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Messages - FourSeasons

Pages: [1]
Crestock.com / Re: I finally sold an image on Crestock
« on: October 29, 2006, 18:33 »
Yeahhhh.... It's a honour to have approved images on Crestock and a big lottery to sell some! :)
I've sold already 8 (eight!) there! And I'm looking for my first payment in a ~2015 year...

Thank you. Just checked this image earnings on other sites and found that it earned almost $100, so totally this one photo earned me over $300.
If everyone image from over 1000 on my portfolio would earn such a sum, that would be really nice!! :)))

My bestseller earn me $206, on iStockPhoto

Yeahh.... very good job!

Off Topic / Re: moneybookers problems
« on: October 26, 2006, 16:21 »
I'm using Moneybookers about 8 months without any problems and I'm very happy. They transfer money in to my bank account in 1-2 days. I've had a lot of withdraws and they all were done no longer than in 2 days.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: my first flame.... FINALLY!!!
« on: October 10, 2006, 16:47 »
Nice shots here, congrats!!

I have two blue and 22 orange flames at the date. It's to little when I see some of top sellers are downloaded several thousands times! :))

In my case it's all about money and some ethics or even psichology question. On that point, if I'm not longer the author of my, let's say, bestseller, my own "child", than I must get enough money to compensate my loss. And I think $500 is not that sum. There must be at least several thousands.

Thank you guys for answers and help :)


I have sold a few images on Alamy and from what I can gather the average is below $500.  More than likely the $6,800 was for exlusive rights, meaning the photographer no longer has rights to sell the image.  From what I understand that is what FourSeasons is asking about.  If he sells the image he will no longer have the right to sell it or use it.  He is essentially giving up ownership to the image.  So the buyer can sell the image if wants as if it was his own.  Traditionally $500 is a low price to ask for those kind of rights, but in this time of change with microstocks I'm guessing it will become more common.  Only FourSeasons can decide if it is worth it.


Yes, exactly. I will no longer can to use or resell this image, so I really must decide. I think too $500 is a low price. For example, if on DT I will sell this image with Print Usage license for a $300 I will get $150 already, if on IS +$80, if on FT several times for $17, than I already have ~$400 and in five years I can get much more. BUT IF NOT??? :)

General - Top Sites / Re: Extended Licences
« on: October 05, 2006, 06:42 »

My advice is to keep your options open. Try to sell your images wherever and whenever you can. It's all money.

Agree. I have a several extended licesnes on IS, got from $60 to $80 per photo, and a lot of FT extended licenses for $10-17.

ONE image, not all. If he would like to buy all my portfolio, he must multiply ~800 x 500 = $400.000  :)

This image has over 50 downloads on Dreamstime only and is worthy $5000 with Full Ownership rights (Dreamstime License).
Had anyone such a sells with Full Ownership License?

General Stock Discussion / Anyone selling rights of his images?
« on: October 04, 2006, 10:37 »

One guy just emailed me about one of my photos. He would like to buy all rights of my images (one of my bestsellers) for a $500. It means, he could use this photo as he wants and he could resell it as well and I will no longer be the author of that image.
In one hand it's a bit pitty to refuse my own work forever, but in second hand the concrete sum of cash right now is very fine.

What do you think about that kind of resellers? About selling of all portfolio? Maybe someone already did (bought or sell) similar things?
What can be prices of all rights of image in the market?

Sorry my English and thaks to all.

123RF / Re: How to delete or edit a photo at 123
« on: October 03, 2006, 07:17 »
Go to your Upload history, choose your uploaded images batch you need, View Images, choose Accepted, then check the photo you want to delete and Save Changes.

I don't know about editing as in this stage we can't edit keywords and title.

New Sites - General / Re: Image theft
« on: September 29, 2006, 07:13 »
Ohh... what a theatrical mea-culpa  :'(

And so what ?
What about our stolen images ?
What about the rest of our submitted images ? Were they stolen too ?
What law suit are you going to take as a stock house owner after such a copyright infringement case ?

Do you really think you'll be done with just a 3 lines answer ?

Come on !

RIGHT! Absolutly agree! It's only beginning of the deal. This case must be delivered to the curthouse. A bit pitty that I didn't find my images on this loser "gallery", otherwise I would like to deal with him in the court. What an impertinence!!

New Sites - General / Re: FeaturePics Image Licenses
« on: September 06, 2006, 06:24 »
Hello everybody,

new here. It's fine to talk about all agencies on the neutral forum.

Sorry, a bit wrong question on this theme of this topic.
Just would like to ask you, how you are going on FeaturePics at all?
I joined them ~2 weeks ago and the first day after my images were "published" I got a download but after that there were no more downloads.
I began to think there was only agencies' promotional feint- they just bought one of my images to inspire me to upload more photos  ;)
I would like to be wrong on that question.

Thank you

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