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Messages - kentannenbaum

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1 / Disgusted with Shut-Us-Out-Stock
« on: June 12, 2020, 09:47 »
I thought I'd wait but thought again after seeing the dimes roll in.  It's way too absurd how this was sprung upon us.  Of course, soon as I changed the licensing parameters to "NO" (didn't delete the account) now I can't see anyones reaction to my action.  If you're interested, here's what my collection WAS until today:

General Stock Discussion / video clip edits
« on: October 17, 2019, 14:22 »
Does anyone successfully use iMovie to edit clips?  Or is there another editor that's not as complicated as Premier or FCP?  Doesn't seem Ineed all those bells and whistles.

Thank you. 

Thanks very much....

General Stock Discussion / Just thinking.....inheritance issues
« on: February 28, 2019, 11:57 »
I'm with a few agencies, all non-exclusive and wonder how my child would be able to continue taking my sales if I'm gone.  No intention of that happening any rime soon!!!

Off Topic / Re: Apple Watch is magic
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:33 »
Apple is a remarkable dog and pony show.  The watch is ugly and unnecessary.  The computers are great and for good reason.
From the ground up they were build with users in mind and particularly in our demanding world, they out did PCs by miles.  But that's simply not the case with phones or this ridiculous watch.  I have a Samsung phone for years and couldn't be happier.  But to each his own.  If you to impress yourself, go ahead.  If not, THINK DIFFERENT.

Pond5 / Pond 5 then and now
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:41 »
I doubt this is just me but I had a great feeling for this company when they began accepting stills and despite the fact that sales are slow there by comparison to any other place I deal with, I've kept faith since the extra time to upload is not a big deal and the people seem very nice.  Plus it takes time for any company to grow.

However, now I find that the bar they've set for acceptances is changed and short-sighted.  I've had recent rejections which I've pointed out to them sell elsewhere, in one case 20+ times this summer and what I get is nonsense list of what's wrong and unwillingness to deal with the relationship between a company and a SUPPLIER with grace and understanding.  But no such luck.  Rejections aren't the issue, we all get them and that's fine.   But suggesting that they protest too much (to steal a line from Shakespeare) is not enough to get them to back down and take a look at what really matters, originality and near excellence.  (I'm NOT trying to be snide with that remark) It's simply sad and too bad for them and frankly, me too.  As I said, I like(d) the company until now. I've decided to refrain from submitting further stills to them.

Any thoughts?

7 / iStock new home page
« on: August 06, 2014, 13:55 »
Isn't it odd if not blatantly rude to us that we have to go an extra step at iS to view our data?  I can't be the only one to be annoyed by the the home page change.

Sounds like an interesting assignment, which IF REAL, I'd do for nothing.  $200 is meaningless in today's economy but the pictures might have good value.  However, I would NOT send a thing without watermarking my name and number. 

BTW, I wouldn't call it an assignment and much as a favor. 

DepositPhotos / Re: Deposit Photos Extended Licence $2.64!!!!!!
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:18 »
This cements it for me.  I signed with them a few months ago and had that sinking feeling it was a mistake.  I've got enough issues with the other places that have my work but for the came reasons I pulled out of a couple of others, that's my plan here...beginning today.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Winter of our discontent
« on: September 12, 2013, 05:49 »
I'm sure this is covered but can't find it.   

Is there any value or purpose whatsoever in deleting once decent selling images that are now buried and re-uploading them after awhile?


11 / Re: How are sales going?- Shutterstock
« on: August 20, 2013, 10:20 »
Who cares?  I stopped submitting to them as sales from across the sea and other places in the US are far better for me and more equitable without question.   

General Stock Discussion / Re: I Think I'm Done
« on: July 17, 2013, 18:01 »
This thread, and others of a similar subject before it, has gotten to an interesting place.  BTW, there is nothing new here.  Those in the trenches for a long time understand the implications of crowd sourcing.  To the point, in looking at the sidebar to my immediate right in this column SS ranks way higher than all the rest by a considerable %.  Can it really be true that some of you derive 76.5% of your earning from them?  That is bazaar, BUT, I'm not here to say how brilliant and knowledgeable I am, rather, to share.  For whatever reason, I make considerably more from that company in London and also from DT.  AND, I'm so disgusted by who's on top, it's my latest plan to leave them.  Of course, I may not shoot what you all do.  My work tends to be still-life and some people stuff, but usually conceptual and requiring a headline...not lifestyle or "simply" pretty I know there's a lesser need for my work.  Frankly, I'd be better served had I stayed a RM photographer with one good agent rather then falling into the trap of MS.  But that's just me and my work. 

