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Topics - tdoes

Pages: [1]
General Stock Discussion / Another way to sell your stock
« on: May 07, 2013, 13:17 »
Heres an FREE opportunity for you to create your own online store. You can choose between a preloaded website of customizable device covers and t shirts (you can upload your own images to your store's gallery!) where people can design their own item or host your own storefront for your decorated items.  You will receive a commission on any sales made from your site which you will be able to monitor plus referral commission on any affiliate signups off your site.  Excellent support is available!

Click this link to get started.

2 / any algorithym changes on Dreamstime
« on: November 06, 2012, 14:45 »
Probably coincidental, but has Dreamstime made any algorithym changes lately?

Haven't had any sales there for more than a week which is unusual for me!

I was just curious in getting some information about some high end cameras and came across this one that seems to be very well put together. It's the new Leica M9.  I wonder if it's overpriced!  How would you rate and compare it to other cameras based on this review?

Anyone using their personal web site to help promote their stock portfolios?  I've just updated my site to include exposure for some of my stock portfolio at some sites I would love to see become more successful.

T-Does Designs

Some of your images might have been stolen.  It would be in your best interest to read this discussion and see if you have been a victim.  I went to the site in question and have seen alot of familiar photos from members of various stock sites!

General Stock Discussion / Any sale coming from Albumo?
« on: November 06, 2007, 14:45 »
I'm having no action at Albumo yet and I also never put any files in categories in hopes that they wouldn't be neccessary (I wish the category system wasn't neccessary!).

Anyone having consistant sales there? Do you think the buyers use the category search at this site, or is Albumo not being used that often by buyers?

Just curious!

General Stock Discussion / Shutterstock down?
« on: September 26, 2007, 20:55 »
Anyone else not able to connect to Shutterstock at this time?

General - Top Sites / How the big six rank for me
« on: September 02, 2007, 14:32 »
With all the criteria that goes into how well you perform on a site I look at the bottom line on earnings made to rank the "big six". I've started contributing to the "big six" within the same year and here's how they rank for me in terms of money generated.


General Stock Discussion / Slooooow Monday
« on: April 09, 2007, 13:59 »
We'll this has officially been a slow Monday for me at all the sites I submit to!  :(

Has it been like this for anyone else?   Not trying to have a "pity party" but wonder if it  could be mainly due to the Easter holiday.

New Sites - General / Question about Stockxpert
« on: December 27, 2006, 08:25 »
Stockxpert is currently the hardest site for me at getting photos approved.  They have a fine acceptance balance between noise issues and detail that, in alot of cases, I see as being too nit picky considering how the photo may be used.  I see it that way because I coming at this from the designers perspective first!

I'm always working to improve my photography but I still think they've set their standards higher than some other sites.  Am I mistaken?

Does anyone with success on this site believe this is the case?  What subject matter do you have the most success at this site with?

Thanks for your help

Pages: [1]


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