilities could be done by someone skilled in sleight of hand, using things like hidden threads, small pieces of magnetic metal, or mirrors. They also suggest that during the Cold War, the Soviet Union might have had reasons to fake or exaggerate results for propaganda purposes, similar to the Space Race or arms race.


and from Martin gardner whose column in Scientifc American first led me to SI:

These criticisms appear to be mainly based on assertions by career sceptic Martin Gardner in works criticizing parapsychology and paranormal claims. Gardner describes Kulagina as a pretty, plump, dark-eyed little charlatan who took the stage name of Ninel because it is Lenin spelled backward and is pure showbiz. He further states that Soviet establishment psychologists caught her cheating using techniques familiar to all magicians.  This relates to remarks in a separate article on demo-optical perception, in which he reports an early demonstration by Kulagina of eyeless sight, as reported by the Leningrad newspaper Smena (16 January 1664) at the Psychoneurological Institute in the Lenin-Kirovsk district. In this demonstration Kulagina is said to have, while blindfolded, read from a magazine and performed other sensational feats. Gardner attributes such successes to the inability of a simple blindfold to prevent seeing, and argues that no test that does not encase the entire head in a covering is adquate.  He further quotes from another research institute in Leningrad in which she was given tasks under two conditions, one in which lax controls would allow her to peek and the other in which peeking would be impossible. Phenomenal ability was shown in the first condition, but none at all in the second, from which it was inferred that the claim was an ordinary hoax. 

Gardner quotes a New York Times story of 21 May 1968 that 'Ninel, now using the pseudonymn of Nelya Mikhailova, had been caught again. She was found employing concealed magnets to fool Soviet scientists and newsmen into thinking she possessed the ability to move objects by staring at them .'.


that was more than 50 years ago - what evidence of the paranormal has been verified since then?  at least w UFO there is a (very slight) chance there are extraterrestrials.. claims of the paranormal would require major changes to the laws of physics

saw on youtube as comment lol:
"We only train AI on licenced content."

Fine print:
"By using our service you give us a license btw."

and what's wrong with that? it's boilerplate ToS (always fine print). if you don't agree they won't se it - isn't that solving the complaints that AI training doesn't ask their permission?

- some go much further, such as many contests which state when you submit you are giving them license to use your image in any way they wish.


My thinking does not make it so. Nope it doesn't but it doesn't hurt to explore the concept. More and more the rumours that uap were able to be partially controlled with thought which can already be done thanks to Elon but it was around long before. So I'm curious as to how that discovery was made if true. What type of person ignorred dogma that its impossible to just do it.

Why do I waste my time. One my ask you the same question. Why ifnits such a load of old whaledreck I post- do you constantly go out of your way to Google the information, come back here, and in a detailed long post go through each comment to correct my rambling thoughts. It's a bit odd because youde think you could ignore it like I ignore Karen's losing their crap on utube. It doesn't occur to me to go and look up laws to post a tomb of accuracy to teach them. But the information you posted was interesting thank you. .,.

thanks for taking the time to discuss, while we'll still disagree.

when i respond it's mostly because i know the answer but do a quick google search  (listing source if useful) rather than post misinformation.    the internet is plagued by false info, so its my tiny contribution to accuracy

btw, no one has been able to demonstrate telekinesis under controlled conditions


Thought. Thought travels faster than light. Shine a light from the highest mountain to a ship at see and measure how fast the light got there. But your thoughts can take you there instantly. Memory can take you back in time. You can't seem to effect the past but how would we know. If time is changed in the past and changed events collapse foreward would we jave a memory of the past or a new memory of the past. ...


whaledreck!   you're confusing the physical with the mental - thought relies on transport among neurons which are significantly below the speed of light!  if i think about the moon am i walking on it? recalling the past is not time travel

besides the nit-picking fact that it is impossible to 'Shine a light from the highest mountain to a ship at see ' unless you think the earth is flat. i've been among the highest mountains & i confirm the absence of sightings of oil tankers

I never said the highest mountain on Earth.
your exact words were " Shine a light from the highest mountain to a ship "


Does it take you to these places physically? I don't think so. Never the less our consciousness does travel to an impression we have of these places and memories certainly do allow you to travel back in time. That's a form of time travel in strict terms.

