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Messages - MatHayward

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Black and white Images
« on: August 09, 2017, 11:26 »
Most designers prefer to add their own post processing effects to match their project exactly. Not all black and white conversions are created equally. Doing it yourself limits the options available to the customer and ultimately limits your customer base. In my opinion you are better off uploading the clean, color version of the file and letting the buyer adjust how they want.

Adobe Stock will accept some black and white content but it must have a serious "WOW!" effect to be considered.


Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Editorial
« on: August 04, 2017, 17:37 »
All of our editorial content is sourced directly through our partnership with Reuters. Currently we are not accepting direct editorial uploads from contributors. If that changes in the future I will be sure to post an announcement here in Microstock Group.


Adobe Stock / Re: contributor info
« on: August 04, 2017, 11:21 »
it isn't the premium account... I guess it's a privilege they should all treat equally, like they always say.

There a lot of contributor who have a header/contributor info and they don't premium. On the other hand there are premium contributor for years, like me, with a really good ranking top50 and they don't care  :-\

I promise that we care. The feature request has been noted and shared with the team. Thanks for your feedback.


Adobe Stock / Re: contributor info
« on: August 03, 2017, 13:20 »
Stocksy artists would fall under the premium contributor area...

Sorry I wasn't more specific. Individual Premium contributor accounts.

Stocksy does appear to have a profile image set up with the main portfolio:


Adobe Stock / Re: contributor info
« on: August 03, 2017, 12:33 »
Currently, to my knowledge this feature is only available for Premium contributors.


If you are using the same Adobe ID that is associated with your Fotolia account, you should be synced automatically. If not, you will need to select yes when asked if you are an existing Fotolia member. At that time you will add your Fotolia login and password.

The login information for Adobe Stock is your Adobe ID, not your Fotolia ID.
Matt, I've been grappling with this for months. I have been a FT contributor for years, and have an Adobe CC account, I'm confused by your statement above.

I attempted to use my Adobe CC credentials but there is no option "you will need to select yes when asked if you are an existing Fotolia member." No option for that either when I try to make a new Adobe Stock Contributor account. I will need it to connect to my existing FT account. How do I do that? Is that option PAST the screen where you create your new account (the one with the birthdate field)?

Thanks for your help, I have gotten zero response from FT on how to do this.


I will need your account information to look into this for you. If you have already created an Adobe Stock Contributor account and didn't sync you won't be able to sync it now. You can only do this the first time you sign in. Please create a support ticket via the contributor portal and I will do my best to help you out.


Visit to sync your account.

If you are using the same Adobe ID that is associated with your Fotolia account, you should be synced automatically. If not, you will need to select yes when asked if you are an existing Fotolia member. At that time you will add your Fotolia login and password.

The login information for Adobe Stock is your Adobe ID, not your Fotolia ID.

If you created your Fotolia account after September of 2016 you won't be able to sync as the Fotolia account you created is only good for the purpose of purchasing content, not selling it. You will need to submit through the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal.


Generating jpg from eps usually give poor preview result. and what about the the meta-tags how will they be fetched?
Do we only need to upload EPS to the system or EPS + JPG?
If it is better now, I also think that it was better before

As it is not possible to put title, description and keywords in an EPS file I am afraid that we will have to use the copy and paste What a great improvement!!

This is no problem, if you prefer you can still upload vectors the old way in the zipped folders. The unzipped upload is an additional option, not a mandatory one.


Moments ago we went live with two new contributor features in the Adobe Stock contributor portal.

For vector contributors you no longer need to zip your AI or EPS files with a jpeg preview. You can now upload the files directly. The system will automatically generate the jpeg for you. This should save quite a bit of time in your workflow.

We have integrated Adobe Sign into our model and property releases. It is now much easier to generate, send and receive releases. You do not need an Adobe Sign account to take advantage of this feature.

Both new features are specific to Adobe Stock and not Fotolia. If you haven't already synced your existing Fotolia account to Adobe Stock I recommend you do so here:

For additional details, please check out our blog post:

Let me know if you have any questions or comments,

Mat Hayward
Has a captcha just appeared on FL login too?


Adobe Stock / Two new contributor features in Adobe Stock
« on: July 27, 2017, 11:40 »
Moments ago we went live with two new contributor features in the Adobe Stock contributor portal.

