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Messages - mara
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« on: December 25, 2018, 05:23 »
I don't know what is wrong but my portfolio is not visible on Getty and it exists on Istock. Shouldn't these two sites be synchronised with content? I also found one of my images on Getty and next to it there is a message "sorry we are not able to license this image due to country or publication restrictions". Does anyone know what is that? My images were available for purchase on Getty before.
Hi Thanks a lot for a thorough reply. I understand it now, although it doesn't make sense what is Getty doing by that. I also noticed decrease in sales on Istock for the past year. I don't know if this is connected. Thanks 🙂
« on: December 24, 2018, 05:56 »
I don't know what is wrong but my portfolio is not visible on Getty and it exists on Istock. Shouldn't these two sites be synchronised with content? I also found one of my images on Getty and next to it there is a message "sorry we are not able to license this image due to country or publication restrictions". Does anyone know what is that? My images were available for purchase on Getty before.
« on: September 28, 2017, 06:05 »
thanks a lot Stan
« on: September 27, 2017, 10:59 »
If they're asking to get the images from you they don't have a subscription. They have no idea how much your royalty is vs. how much the agency keeps. Ask them how they found you. Offer them a price equal to what that agency would ask for individual sales. If they ask if you could give them a discount ask what they were thinking. Try to get as close as you can to the top price.
FORGET about asking for just over your royalty because that's what you usually get. They don't know that.
Keep in mind that one of the reasons you're licensing through agencies is convenience. You don't have to go through back and forth emailing clients. You don't have to gather all the files up and send them over. The agency does all that. So you need to be compensated for your time.
hi Shelma, yes, i think that also. I have no intention to charge them my royalty amount. And that is surely more work for me to go through the process without the agency.
« on: September 27, 2017, 10:25 »
[snip] That's the thing about Microstock, once you stick your images on there, there's little negotiating room left. That's why I refuse to put my premium images on there since there's no incentive for clients to negotiate directly and if they do how much more can you offer?!!
That certainly is a dilemma. Microstock has given me exposure where those outside contacts have returned a decent pay. I figure I would have never gotten that outside exposure without being on microstock. Microstock has also given me inquiries where the client was hard topped at the microstock price. Those would disappear at the point I said I can't even amortize my Email and negotiation time across the payment structure at their (microstock) price point.
Part of microstock selling is to let the agent cover all of the transaction time and costs. Doing sales via automated web site reduces human overhead and helps with the price structure (or the race to the bottom - depending on your view).
Asking a client for "roughly what budget do we need to work within" can help separate the out the low payers - if they will answer. This needs to be a back and forth discussion, voice if possible. More than about 2 Emails and the customer will drop off. So have your costs and negotiation points decided well up front.
yes, microstock sure has its good sides. Although, lately it has been tougher and tougher and I am just a small fish in a pond. I have been thinking of selling on my own but I am not sure since my portfolio is not very big and I don't have a large audience. This is interesting, to ask them about the budget. But I think they might want to see the prices out of microstock and I am not sure they would be the first to say the price.
« on: September 27, 2017, 10:22 »
I also don't intend to offer single subscription prices. And team subscriptions are much more expensive and I think there are only yearly deals, so I believe they want to get a deal because of that. Would you be willing to pull your images from Microstock altogether in the hope of negotiating a more interesting deal with this potential client?
That's the thing about Microstock, once you stick your images on there, there's little negotiating room left. That's why I refuse to put my premium images on there since there's no incentive for clients to negotiate directly and if they do how much more can you offer?!!
Unfortunately I think that ship has sailed since that images on Microstock are already downloaded many times and I am not sure if there would be a purpose of pulling them out now. Besides, this client doesn't want an exclusive licnse nor the rights to image. I presume they just want a better deal
« on: September 27, 2017, 08:46 »
I also don't intend to offer single subscription prices. And team subscriptions are much more expensive and I think there are only yearly deals, so I believe they want to get a deal because of that.
