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Messages - deepdreamer

Pages: [1]
Well, they're not an agency, right?  It's "peer to peer".  That means no middleman.
Thats why there is the DAO. Try google DASH DAO that is a real example of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization in practice.

I started to invest into cryptos years ago. I do it because I like profit and freedom. I am looking forward to the first decentralized peer2peer stock media platform. Good luck guys.  :)

3 / Re: Giving myself the gift of no more iStock
« on: December 23, 2016, 11:00 »
Good decision. I asked them to close my account a few days ago. Greedy iStock/Getty lost me and my portfolio(5000+ images and 2000+ videos). Merry Christmas  :)

Nice, do you accept just arabic-specific content or more general stuff as well?

No, just middle east stuff or middle east related (food, people, etc).

So not North African?
Yes, they do accept images from Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia etc.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia D-Day (Deactivation Day) - May,1
« on: May 25, 2014, 08:40 »
Better late than never ;) . I just opted-out of DPC (2000+images)

General Macrostock / Re: Agefotostock "LBRF"
« on: March 29, 2014, 10:23 »
"If your images are already online at microstock agencies (low RF prices, credits, subscriptions...) they should come under our LBRF (Low Budget Royalty Free) license, the most appropriate market for those images.  Our brand LBRF is named easyFotostock.  This license doesnt require image exclusivity, therefore, your images can be marketed by as many other agencies as you like."
Can you post the link, please?

General Macrostock / Re: Agefotostock "LBRF"
« on: March 29, 2014, 09:38 »
You should submit microstock images to LBRF. RF(Pixtal) is only for premium RF images. When I started with AGE I submitted some of my microstock images to RF(Pixtal), later they found them on microstock sites and transferred them to LBRF. If you signed non-exclusive RF contract you can submit same RF images to another non-exclusive macrostock agencies (Alamy, Zoonar, Inmagine etc.). I know this because of my email communication with them, but I cannot find any official public wording about this either.

Photo Critique / Re: Ive posted but it doesnt show
« on: March 02, 2014, 13:41 »
microstock,,,this is turning out to better than I expected...this forum rocks!... Its like a goldmine. Cant wait to write a review. Thanks fellas!
Nice to meet you, too!  ;D

Software - General / Re: Keywords Order
« on: January 27, 2014, 02:06 »
I agree; thank you!

I do wish you could have it save a cookie with preferences, so I don't have to set the delimiter fields every time. But otherwise it's perfect.

Done :) now you don't have to set the delimiter fields every time

Software - General / Re: Keywords Order
« on: January 26, 2014, 11:37 »
I agree; thank you!

I do wish you could have it save a cookie with preferences, so I don't have to set the delimiter fields every time. But otherwise it's perfect.

Good point. I will ask my friend about this.

However when you paste keywords ending , or ; you dont have to select any delimiter, just leave it empty.

Only when you have combination of keywords like woman, New York, man, United Kingdom when you select Delimiters , then you get words like woman in one frame and both words New York in other frame.

Example without delimiters:

Example with delimiters:

Software - General / Keywords Order
« on: January 26, 2014, 07:38 »
Hi there,
Recently I asked my friend(software developer) to create simple application for sorting keywords order. I use Adobe Lightroom to keyword my images, but its automatically sorting keywords in Alphabetical order.
As you know some agencies want to classify keywords in order of importance. Or you might want to change your strategy and re-sort your keywords for specific images/videos.

Anyway if anybody finds this application useful feel free to use it.
Paste your keywords into textbox, then drag and drop objects(frames), final text appears below.

General Macrostock / Re: Anyone on Agefotostock?
« on: January 25, 2014, 06:37 »
I am with Age under non-exclusive contract. I upload photos-RM,RF,LBRF and videos-LBRF. It took me few months, but after I uploaded several hundred images, I have got a few sales every month. Agefotostock is friendly agency with very easy upload  :)

13 / Re: OFFSET opened doors
« on: October 08, 2013, 12:45 »
I believe its simple. If your images are accepted by Offset you cannot sell same(and similar) images on microstock sites.

Offset offer non-exclusive RF contract, so you can sell same RF images for example at Alamy, AGEfotostock, Zoonar, Inmagine etc. (because these sites have similar RF pricing and offer non-exclusive RF contracts).

Or you can become contributor of one of these agencies(but they require image exclusivity) listed as suppliers of Offset and if you are lucky sooner or later your images will appear at Offset under the agency collection.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong  ::)

The link you gave shows only a list of artists and agencies whose work is represented by Offset.
Maybe the rules you're quoting are only visible once you're 'in' (?)

I am not quoting any rules. I am just saying what is my own understanding of Offsets non-exclusivity.

14 / Re: OFFSET opened doors
« on: October 08, 2013, 12:13 »
I believe its simple. If your images are accepted by Offset you cannot sell same(and similar) images on microstock sites.

Offset offer non-exclusive RF contract, so you can sell same RF images for example at Alamy, AGEfotostock, Zoonar, Inmagine etc. (because these sites have similar RF pricing and offer non-exclusive RF contracts).

Or you can become contributor of one of these agencies(but they require image exclusivity) listed as suppliers of Offset and if you are lucky sooner or later your images will appear at Offset under the agency collection.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong  ::)

Veer / Re: Your Veer portfolio on Alamy
« on: May 17, 2012, 13:36 »
I just found my photos on agency
I do not contribute to them, but I do contribute to Alamy and Veer etc.
I found most of my images in 3 copies for 3 different prices on Profimedia.
Same photos from Alamy + same photos from Veer + same photos from - dont know.  :-\

5M photos from Alamy : Collection: Alamy
web 170px      5
web 280px      15
web 400px      49
web 800+px   90
A6 (300 dpi)   180
A5 (300 dpi)   235
A4 (300 dpi)   305
A3 (300 dpi)   360

2M photos from - Veer : Collection: MS Value
web 400px      2
web 800+px   4
web 1600px   7
A5 (300 dpi)   12
A4 (300 dpi)   17
A3 (300 dpi)   24

10M photos from - dont know Collection : Stock Budget
web 400px      2
web 800+px   3
web 1600px   4
A5 (300 dpi)   6
A4 (300 dpi)   7
A3 (300 dpi)   8

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