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Messages - Yola

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If you check for example Mont Saint Michel and display the latest photos, you will find Mont Saint Michel surrounded by mountains, lavender fields, in the middle of rolling hills.. and all those that I checked had this name of a real place in description. They are labelled as AI, but still... I see them as misleading.


Another interesting point comes at around 11:35 - an example of a bias in AI generation.

Because AI hasn't had the proper DEI training and just sees everything as just what it is?

I am absolutely against presenting Sherlock Holmes as a black lady or banning books and movies that were considered normal some 15 (and more) years ago.

But the example in the interview surprised me - the podcaster said he wanted to generate background (a shelf of a fireplace) for Christmas photos of kids from a kindergarten where his daughter was going. And he noticed that the fireplace generated by AI for white kids was more fancy than the one generated for afroamerican or hispanic kids. I will attach screenshots from the video.

If I was a kid, I would have been disappointed if I was assigned a brick fireplace without any decoration whereas my school friends from the same group got a nicely decorated ones on their photos (based on the colour of their skin, as it seems). Thats all.

does it say if they will let creators upload ai content?

I only watched the first 25 minutes, but the question about Shutterstock and AI content comes at around 13:57 - she basically answers that SS does not accept AI generated content (oh really? :o :o) One of the reasons is that they cannot be sure if the respective generator uses ethically sourced content... she also mentions issues with the editorial. Plus some people seem to be tired with their social media feeds being flooded with AI generated stuff - it looks like they prefer to wait.

Another interesting point comes at around 11:35 - an example of a bias in AI generation.

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