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Messages - weststock

Pages: [1]
Canva / Re: FTP images are not appearing in contributor portal
« on: September 13, 2021, 14:36 »
Thanks for reply, now i will use web uploader for this process.

Canva / FTP images are not appearing in contributor portal
« on: September 10, 2021, 13:19 »
I uploaded more than 150 images through FTP as i upload on Shutterstock & other websites. Now its time to add description & title but images are not appearing in the contributor portal. i'm waiting for files from last 14 hours.

I'm new on canva, please help me.

I only upload to SS but now i have extra time & i want to submit images on major & micro agenices. Please tell me Shutterstock CSV is acceptable on agencies (please name them.)
Thanks in advance.

General Stock Discussion / Best Websites for Selling Pattern
« on: January 21, 2018, 02:22 »
I'm good in pattern designing & i want to publish my work. Please share the websites which are best Best Websites for Selling Pattern. Can i submit on file on different portals?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Need Some Suggestion
« on: January 16, 2018, 10:33 »
Well if you plan to construct images using photoshop you just have to make sure all elements (photographs, graphics...) are yours eg. you hold the copyright and are of adequate technical quality.
Thanks a lot qunamax. I will keep these things in my mind.

General Stock Discussion / Need Some Suggestion
« on: January 15, 2018, 23:34 »
Hi Respected Members!
I'm new on MicrostockGroup.com. I need your suggestion regarding my work. I'm not very good with camera but i'm good in Photoshop. I want to submit photoshoped images. I know many of other people are doing the same. Please tell me which website is good of publishing & earning. what is the most important thing to care?
I'll wait for your kind suggestions. Thanks!

Pages: [1]


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