For vector contributors you no longer need to zip your AI or EPS files with a jpeg preview. You can now upload the files directly. The system will automatically generate the jpeg for you. This should save quite a bit of time in your workflow.

We have integrated Adobe Sign into our model and property releases. It is now much easier to generate, send and receive releases. You do not need an Adobe Sign account to take advantage of this feature.

Both new features are specific to Adobe Stock and not Fotolia. If you haven't already synced your existing Fotolia account to Adobe Stock I recommend you do so here:

For additional details, please check out our blog post:

Let me know if you have any questions or comments,

Mat Hayward

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia forum is moving
« on: July 25, 2017, 13:46 »
Hi Matt,
I never managed to access this Adobe forum.
Every time I get a message like: Cannot access this page, try clearing your cookies"

BTW, I used to have always good sales at Fotolia, but since the different partnerships were announced (Pond 5, Stoksy, some editorial...) it has become really a ghost town, I am starting to get worried, as I always liked Fotolia

That sounds unusual. Please send me an email with your Adobe ID and I'll look into it for you. Have you tried using a different web browser? That may do the trick.


email: [email protected]

Adobe Stock / Fotolia forum is moving
« on: July 25, 2017, 11:10 »
We wanted to let our Fotolia contributor community know that we plan to close the Fotolia forum on July 31 on the Fotolia website, but have set up a new Fotolia forum on the Adobe forum page here"

We would like to standardize on a single and modern forum platform used by all Adobe apps. The new Fotolia Forum is an International forum and you will receive input and be able to communicate with all contributors instead of just those in your zone. You can post in your own native language. To read other contributors posts in your native language use the Translate option next to each post, see instructions here:

The new Fotolia forum is already live, and while old forum posts wont be migrated, we encourage you to try it out and start new discussions.

We are aware that many of you had engaging discussions on the Fotolia forum and we hope that you will continue to share thoughts and feedback on the new Fotolia forum community.

Kind regards,

Mat Hayward

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock/Fotolia keyword ranking
« on: July 14, 2017, 17:42 »
It must be said that this thing of the 7 keywords on top is a gigantic time waster.
I really like FT, but uploading takes about 4 to 5 times more time than the average agency.
I can afford it for video, but regarding still images the amounts that can be earned does not justify the time of uploading

It isn't really any work for new images. I just write keywords in order of importance - I use Photoshop, so the order is kept. No other site has a problem with this order so no duplication

If you have old images that have a different order, upload as is and edit as time permits - starting with the known sellers
I will try to do that, but it does not sound easy.
If a image is new I generally use SS keyword search based to other people KW on that topic (excellent tool).
Well it already takes time to keyword, but to create a hierarchy of keyword is a much, much harder job. Multiplied by about 50 files that I upload per week it makes a lot of work.
As I said, for footage it might be worth, but for still images the returns are so tiny that I only upload if it takes me no more than 3 minutes for 50 images. For FT with the 7 keywords it takes me almost a hour, and I cannot justify one hour of work for 50 photos in one agency

Joanne is right, if you add your keywords to the metadata in Bridge, they will remain in the order you put them. Since other agencies don't have a preference for the order, it wouldn't impact your uploads there.

If you prefer to add your keywords a different way, when using the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal you can simply click and drag the keywords you want at the top. It takes some getting used to in your workflow but once you do it a few times it becomes second nature and goes much faster than it did with Fotolia indexing.

The feedback is greatly appreciated!


Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock/Fotolia keyword ranking
« on: July 14, 2017, 12:28 »
Yes, that is correct. The keywords are displayed publicly in alphabetical order however the order you add them when indexing and submitting remains on the back end and influences the search results. The first 7 keywords have the greatest impact.


Why do you tell about the "first 7 keywords" when Fotolia tells the "first 5 keywords"?
And in the Adobe side only the first 5 keywords are highlighted with a blue color, so if it is the first 7 keywords, as you say, why there are not 7 positions highlighted with the blue color?
So how is it exactly? And why you and Fotolia say different things?

I couldn't tell you. You are welcome to do just 5. For me, when I upload I make sure that keywords #6 and #7 are more important than anything that follows.