General Stock Discussion / Re: I Think I'm Done
« on: July 16, 2013, 17:31 »
I too have tumbled down from a fairly lofty perch.  I was in advertising in NYC for a long time...4000sqft studio...and all that it entailed including fat assignments.  I segued to stock a very long time ago when it produced results.  Now, lucky for me, my wife still works, I'm semi retired and all my earning from stock are icing... but not much.  I have a collection of pics that keep selling and remain fairly industrious because I like to be, but starting over...from where we are now?  Not on your life...certainly not on mine.  The power brokers,  such as the esteemed newly minted billionaire of Silicon Alley in NY are vultures, not good people as my grandma used to say. Yes, they deserve credit for good ideas...but c'mon, pigs are pigs by any standard.  I left a few of these awful places and will another fairly soon.  Been a little lazy about it for obvious reasons to me...the dribs and drabs are MY dribs and drabs.  They do accumulate but in reality it's not oo funny a joke.  The thing is that talent and cameras are everywhere so the many think they'll make a living from this.  It won't happen for the vast majority but don;t try to convince anyone, it's not worth your time.  Worse is true of the art community.  I see huge man-hours spent there too...much more than in stock and it produces the same result: if you enjoy the process, great.  But don't for a split second think you'll be paying your bills with the proceeds.  If you have another thing that tickles you AND you have responsibilities like family, you're better off leaving this nonsense being.   As I said, I'm mostly retired so it's no doubt easier for me to say.  Just steer clear of the vultures if possible.  They don't give a hoot.

General Stock Discussion / Re: erased metadata
« on: April 12, 2013, 15:40 »
I haven't registered images with the US since I was with The Image Bank about 2,000 years ago before they were bought by Getty. Anyway, typically, I find these forums informative and interesting.  Also, the vast majority of people asking/answering questions are well-meaning and  decent despite the enormity of the uphill struggle.  Actually, it's a sideways struggle.  I have zero intention of registering my recent work.  The hoops you'd need to jump through to defend a position in a court of law is simply not worth the trouble.  My "discovery" of the site yesterday manifest such a wide-ranging "lifting" of my stuff for free use (blogs, etc) that I'd be nuts to waste my time.  The ONLY managerial way to handle to things is a class-action suit brought by EVERYONE against ALL the big guns.  BTW, I think you asked which agencies removed my metadata.  Try every one I checked...iS, SS, A, DT, P5...on and on.  I do okay as is, it's just frustrating that the balance of power is so skewed...but that frustration comes and goes...only hurts when I think about it, which happened yesterday and will stop soon enough.  Thanks for the comments.

General Stock Discussion / Re: erased metadata
« on: April 12, 2013, 07:43 »
I've been around for way too long to have not noticed that and as I mentioned already, this is a game for sturdy souls willing to put up with immense bull.

General Stock Discussion / erased metadata
« on: April 11, 2013, 18:25 »
Maybe it's me, but I JUST realized that the metadata for my images is GONE once uploaded to the agencies..apparently at all of them.  Did I miss the small print? 

This new wonderful knowledge came about because of the ALSO NEW TO ME way of finding where my work ends up, namely by uploading an image to    Now don't run off and start finding your work yet, I've more to say.    What I discovered in doing that OF COURSE is the number of people ripping me off by using the images with the watermark.  So I thought to myself, no * way to combat that...but at least my work is out there and someone can check the metadata for just who the creative genius is.  No such luck...because THERE IS NO metadata.

Just one more thing to rant about and realize what a stupid sucky game this is.  A real barrel of laughs.

17 / Re: Who is getting 27 subs? Are you staying?
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:22 »
I removed my work from 123_ because of this and Canoworms too.  Why I stay with SS is beyond me, I suppose because my video does ok there.  Still my fave is DT, best sales for me but am continually distressed by the growing subscription sales.  Boys and girls of the jury, this industry is a losing proposition, get used to it.  BS is BS.  Closing note....38 beats 27 every time. 

