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Messages - CvanDijk

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I'm still figuring out what would be the most interesting option. Stockboxphoto seemed like an interesting option, but very expensive. I looked a little bit further into it, and for me it's not an option anymoreanymore.

You can't use stockboxphoto on a server that has php 5.3 or higher, it just won't work, because Zendoptimizer is not working with php 5.3. I was intrested in the entreprise version, not that I want to have an entreprise, but with that version it's possible to have your images on Amazon and to have the software on your own site. When you want to put a lot of images on your store, you definetely need space. And with my provider every 500mb extra above the 2gb I have, will cost me 24 euro's a year extra. I think 500mb is nothing, so that will cost me a lot. With the entreprise version you're provider also needs to have ImagMagick to have installed.

For now I'm happy with my provider, so no Stockboxphoto for me

Also looking into options like Oscommerce. You can change a lot on an OScommerce site, but you have to know how to do it. . I did that before, so maybe I'm going to try that one. See if it will work. But I still don't know If the download section can be made safe enough (of course it can work if you spent a lot of money hiring a pro, but I want to keep my budgets low for now)

Thanks for the spot Elena. Lovely pictures and nice to read

Off Topic / App Foliobook Ipad portfolio now free
« on: February 15, 2011, 05:52 »
I just noticed that the app Foliobook Ipad portfolio is now free. I dont know how long it stays free, or if its a good app, but for free its always intresting to try

Off Topic / Re: World Cup 2010
« on: July 12, 2010, 06:30 »
Congrats to Spain.
I didn't like the game at all, not from the Dutch and not from the Spanish. The Dutch may played it hard, but I think the Spanish did the same, only they didn't get all the cards.
But I have to agree that the Spanish created much more chances then the Dutch. It only took them a long time to use those chances.
Third time the Dutch lost in the finals of the Worldcup. Will it ever happen that we win that cup?

Off Topic / Re: World Cup 2010 - Golden Ball
« on: July 10, 2010, 03:18 »
I think Wesley Snijder. In the Dutch games he was man of the match in a lot of the games.

Off Topic / Re: World Cup 2010
« on: July 02, 2010, 12:59 »
We are very happy here, that the Dutch made it to the next round. In the beginning they played very bad, but in the second half I think they played better then Brazil.
For us the red card was right. We read that Dunga was most afraid of Robben and you can see that, because they tried to tackle him al the time. And the kick on the hamstring (he had a big injury there, just before the worldcup) ,  was not nice, so good that a red card was given for that.

But it's always funny to read the differences in how someone sees a football game, depending on for which side you are.
I hope the Dutch make it to the finals and win it this time.

Off Topic / Re: World Cup 2010
« on: June 28, 2010, 13:32 »
Ok, Brazil vs Chile begins now.  Will we meet Netherlands next? 

I think so, we just have to wait the next 105 minutes

Off Topic / Re: World Cup 2010
« on: June 28, 2010, 13:29 »
I'm happy The Dutch made it to the next round

Off Topic / Re: World Cup 2010
« on: June 11, 2010, 07:29 »
I hope we (the Netherlands) will finally win it for the first time in life. Very exciting. Wish I could be there in South Africa now. For the games but also the country

Photoshop Discussion / Re: Photoshop CS5 - Launching April 12
« on: March 25, 2010, 03:22 »
I also had to buy CS4 to see the RAW files from my D3X. But no new camera now, so staying with CS4

I also agree with nicemonkey.  My PC is also only used when there is no other option (for example for my bookkeeping program)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: istock site problems.
« on: August 18, 2009, 07:06 »
Logon is working again for me.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: istock site problems.
« on: August 18, 2009, 03:56 »
My portfolio is still there, but can't login anymore now.

sounds like a grand time.  Still a bit peeved I couldn't make it :( :( :(

If anyone here follows the shutterstock thread or notices other gtg's in the future, make sure you post here asap :)

There is also a facebook page for those intrested in Shutterstock meetings in Europe: http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8220384540 Cyril is posting meeting info here too

Site Related / Re: Microstockgroup Twitterlist
« on: August 12, 2009, 04:17 »
Mine is Cvdijk

I'm still trying to go there. I can go away on saturday morning early. It would be really nice to meet other stockphotographers. I only know people from the internet. Haven't heard of them yet, but I think we are just driving to Denmark. If we can't come, then we are going to spend some days siteseeing in Denmark. But I hope we are welcome. A pity you can't come leaf, would love to meet you.