Best of luck,


Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock/Fotolia keyword ranking
« on: July 14, 2017, 12:01 »
The first 7 keywords have the greatest emphasis. The minimum number of keywords you can add is 5. I recommend you add between 15-20 for maxim visibility.

As for the view counter I don't have an eta. The view stats you see in Fotolia are for Fotolia only and do not represent Adobe Stock views at this time.


Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock/Fotolia keyword ranking
« on: July 14, 2017, 11:08 »
Yes, that is correct. The keywords are displayed publicly in alphabetical order however the order you add them when indexing and submitting remains on the back end and influences the search results. The first 7 keywords have the greatest impact.


I don't know anything about the app but I can tell you that all Adobe Stock sales are combined with Fotolia sales. The sales you see at Fotolia are both Adobe Stock and Fotolia sales.


Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Portal Updates
« on: July 11, 2017, 12:36 »

In addition to my previous unanswered question I ask another one:

When will the EPS upload be fixed?

The EPS vector uploads have been fixed for months. If you are still having trouble you will likely need to use ftp and not the web uploader.


Yay for half a dozen people! Why would you announce this here? It would be much better received at Stocksy forums (I'm assuming Stocksy has forums). For the rest of us it means editorial competition we are no part of.

I appreciate your feedback . It is important to me to communcate changes happening at Adobe Stock to you whenever I can in as timely a manner as possible. Some of the changes I announce will have an impact on you, others may not. Regardless, I think it's very important that our contributor community stays informed.



Hi All,

I wanted to share some big news with you.

Adobe Stock announced today the availability of editorial content through partnerships with Reuters and USA TODAY Sports. In addition, a Premium collection partnership with Stocksy has been announced. 

We often get the question from our contributor community when we will accept editorial content, so I wanted to let you know that initially, Adobe Stock will be focusing on strategic content partners for the Editorial collection. A broader contributor program for editorial content may be possible at a later time.

There are several blog posts summarizing the changes and announcements here:

-Mat Hayward

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Portal Updates
« on: June 13, 2017, 12:58 »
This may have been requested before, but I would like to see some feedback on the dashboard after a credit conversion has been made. Something does show up right away, but then it seems to disappear. Something like "X credits have been requested for conversion."It's taking a few days for those credits to be paid out, so it would be nice to know it is in the works.

Duly noted. Thank you!

Adobe Stock / Re: ID Request
« on: June 07, 2017, 16:01 »
A government issued photo ID card is required to be a contributor at Fotolia/Adobe Stock.


Hi All,

We are continuing to work hard in an effort to improve your experience with the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal. One thing we heard loud and clear through your helpful feedback is the need to see a preview of your videos while working in the tagging tool. In addition, we recognize the need for photo contributors to view a larger version of your photos from the indexing page.

I am happy to inform you that today we have updated the portal and these features are now live. While indexing your photos and videos you will see a small round icon with two arrows inside of it (located above keyword boxes). Clicking this icon will enlarge your image and/or activate your video to view.

Please keep the suggestions and feedback coming. What do you want to see next? If you haven't yet had a chance to sync your Fotolia account with the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal you can do so by visiting:


Adobe Stock / Shoot to sale videos online
« on: June 01, 2017, 12:26 »
Hi All,

Earlier this year I set up a lifestyle photo shoot with the inention of creating a series of videos showing some tips on setting up and executing a stock photo shoot. The videos were posted today on the Adobe Stock Blog so if you have a moment I would love it if you would take a look!

Using the images captured in the shoot linked above I created three additional short videos showing the process of uploading, indexing and submitting content to Adobe Stock. Check them out to see how the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal works if you haven't already started using it to submit your content.



Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Contributor Portal Updates
« on: May 31, 2017, 18:44 »
I would like the option to turn of the autofill for keywords so that I can fill in keywords with  a simple cut and paste in a blank box.
It sometimes brings up one i had not thought but right now the interface is really time consuming for me.  I put my keywords in a list in the right order and then cut ans paste.
If there is an option to tun it off, then one can work for both groups.

If you upload an image with the keywords already embedded in the metadata then the auto-keyword tool is automatically deactivated.

If you don't want to use any of the auto-keywords you can click "erase all keywords" under the keyword boxes to remove them all. Once done you can paste your entire list of keywords (separated by comma or semi-colon) into the top box. Click the tab key to distribute keywords into their own individual boxes after doing so.


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