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Messages - bluepayphone

Pages: [1]
General Photography Discussion / Re: Mobile Phone Photography
« on: April 29, 2012, 13:03 »
I'm getting into it too.  The big thing you learn is - if you always have a P&S camera in your pocket, and you try to develop the habit of looking around you, you'll find interesting pictures.  But I often end up regretting I don't have my DSLR with me.

Unfortunately the camera in my smartphone (HTC HD7) is absolute cr@p and not even in the same galaxy as the iPhone camera, so none of the photos are good for anything other than posting on FB for my friends.   Once in a great while I  follow up later with the DSLR.

Yeah, I know what you mean about not having your DSLR when you see a great shot.

General Photography Discussion / Mobile Phone Photography
« on: April 27, 2012, 22:01 »
I don't know how everyone else feels about the subject but mobile phone photography is undoubtedly becoming more and more popular. Not necessarily as a way of income but just for fun, and I'm looking to find those who are interested in mobile photography. Message me, or reply if you'd like to chat, I'd like to meet fellow enthusiasts.  :)

Off Topic / Re: Must have Android apps
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:46 »
I'm not sure what kind of apps you're looking for but for creative artsy photos PicsArt is really cool. Plus I'd suggest a file manager so you don't have to plug your phone into your computer in order to access whatever's on your SD card/phone. Also Color Note comes in handy a lot, as well as Mr. Number which is a caller ID which tells you who's calling if they're not in your contacts.

You might want to add something about not using anything they disclose to you to accuse them of something, or get them in trouble with the law.

Just to be safe.

Pages: [1]


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