This is a very open-ended subject as we each have different parameters in what we do.  We've all seen multiple images of the same subject over and over again bloating a contributors total uploads way beyond what others have online.  For an important reason, I usually limit an upload from a shoot to one, sometimes two retouched images.  Because #1, they're the best in my opinion and #2 because at a couple of agencies the value goes up for those images more for multiple sales of that one picture than if the concept were spread across 5 or 6 from the shoot.  I just do better. 

Anyway, I have nearly 700 images at my best selling agency and fewer elsewhere, usually 400-500.  BTW, my best selling agency is less nuts in the reviewing room too.  I sell pictures there that didn't make the cut elsewhere.  Makes me curious about what's in their iced tea but I get over it.

19 / Re: DT dead since November 12
« on: December 04, 2012, 11:32 »
I have 630+ images with DT and find that sales continue at a diminished pace but do continue.  This business ain't so great, we all know that, so pick your poison where it tastes best.  DT sales are at least on a higher level per sale than some others, specifically SS.  I've found myself uploading to them less and less, particularly after the stock offering on Wall St made the lopsidedness of it all so clear.  We all have to hope the business models of some places begins to incorporate our interests too.  DT's okay as is another one, based in England...even though they reduces commissions recently.  Maybe a Mars landing will un-earth (!) a new a better agency!

I'm a little late to the party on this one, but my 2 is really really close to the 33 SS pays or the whopping 35 I can get elsewhere.
As for banding together, the last sorry-ass time I did that was at The Image Bank, before they were bought by Getty.  That's a long time ago. A sizable group of us felt the contract was so screwy we had to quit en-mass.  The contract stipulated exclusivity of EVEN rejected images, whereby you couldn't sell them through your studio!!!  It was amazing but binding.  So we quit.  I have one lasting, penetrating, sleep depriving memory from those the form of one photo...multiple recurring RM sales, which netted me $17K+.  No other image came close for me. Oh, it was a baton pass.  I lived to regret that move.  One worthwhile point is that soon afterward, The Image Bank came to it's senses and revised that contract eliminating the personal sale clause and other changes.  I can't recite chapter and verse but that's not important.  It was a vastly different time of course.  I had a busy studio then which isn't the case now...other major income.  Also, the number of us "quitters" was from a MUCH smaller pie of contributors and that made a difference.  Anyway, shooting for stock has been fun and interesting.  I'd like to continue, but if a huge band of us got together and quit at once, it would hurt us individually.  The percentage could not, would not, be enough to make a difference for these agents.  Hay! it's capitalism!  Have you checked SSTK stock lately???  Sorry, wish I had an answer.   I'm struggling with it too and may pull the plug.     

21 / Re: Shutterstock Love/ Hate
« on: October 09, 2012, 10:15 »
If the work is ordinary the acceptance rate will be low most places and deservedly so.  What sucks about Shutterstock is the split.  Make no bones about it, it's lop-sided relationship.  A single sale at other places out paces the rate here by far.

Pond5 / Re: First Sale on Pond5
« on: October 01, 2012, 10:37 »
I've also had a few stills sales at Pond5.  Seems like a nice place, well run, etc. 

General Stock Discussion / Sales @ 9 Oh Goody!
« on: June 19, 2012, 16:26 »
I've been doing this for a few years after many years in the advertising wars and long after RM stock sales were seriously impressive.  So I've got a history and can say unequivocally...

HOLY MACKERAL!  What's with 9 subscription sales???  I sort of get it but seriously folks, there ought to be a downside limit.  It's disgusting. 

Well, it's apparent the iStocks and Shutterstocks of the world don't care what I think.  Actually, I brought this up in a forum and immediately, the thread was locked.  Yes, in the same month the announcement was made concerning the earnings of these giants.  As said, it's disgusting.

Forgive the venting.  It just oozes out every so often.

24 / Re: Your Sales here?
« on: February 20, 2012, 12:17 »
PM is new for me. I began a month ago with 86 pics...36 were reected. Boohoo for me but I'm a big boy and asked via email where to see the reasons. You know the answer of course..
They have a tough as nails response of it's not our job to justify what we do. Of course that's a slap in the face and speaks volumes about their attitude.

I found this site today and see the general feeling's not too sweet. I give them credit for a decent site and upload stream but the real significalnce comes from sales and clearly, for my work, probably 25% of te rejections are good seller's elsewhere.

Hate typing on this * phone...don't know if I'll stay or go from from PN t

Wouldn't it be heavenly to be exclusive and not deal with this?
That's just not possible since all of them and all of us fall short of perfection.

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