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Messages - Stockhome Syndrome

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Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock 2024 Contributor Bonus
« on: September 20, 2024, 12:00 »
Bonus 2023 + Bonus 2024 = Payouts
Number of images / payouts = 0.029 USD
= All images used for training AI for 0.029 USD each.
What is not correct with that?

Think, if we calculate that the images are used not only today, but also in the next 10 years AND unlimited times, then yes, 0.0000001 USD could be correct.  ;D

I got over $5K with about 8K videos.  How was my "bonus" calculated?

2 / Re: August statements up
« on: September 20, 2024, 06:15 »
A bit under $1300 which is my best month of the year, but down from my all time high of about $2K back in December of 2019.

But my trend here is heading slightly upward.

Pond5 / Re: So much for the new pricing model
« on: September 09, 2024, 14:00 »
Probably a very limited use or one-time streaming license.  I had 4 of those yesterday, but not worried.  Many sales above $149/HD for custom or premium license.  They aren't that stupid to give out the same license for $5.

Then they need to be more transparent as to what these licenses cover in our sales reports. "Enterprise license" means nothing to us.

General - Stock Video / Re: $1,000 sales day on Pond5 yesterday!!!
« on: September 06, 2024, 19:26 »
Nice!  I'm only at $1K for the month so far on all my agencies, and you hit that in one day!

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: September 02, 2024, 06:49 »
I doubt I can double my income again next year, but if I reach 12k in 24 I think to aim for 15K as a baseline for 25 seems reasonable.

Making 12K - 15K per year on Adobe is totally doable.  In 2023, I hit about $20K, and so far this year, I'm at $14K with about 8.000 videos.

What do you mainly produce?  Videos?  How long have you been at it?  I started back when it was Fotolia, so I've been at this for quite a few years.  I think that might be the trick, but if longevity and a strong history is the secret, then people starting more recently have a serious uphill battle unfortunately.


just write them to explain & they'll usually let you re-submit - i've had this happen several times

Write to who?

I just had a camera-created image rejected due to "Missing Generative AI Flag".  The exact reason was:

During our review, we found that it is likely to be generated by AI and not labelled as such. We can't accept your image into our collection without the label declaring it is a generative AI image.

But the thing is, this image was NOT AI-generated.  It was created in-camera.

I don't want my account suspended due to such a misunderstanding, so I've decided to delete all pending photos and won't be submitting new images or illustrations until Adobe Stock handles such issues better.  The few shekels I get from a photo license isn't worth me losing my account.

This is a serious problem with Adobe Stock.  I think rather than the reviewer outright rejecting a questionable image, they need to push it back to "pending" with a checkbox for us to confirm this was NOT AI-generated.  Or, maybe ask for a property release to prove the image was camera-created.

Thoughts on how Adobe can better handle such an issue?

Adobe Stock / Re: Viewing pending files on iphone
« on: August 25, 2024, 12:55 »
Thanks. I tried that but still am missing the menu bar.

I just went manually to the URL:

and I was able to manage my pending files on my iPhone.  But I just can't figure out how to get to this page from the dashboard when browsing on my phone.  I bookmarked that URL for future use.

This is what I see on my iPhone, regardless of the browser.  I'm missing the menubar that I see when on the desktop.  And requesting the desktop version doesn't bring it back for me.

Adobe Stock / Viewing pending files on iphone
« on: August 25, 2024, 10:13 »
Is it just me or can you not view your pending Adobe uploads in an iPhone? I cant seem to find the link in the portal. . Seems like some menu items are hidden on a phones browser.

Are you a stock photo or video producer mainly?  Which agencies do you sell now?

Mostly videos. A few photos. Pond5, ShutterStock, Adobe Stock are my main agencies, but I also put my stuff on iStock and a few others smaller agencies.

12 / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: August 21, 2024, 17:29 »
Curious what your port numbers are, do you have both stills and video?

Mostly video. Over 10.000 clips at multiple agencies.  And a handful of stills. 

13 / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: August 21, 2024, 12:53 »
I can only imagine what your production costs must be if you're making what you claim to make in the microstock business!

Production costs? For me, basically zero. Its me in a spare room in my free time churning out video clips when the inspiration hits.

My peak year was 2018 when I made about $225K.  Last year, it dropped to $148K, and so far this year, I'm on track for $125K, assuming the second half of the year is about the same as the first. But with SS falling off a cliff lately, I'm not sure if I can accurately project my 2024 earnings.

15 / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: August 19, 2024, 15:43 »
Does anyone else have a similar experience? It breaks my heart to see how my once-favorite stock photo site is hitting rock bottom.

My August is surprisingly bad.  I may not hit $1K.  And this at an agency where it wasn't uncommon for me to hit $5K - $7K per month just a few years ago!  Guess everyone who wanted my clips got them.

16 / Re: July Statements Up Early
« on: August 17, 2024, 21:01 »
Nice. Out of curiosity, how many images do you have in your portfolio?

Sorry, I'm new here.  Mostly video.  I probably should have stated that.  About 5,000 clips.

17 / Re: July Statements Up Early
« on: August 16, 2024, 20:19 »
Not bad for this new "era."  $920.45 in July, down from $1,150.59 in June, and about half of my BME, which was in December, 2019.

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