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Messages - Stefan Dahl
« on: March 17, 2021, 12:10 »
« on: November 15, 2019, 10:42 »
Hey Novic,
I think the team is very objective and professional at Stocksy. We got rejected 3/4 times ourself and I remember clearly the first time I was like " Ah they don't know better". The other rejections was supplemented with explanations ( I guess we was close ) And I can honestly say that that process made me look with fresh eyes on our production and push more towards what we wanted Stocksy to be for our portfolio.
Just keep grinding and push yourself to produce better products! Either go the commercial way or the artsy way - And commit to it.
Its worth the effort for sure!
Best of luck Novic.
Stefan Flamingo Images
« on: October 10, 2019, 11:12 »
We made 323$ there in September! Thats way to little to ever ever ever be sustainable. I think we are gonna close the account this month.
I suggest all the people who have the guts follow along. Lets do the same thing we all did to Depositphotos - They ended up having an outdated library within 48hours when a lot of us with expensive portfolios deleted our pictures.
Every contributor counts here, and im sure most make so little that it doesn't matter anyway.
Best Stefan
« on: July 12, 2019, 03:34 »
Anyone up for a collective "Delete account" then?
« on: April 05, 2019, 16:41 »
We gone from 35 to 21 megapixels when we switched from Nikon D810 til Canon 1Dx MKII. Still sell 25.000+ files every month even though the less pixels - Nothing changed there. This Citibank add just got printet in New York - Its a crop from 35MP file This fitness add in the metro in Paris is from a 21MP file. Both are enlarged hugely with no problems. Shoot it well and it will be fine - We sell smaller files to even larger prints every week! Stefan
« on: April 04, 2019, 13:32 »
Deleted because I don't want to participate in the discussion anyway
« on: March 01, 2019, 10:17 »
60! Btw Adobe says it can be a shared position between other contributors - So there can be many on the same position  Have a nice weekend.
« on: January 26, 2019, 16:40 »
We run a pretty successful stock business! Funny enough we never got invited (would not have time btw), and all the "invites" who ever tried to help us was novices!
These days when we contact SS, we write in the first mail that we don't want help from the "affiliates"!
It simply doesn't make sense, that somebody on that level should help us out! Sorry to say it, but its only a way for SS to try and save some money (man power) by outsourcing this matter!
Regarding "Helping others to the top" as mentioned, I really can't see how that could be the case! The only one who can help anybody to the top is a really good photographer and a really good producer!!
Keep grinding boys and girls.
Best Stefan
Flamingo Images
« on: January 14, 2019, 03:24 »
No you are not accepted into Stocksy! You are being bid welcome to upload your files for review.
You will get a email written by a real person, personalized for you only if accepted. Crazy right ;-)
Keep grinding and best of luck to you.
« on: January 10, 2019, 13:38 »
Aha  Well I don't think Deposit works like that! High quality, like in REALLY high can sell (because they have so much crap), but still they are really not trust worthy. I wouldn't waste my time on them! There are so many agencies out there that will give a better revenue, and actually "respect" the work. Alamy, Adobe, Shutterstock, Creative Market and Stocksy to mention a few.
« on: January 10, 2019, 13:29 »
Deposit!!!!! One word - Run!!!!!!
I mean it. One of the most unserious business is this branch. We had some serious business going on with them, and was part of their Enterprise pack. Cool communication and stuff - Right until we questioned their new pricing plan. They totally ignored our emails and phone calls for one month. Then over night we deleted our complete portfolio. Guess who called us the next day!
So pathetic!
Advice from one of the few serious stock companies here 
Are sales good there? I have almost my same portfolio and not a lot of sales. Considering no uploading more but it's pretty easy tho. I love their interface
Same portfolio as us? Please provide a link
« on: January 10, 2019, 13:23 »
Deposit!!!!! One word - Run!!!!!! I mean it. One of the most unserious business is this branch. We had some serious business going on with them, and was part of their Enterprise pack. Cool communication and stuff - Right until we questioned their new pricing plan. They totally ignored our emails and phone calls for one month. Then over night we deleted our complete portfolio. Guess who called us the next day! So pathetic! Advice from a pro stock company
« on: January 04, 2019, 12:12 »
So the good thing is that it looks like you are always carrying a camera! That is a good starting point when the subject you want to sell is like it is in your portfolio. The bad thing is, that there are many really really bad images in your portfolio, both in subject, framing and postproduction. So - If you want to improve, then I think the first step is to stage your pictures way more. Stop with the random snapping away, and spend time planning a picture with commercial value. "Random" pictures takes weeks in the same spot to just happen  When you shoot the stuff you do, then shoot it with more space. Your files are in generel way tight framed. And of course you gotta ask yourself if this is a hobby, or if you want to approach it serious as a business. Two different animals  Keep grinding and you will get there. Best luck  Stefan
« on: January 04, 2019, 05:43 »
Thats good for you Chris :-)
« on: December 19, 2018, 19:09 »
We just dropped 1000$ in revenue from last month! Thats a first timer!
« on: December 13, 2018, 15:58 »
And a happy new year
« on: December 13, 2018, 04:33 »
Happy Holidays
« on: December 11, 2018, 11:04 »
« on: December 07, 2018, 04:28 »
They don't know what they are doing!
We have had 3 long phone calls with them, and still Chad Bridwell keeps sending mails, like he has no clue what's going on.
I would urge people to NOT join them. They are only trying to dump market prices, and thats one thing we should not support. When we stand united we have so much leverage its unbelievable.
Like when Deposit tried to dump prices, and at the same time didn't answer mails and calls. Over night a lot of the best photographers pulled down their portfolios, and Deposits market quality wise was cut in half.
« on: November 16, 2018, 04:23 »
I have had a couple phone conversations with one of their recruting partners. She was trying to get us to contribute at the site.
First of all, I pointed out too her the very bad revenue. She claimed it was market standard.
We run a very successful stock business with huge numbers of sales, from which we can make detailed statistics that actually gives a broad view on the market.
Her statement is not true. We sell loads of expensive licenses at Shutterstock every day ranging from 20$ to 120$ REVENUE!!!
Beside that we sell lots and lots of files on Adobe on normal subscriptions with 0,99$
Again her statement is not true!
The worst thing though was that she was lying to us about the business structure. I asked straight up if Chad Bridwell had anything to do with Onepixel. I had information that stating he was. She said "no no no, I know Chad but he had nothing to do with Onepixel".
What happened next was that she sent us a draft of the licenses and terms, which included a link to a www somewhere in the plain text. There we could read that Chad Bridwell was part of the business.
Partners who straight up lie is something we all should avoid.
Beside that selling 1$ files will attract all the customers who do not want to pay the correct price for any given license im pretty convinced.
Let's all support the good guys in the business instead. There's plenty of them, where good quality lead to lots of sales.
Best Stefan Dahl
« on: October 23, 2018, 03:54 »
Been with Alamy for several years now!
Never meet anything but really professionel and kind people there. Always helped out with problems within a super short time frame, and no questions asked bout anything. Just help!
Can't recognise the topic no matter how hard I try!
Keep it up Alamy - You are one of the good guys/girls!
Stefan Dahl
« on: October 11, 2018, 13:52 »
First time I applied was 4 years ago! That time it was just a "Thanks but no thanks" - I can see why today! Our portfolio was not what Stocksy wanted - Even though it already had high value (Dollars). This year we applied around jan/feb with what I thought was some REALLY good images. This time we was given critique with the rejection! So we took the critique seriously, and applied again. Rejected again, but now with only one critique point left. Spend a couple months shooting with all the critique in mind! And then we got accepted. Oh and thanks AngelaWaye
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