« on: September 27, 2017, 08:44 »
Mara, I had a potential customer approach me like this. All of the above discussion points are valid considerations on pricing. However, with a direct deal you can also offer customized image processing (crops, retouching, adjustments, noise reduction for large use) specifically for the customers uses. The customization will help to keep pricing at least near the top of the agency pricing, if not higher. In my case the images were similar to clip art but, with negotiation discussions, they desired all the same special backgrounds. I already had Photoshop separate layers and Actions close to what was needed. So it was fairly easy edits that would have been very hard for them. If you can bring more image value to them then pricing is a bit less limited.
In my case, the images were to be used for resale as wall art. So, extended licences applied via microstock and helped raise the pricing limits. I was quite willing to offer my easy updates in exchange for 100% commissions. If you can't work this angle of money vs time and delivery, then let them buy from microstock (I've played that game as well). When making a direct transaction you will have to be in charge of the billing, receipts, and tax calculations. Assuming the deal is not a scam of some sort, you still have time involved with making the deal and getting it carried through to completion.
One of the signs of a scam is very easy price negotiations that end in a value higher than normal. Then you receive a check for more than the agreed amount and have instructions to send some of the money on to third party (for expenses or something). The customer check eventually bounces after you have forwarded good money from your wallet. You are left with a lighter wallet and maybe loss of images (image copies).
hi Stan, I am surely not very comfortable to have such deals. I think I would demand paypal payment before I deliver the images. Although I heard there are paypal frauds as well. I guess there is never 100% certainty. I think there is no reselling involved here. Do you have maybe an example of blank licensing contract?
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:58 »
Let us know how it turns out...hope you get a good result
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:42 »
Another way of looking at it is SS pay out about 30% of their income to contributors at 38C for RF subs That means they are getting about $1.20 per RF image
hm, i don't know. don't think they would contact me if that would be their subscription and price per image. thank you
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:31 »
yes but since it is a company, i am not sure a single monthly subscription would work for them. If they need some sort of custom account than I think the price is not what they can get in such a subscription.
Depends how many people are downloading the images....getting complex but I don't think 100-200 is the wrong "Ball Park"
i don't think it is only about downloading but using of images in a project too thanks
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:29 »
i think that maybe counts if they have subscription. on demand the prices are higher [/quote] I think you can take out a subscription for one month. The OD is useful for those who want a small number of images over a long period. [/quote]
i don't think a single subscription can work for this. And other subscriptions are much more expensive
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:23 »
yes but since it is a company, i am not sure a single monthly subscription would work for them. If they need some sort of custom account than I think the price is not what they can get in such a subscription.
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:14 »
As I read it for example they could licence 350 images from SS for 119 (uk currency) so your "bid" would probably need to be pitched below that I guess.
they want to use it in their software. for displaying. so i think it is a regular licence
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:12 »
As I read it for example they could licence 350 images from SS for 119 (uk currency) so your "bid" would probably need to be pitched below that I guess.
i think that maybe counts if they have subscription. on demand the prices are higher
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:06 »
thank you very much Alex for your thorough answer.
"For RF (one payment, multiple usages), it's more simple and you can negotiate a bundle package. Something along the lines of 250 images for $1,250 ($50 per image). I'm afraid it may prove difficult to negotiate higher than that. Look forward to what others have to say on this. "
I also thought of something like that. like 5-7$ per one image. I don't believe they would go with Getty RM prices per one image. I think they want bulk images prices and they want it cheaper than SS or other sites. We didn't discuss image resolution but I am not sure if there is a point to do that.
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:02 »
I'm not sure why they just wouldn't use the agency if you already had them on sale RF I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to pay "inflated" RM prices. Seems an odd request to me.
yes, i thought that as well. If I am not cheaper than the site they found me , I think they will but there
« on: September 27, 2017, 04:01 »
hi everyone! I have been approached by a client directly who asks me to license them 250 images of mine, non exclusively. They would only use my photos in their company. It is not for reselling. They found me on RF microstock agency site, so it is not a RM deal. They obviously know the RF prices. I think they wouldn't need exclusive licence for that. Do you have some experience with this and how much would you ask for it? Also do you know of some licensing contract or something which I could use for this? thanks
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