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Adobe Stock / Re: How long do you wait for review?
« on: February 13, 2024, 08:03 »
Thank you guys for your answers. It clarifies a lot.

Adobe Stock / How long do you wait for review?
« on: February 13, 2024, 04:50 »
Hi! How long do you wait for review of A.I. illustrations?

A few weeks ago I was waiting 1 day and now 2 weeks have passed and still not reviewed :(

I would like to thank everyone for taking time to discuss the topic and for the tips you game me. I feel that too much focus was put on checking if I am right. I just wanted you to check if there are other account trying to steal your work, but if your content is generic then it's impossible.

I would like to ask everyone to belive in yourself and create content based on your own ideas or to create generic content like christmas, easter, valentine's day, office workers, etc.  :)

This world is so complex that there are enough ideas for everyone and inspiration comes from many sources.

Just be yourself and don't try to mimic someone that you are not. I wish you all good luck.

If I get a reply from Adobe, I will let you know.



Today I found two accounts that are stealing my ideas and images:
newbielink: [nonactive]
newbielink: [nonactive]

They used my images without permission and changed them a little bit by using A.I.

I wrote about it to Adobe and hopefully their acounts will be closed soon. I just spent around 20 minutes to find those accounts. I will be searching for thieves from time to time because I'm sure there are hundreds more.

Please, we need massive action to clean stock sites from unfair contributors. Write to Adobe about any account that tries to build success on your images.

Please feel free to post unfair contributor's account in this thread.

Many thanks!

Also, do you use Midjourney in public mode?  If so, anybody can look at your prompt and generate very similar image.  You can use higher price plan to use "Stealth" private mode.  Also you need to "unpublish" your image gallery to hide from public.  And also I see some AI photos have prompts as the title.  That's asking for somebody else to just use the same prompt to generate similar image.

I use midjourney in private mode only.

Alright guys, I will write it once again. It's not about me and my portfolio.

Prolonging discussion about my portfolio doesn't make sense, because I wanted YOU to check if someone is not copying YOUR portfolio.

If you don't care - I'm fine with that.
If you create generic stock AI images you don't have to check.
If you have some creative and specific content and you are ok with other people stealing your images and using it as a reference for AI in order to copy your portfolio then I'm ok with that as well.

Oh, I see. Now I am the bad guy here and I need to prove innocent. This community and whole stock industry is going downhill.

It's not about me and my portfolio. I will deal with it together with Adobe support. It's about unfair contributors that steal also your images. If you don't have any problem with that then GOOD LUCK.

- You can consider that the majority of the users of this forum are fans of AI. They may not really be sensitive to these issues. I even think that they wouldn't be put off doing the same, in secret of course ;)
- For my part, I now prefer to ignore the way in which I am (highly) robbed, too much energy, too much time, and stock sites that don't care much because: It doesn't matter who uploads and how the image is produced, they collect royalties in any situation. And they have less possibility to detect fraudsters anymore, and fraud is massive.
- I Know myself that no idea is really owned. And since the AI machinery is fed by anyone's properties, our images photos are now very relatively our exclusive property. New world of stock imagery.

But... did you generate your images with AI yourself? (it seems to be). If the case, you don't own any copyright and you should not even complain.  ::)

I don't stop anyone from generating A.I. images based on their own ideas. These guys literally used my photos and A.I. images as a reference to try to replicate my portfolio. The fact that you are OK with that is... I don't know what to say.

Even trying to replicate my portfolio by using my ideas would be wrong, but trying to create almost exactly the same photos is just a fraud to me.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Adobe Stock Keywords
« on: January 24, 2024, 15:02 »
The first ten keywords have the most weight in search results. You can add up to 49 relevant keywords. They all play a role in search. As long as they are relevant, you should add as many as you can think of. The tool here in MSG is effective in providing useful keywords. Spend the most time focusing on the first ten, the rest is helpful, just not quite as impactful in the results.

-Mat Hayward

Hi Mat,

Could you please advise if adding keyword composed of 3 words is a good idea or shall I separate all words?


Today I found two accounts that are stealing my ideas and images:
newbielink: [nonactive]
newbielink: [nonactive]

They used my images without permission and changed them a little bit by using A.I.

I wrote about it to Adobe and hopefully their acounts will be closed soon. I just spent around 20 minutes to find those accounts. I will be searching for thieves from time to time because I'm sure there are hundreds more.

Please, we need massive action to clean stock sites from unfair contributors. Write to Adobe about any account that tries to build success on your images.

Please feel free to post unfair contributor's account in this thread.

Many thanks!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Anyone on
« on: May 09, 2022, 11:04 » is a partner website of Depositphotos, so I contacted Depositphotos today and I asked them to exclude my portfolio from this partner program.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Anyone on
« on: May 06, 2022, 11:23 »
I have just deleted my account but my images are still available and no link to an author is visible. This is crazy. Could you pleased advise what can I do to prevent selling my images by them?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Anyone on
« on: May 06, 2022, 11:16 »
Hi, I've been selling my images on for a few months and then for the last 6 months not a single sale.

I contacted the support that I would like to delete my account. I asked them what shall I not to lose money I earned so far. I did not receive any reply despite the fact that I was asking several times. Earlier they were replying.

I contacted also Jon Yau (founder of stockphoto) on facebook and surprise surprise - no reply.

As for me this is a scam.

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