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Messages - CMVA Tutorials

Pages: [1]
Thanks Elvinstar. I really appreciate it. I've been working on it a while. Now that it's finally done I hope to upload videos and other content on a regular schedule.

I've created a website that can help to answer a lot of questions I see here concerning vector art for the Microstock libraries. It's mostly for people just starting out, but there is information and tutorials that can be helpful to people who already have experience in the industry. The address is www.cmvatutorials.com

Illustration - General / Re: What is best program?
« on: November 04, 2013, 11:37 »
At www.cmvatutorials.com there is an article that might give you some insight as far as vector programs go. In the Articles section it's called "What Software Should You Get To Create Vector Art". There are links to many different options for vector programs as well.

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