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Messages - TG73

Pages: [1]
Shutterstock.com / Re: Banned from the SS forums
« on: August 18, 2006, 03:23 »
Newbie here.

I had the experience today of having my post edited at Shutterstock today. No warning, no email, nothing. They completely removed the 2nd paragraph of a two paragraph post.

The issue? Someone was asking if it was alright for people to resubmit images that were rejected for noise after you run them thru a noise reduction program. A bunch of people were lamenting the fact that noise gets them rejected a lot. In my post, I stated that I coudln't find a tried and true method of getting images past the noise rule at SS no mattter what I did. I stated that "it's really a crapshoot". I said that maybe different reviewers have different standards of noise and maybe that had something to do with it. It wasn't a particularly mean or hostile comment...just a theory that what one might like, another might reject. Anyway, I came back later to the same thread and my entire 2nd paragraph was gone.

Just the week befoe, someone was complaining that the newer users don't spend much time in the forums. I was making an effort to be more involved and they shut me up. I seriously doubt I'll be involved in their forums again. :(

Pages: [1]


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