I don't follow the forums on Shutterstock. If I have known this earlier, I would have go. Seems like a nice thing. Maybe next time. Thanks for posting it here leaf

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock Tax center live
« on: July 24, 2009, 13:48 »
I'm also a one(wo)mancomapany (Eenmanszaak) with a VAT number. I filled in individual (A2) at Shutterstock. But I do give up my Shutterstock income at the end of the year with my tax reports, because I see it as company income. .  If you are a Onemancompany in Holland you are not what we call a in legal terms a "rechtspersoon" (I can't find a translation to English, but I think it's a lagal entity), and I think you should be that " Rechtspersoon"   to fill in Company in the Shutterstock forms.  So it all depends on you legal status. 

By the way in Holland there is a difference between being a company for the VAT taxes and for the Income tax (Inkomstenbelasting) or Corporation tax (Vennootschapsbelasting), in this case I don't think it matters if you are a Vat paying company.
And the verifing of the books also doesn't make any difference. If you are a small BV you are certain that you have to fill in Company, but you can still make your own taxreports and not with a certified accountant needed. In Holland you have to have get your books done by a certified account if you are  a middle sized BV structure, which has more than 8,8 million euros Turnover and more than 50 employees. I don't even think Yuri Arcurs has that, so I don't take you should take that as a rule.

I'm not a certified accountant, but worked as an assistent accountant and financial controller for many years. But taxes and laws change all the time, so don't pin me on this.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Can't get out of DT quick enough
« on: June 07, 2009, 10:39 »
It's a bit late now but it might have been wise to keep images on the other sites until the six months was up, so as not to lose too much income.

Stockxpert also has (or had) something in their agreement that it will take them some time to remove your images from the partner programs. If you're not opted-in, then it's offcourse not a problem. And also with FT it can take a while before your images are removed from the partner sites.

So I guess it's not such a good idea to keep your images until the six months are up. Instead of that I would think to remove everything 90 days before going exclusive with Istock, except maybe Shutterstock

Albumo.com / Re: Albumo, not dead?
« on: June 06, 2009, 06:34 »
Luckily I didn't have so many photos on Albumo. I used the tip to delete 2 photos at the same time at 2 different computers. But that would still take a long time for someone like photoshow. He has more than 3000 photos at Albumo. That will cost him more then 4 years that way, oeps

Dreamstime.com / Re: Can't get out of DT quick enough
« on: June 04, 2009, 04:30 »
You can delete 30% (i'm not sure if this is the right percentage) of the images that have the waiting period of 6 months. Start with the new ones and then maybe you have to wait less than 6 months

Cameras / Lenses / Re: Do you insure your equipment
« on: June 02, 2009, 13:13 »
I also have my equipment insured. It feels better when I'm travelling to have an insurance and leave my stuff in Hotel rooms just like Opla said.  I have my camera and lenses insured, but also my computers and lighting equipment.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Gone exclusive
« on: May 19, 2009, 13:46 »
Congratulations. Hope it brings you good sales at IS

Veer / Re: Content not good enough for Veer - confused?
« on: May 11, 2009, 17:09 »
I also received the refuse email. A bit dissapointing.

But congratulations to the ones that are in

Well enjoy the party without me.  They don't like my stuff enough I guess.  For those of you that haven't seen the "loser" email here it is.

   Dear SnapVillage Contributor,

As you may know, we are currently in the process of rolling SnapVillage into a new microstock offering, Veer Marketplace. As part of this transition, we have been reviewing all submissions on SnapVillage.

Unfortunately, based on the images you currently have on SnapVillage, we have decided not to transfer your work to Veer Marketplace. It could be that your images just need some polishing, that you chose subjects that aren't a great fit for Veer Marketplace, or that you hadnt submitted very many images.

But we do want to see your new work, so go ahead and put together a selection of your newest and best photos. We invite you to create an account at Veer Marketplace after June 8, 2009 and submit them for review. You might find it useful to browse through the images already for sale at Veer Marketplace and try to match or beat the quality. Weve posted Veer Marketplace submission guidelines to help you as well.

Your work will remain on SnapVillage and you will continue to receive any royalties owed to you once a month until we close the site later this year.

We hope to see you submit your new work to Veer Marketplace.

Thanks from the Veer Marketplace Team

*I guess spending all that time uploading 5 pictures at a time was a waste of time.  Maybe I got this because of my weaker material from when I first started, but then again, maybe not.  Oh Well.  It is what it is. ;)

I had the same email. They just don't like my pictures, but hope to see me submit my new work to Veer Marketplace????????? I hope that soon I have more time to upload, but I don't think it will be Veer, better spent some more time on IS, DT and other sites, who do want (some) of my images. Guess I'm just a little dissapointed in Veer now

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