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Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: HomePage Plugins
« on: August 22, 2013, 04:46 »
Maybe you could use this feature http://stock.imagerion.com/syxtra/including-thumbnails-in-posts-or-pages/

The new version (1.9.9) will have the linked headers, as you may see on my site right now

If you tick "Replace Front Page template" in syxtra plugin Settings panel, you gonna have the full width front page with all sidebars available - Above content, Below content, and additional Footers

Symbiostock - Suggestions / Re: Feature Request List
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:21 »
SEO effect would drop down dead

I use G12 as a walk around camera and with the right settings it produces great stock images, for example http://stock.imagerion.com/search-images/Dreamliner/
So you might look for something similar, there is M, RAW, ISO 80, 2.8~4.5, 5x zoom and more interesting features

@David and all symbiotes, you can see now the new thumbnail styles (larger ones) on my site, I think the new version of the plugin will come out tomorrow

Symbiostock - General / Re: Image Pricing?
« on: August 17, 2013, 03:30 »
I am over the defaults

It's almost useless but yes

@David slider issue was related to 2 sites, only 1 left and it doesn't seem to be in direct connection with the plugins, just some coincidence, but I have it in mind while cleaning up the code.

Square thumbnails can't be changed at the moment because they use tricky CSS to get the center position maintaining the full square size for most of the portrait and landscape image sizes.

There are 2 more thumbnail styles on the way, one is almost finished and will come in the next release. Also using some tricks. Second one should be completely different and I think that much better, but it'll take some time

It doesn't matter


try the !important rule, like

width:5% !important;

@Redneck - ok, I understand now, you've modified the default SYS setting, will try to work on that

@stockphoto-images.com - it's in the next release ( the deadline was today, who knows, maybe I can do it), already working great so it prompted me to fill in my featured category ;)

@stockphoto-images.com - see http://stock.imagerion.com/syxtra/dynamic-image-previews-help/

@Redneck - wrong links? Don't know anything about it, any examples please?

@Kerioak~Christine - yes we need to work on that, because I don't see those effects on your test site (tulip), just the public one

Symbiostock - Network Building / Re: Symbiostock Blogs
« on: August 13, 2013, 09:05 »
Well.. I have a few, but this is the closest one http://imagerion.com/ see you there :)

Code: [Select]

.symbiostock-latest, .symbiostock-featured { position:relative }
.inner-latest, .inner-featured { position:absolute;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;text-align:center }

try this
(updated the centering)

color search is cool

If they had some malfunction, they could recreate it from the backup and reactivated Symbio told you it's deployed. (just a thought)

Code: [Select]
<img itemprop="contentURL image" class="photo" alt="A Pair of Canadian Geese (Branta canadensis) swimming in a lake " src="">
even src="" is empty like it's not in the database

Anita, it would be better to set the perma links right because you have now simple ones


should be


Check this out if you want to stick with that slider, http://wordpress.org/support/topic/slideshow-on-posts-page-resolved-issue

I found in the code that it uses content filtering and it shoudln't, so maybe try to disable that in options and let me know to check your site

Symbiostock - General / Re: Upgrade WP to 3.6?
« on: August 09, 2013, 07:26 »
well.. maybe gonna post it again


Last checked on August 9, 2013 at 12:25.   Check Again
You have the latest version of WordPress.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Upgrade WP to 3.6?
« on: August 09, 2013, 05:32 »
Just uploaded, all fine, switched themes, Uploader is still working


Last checked on August 9, 2013 at 12:25.   Check Again
You have the latest version of WordPress.

@franky242 You saw it working on my site

Yet it doesn't work for you, maybe because it's coded in a weird fashion.
Like it uses the LINK tag in BODY below the footer? (not allowed)

Code: [Select]
</div><link rel='stylesheet' id='slideshow-jquery
While sometimes your site does not fully render and there is no ending
Code: [Select]

It likes to happen right before that <link tags, I see some unclosed tables in the code also (around paypal area) etc.. etc..

I'd suggest you to drop this plugin, or try it's own forum to solve things ( http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/slideshow-jquery-image-gallery ).
There is WP 3.6 already. I can't debug other plugins especially when I don't find them stable, I 'work for Symbio' and trying my best to stick with the rules. Sure I make mistakes as anyone else and bugs may happen.

But FIIRST do a clean up, disable ALL unnecessary plugins including syxtra, go to the http://validator.w3.org/ and then add one by one to see what's happening.

Otherwise you'll never finish it

@franky242 since you saw it's working I am removing that Slideshow from my install, I don't like it ;) (I think it tried to mess up with my Symbio pages vs posts, maybe it doesn't like the WP 3.6 http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/slideshow-jquery-image-gallery)

I saw them about a half an hour ago, now I don't. Also I don't see the previews and it all worked together before, Remember to disable all WP caching while doing changes

The problem is it works on my site (at least I see it)

http //stock.imagerion com/slide-in-post/
http //stock.imagerion com/slideshow-test/

Have you cleared, disabled the cache while doing changes ?

UPDATE: it's working, confirmed, links removed http://www.microstockgroup.com/20077/20077/msg336807/#msg336807

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