Now think of a landscape on Mars. Did you manage that in under three minutes. Faster than light steven as stated even in physiological terms.

nonsense - thought is not travel except in a metaphorical sense - and though t does not occur faster than light - it's a physical  process bound by the same physical rules; measured in milliseconds.

it's not a quibble - you jumped into a to a discussion of actual travel at lightspeed, not metaphor.  we have no actual example of travel faster than light - under our current knowledge it is impossible   - BUT unlike UFO-cultists, real scientists are always open to new information

But it isnt nonsense. And it isnt a metaphor. I think neutrinos travel faster than light no? Sure I read that somewhere 🤔 maybe not.

So is it a travel mentally or a bit more? I think there is a bit more to it. When we dream we experience the locational experiences as physical experiences. To our minds an bodies these things are real events. Shaking. Crying. Screaming. Wetting the bed. Fear, love and happiness. You can say they are simulations (never mind what causes them or their function), but are they or does a part of our consciousness extend beyond our physical bodies to those locations or realities where these events play out.

your thinking doesn't make it so - why do you waste our time in what was a serious conversation with your rambling 'thoughts'

NO neutrinos do not travel F TL - which  took only a simple google search to find out a preliminary CERN report was disproven & the world stopped shaking.

and physical responses to dreams are not the same as being in a different location - do you get wet when it rains in your dreams? do you get blisters when you hike in a dream?


Time travel forwards in time is possible but by cheating and playing semantics. Earthbound you age faster than someone on the space station (5 minutes older per week is it, or month) something like that. But those on earth experience nothing and the event is only perceived from the perspective of those on the space station...

again, have you heard of google?  you're off by 3 orders of magnitude just for the number - and it's SIX months

"Astronauts on the ISS experience both weaker gravity and higher velocity, resulting in slightly slower ageing compared to people on Earth. The European Space Agency (ESA) explained in a tweet that after spending six months on the ISS, astronauts have aged about 0.005 seconds less than the rest of us.

and that's measured by those of us on earth who do the measurement and experience the time change


Memories are just captured photons like photographs. Stored and can be revisited and suddenly memories of the event trigger more information and enlarge the memory. So you do return in your mind to re-experience those events. And in fact I'm able to remember in detail the photo being taken even though I didn't even know I went to a location until I was shown the photo after many years....
wrong again  - you're describing a medieval concept of vision - there is no homunculus in the brain's theater,,  photons cannot be 'stored' and in fact what we perceive as a view is actually processed in different parts of the brain - this takes more than a simple google search but the info is there for those who are interested in  real science.

Now what is travelling back in time? Is it returning mentally and being able to illicit a physical experience which in turn create new memories which change the original memory by remembering more so that my perception of the world around me is very different but you experience nothing. Or do you want but to be all Tardis and scarfs darling
   no it's not ' returning mentally' - you can't make up your own definitions like Humpty Dumpty



Thought. Thought travels faster than light. Shine a light from the highest mountain to a ship at see and measure how fast the light got there. But your thoughts can take you there instantly. Memory can take you back in time. You can't seem to effect the past but how would we know. If time is changed in the past and changed events collapse foreward would we jave a memory of the past or a new memory of the past. ...

whaledreck!   you're confusing the physical with the mental - thought relies on transport among neurons which are significantly below the speed of light!  if i think about the moon am i walking on it? recalling the past is not time travel

besides the nit-picking fact that it is impossible to 'Shine a light from the highest mountain to a ship at see ' unless you think the earth is flat. i've been among the highest mountains & i confirm the absence of sightings of oil tankers

I never said the highest mountain on Earth. Not very imaginative of you lol. Besides you're confusing physiological with well whatever you're confusing it with Steven.

Does it take you to these places physically? I don't think so. Never the less our consciousness does travel to an impression we have of these places and memories certainly do allow you to travel back in time. That's a form of time travel in strict terms.

Now think of a landscape on Mars. Did you manage that in under three minutes. Faster than light steven as stated even in physiological terms.

you keep digging your hole deeper - first, what body of water can you see from a mountain on Mars?  how many ships are there on Mars?

but you keep saying thinking/dreaming about a place is the same as being there -  do you have any idea of what physiological means?  -- please state how your claim of time travel is valid 'even in physiological terms'?   there is no physical movement no energy expended beyond neural messages -- when you transport yourself to mars, how are you able to breathe?

when i think of Mordor, am i actually there with gollum & frodo?

Microstock Services / Re: different topic
« on: June 08, 2024, 12:56 »
Sounds like a few of the folks have watched one too many X-files episodes 8)

except they only watched the first 15' and forgot that many X-files applied science to show the alleged supernatural events were explained by science

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