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Messages - waitingonthestuff

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Thanks. Will look at that

Never really got into the whole transparent background thing so far. Is it a big earner for you? If so is Photoshop the best to remove backgrounds to a "professional" standard?

Is it still ok to generate AI images through the new Firefly/Photoshop and sell back to Adobe for Adobestock?

Seems weird that this can be done but, hey, if Adobe say it's ok then...................

Just curious.


Do you ever use your smartphone to take/sell stockphotos? If so, how is it working out for you?

General Stock Discussion / What upscale size do you go for?
« on: March 14, 2024, 08:09 »
I usually go for 3x but was wondering if I should go for the highest available and does it make a difference in sales?


Thanks. What is a camera?

Do you generate an image using just one AI generation tool or do you try out your prompt on a few? If you do use a few, who works best for you? DALL-E, Midjourney, someone else?

Thanks everyone. The images are all on the one subject but very different within that (if that makes sense!)

It would be nice to get a definitive answer from Mat on this one but really appreciate the comments

If I have ,say, 200 images on the one subject. Is it acceptable to upload them all at once or is it best practice to upload them bit by bit to Adobestock?

Just wondering what is best or if there is no difference.


3000??? How do you write a description and keyword that many if you don't mind me asking?

Just wondering if people with a higher acceptance ratio find their images higher up the algorithm?

Just a thought

I see plenty sales from certain subjects but they could all be old, for all I know. So are you having getting consistent downloads with Dreamstime in 2024?


Thanks. That's reassuring. Appreciate the prompt reply.

I have 243 currently waiting. Is that too many? Should I stop uploading until that goes down? I'm currently getting about 2 files a day reviewed.


Thanks. Will have a look

I have to say I am tempted to look at the AI generated Tit/edescription and keywording that some sites use as it would save so much time.

Does anyone on here go down that route? I just find manually doing (even with something like Chat GPT) it is so, so slow.

Just wanted to check, Am I ok to use the recycling kitemark on images?

Seems that if I upload an image, lets say, one week after I uploaded another of the same style they get put side by side in the wait list.
Is this new? I always thought that my images sat in the queue in order of date/upload time, not side by side in style or set.

Anyone else noticed this?

Adobe Stock / How many is too many to have waiting in review?
« on: February 15, 2024, 12:26 »
I have over 200 currently waiting in review. How many is too many or does it not matter?

AI Generated Stock Photography / Re: Any Midjourney extperts here?
« on: February 15, 2024, 05:30 »
What I don't understand is that there are times when it is 100 perfect and other times the faces are so off it's as though you're looking at animals!

I just don't get it.

AI Generated Stock Photography / Any Midjourney extperts here?
« on: February 14, 2024, 09:30 »
For some reason I'm getting quite a few deformed faces these days. I thought we were past all that.

Is it something I am doing? My prompts are pretty simple so I don't understand how faces can look so bad these days.

Interesting. Makes sense. Thanks

What are your thoughts on using the same keywords/description for sets that are similar?

For example would you use the same k/w/ and description for an image set of a business celebrating a big win in a bar with slight variations but essentially the people/subject matter is the same?

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