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Messages - BD

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Adobe Stock / Re: Fotalia re-design!
« on: April 30, 2015, 14:19 »
When I upload it says that the maximum is now 30 keywords.

123RF / Re: $0.16 royalty?!
« on: March 04, 2015, 16:14 »
They seem to be having some trouble with reporting sales so far this month.

I had 5 or 6 like that the other day but they eventually showed the correct value.


123RF / Re: $0.16 royalty?!
« on: March 04, 2015, 14:53 »
I just had a sale for $0. It doesn't have any size listed or sub. It just has 0 all the way across. Does anyone know what this is?

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: February 26, 2015, 23:20 »

...The people doing 'some' of the cleaning up don't see the quantity of sales of an image.  That's not a factor we want to take into consideration.  There are some horrible images that sold many times simply because they were in the collection early, or were at the top of the search results for a certain keyword combination.  So we know some of our customers think those images are good enough.  But part of enabling beautiful design is ensuring our customers get exposed to beautiful images.  You and I know a lot of very weak images get sold in microstock, sometimes many times.  Not all the buyers are so-called "sophisticated buyers" who know a good image from a not-so-good image.  Part of our service, and that of any microstock agency, is image curation - getting the best images in front of the buyers at the right time.  A big part of that is removing the poor images from the collection... 

That's pretty insulting (to both your contributors and your buyers).

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: February 26, 2015, 17:02 »
I have an image that sold on YOUR SITE 78 times that someone decided to just delete. In fact, in just one month it sold 34 times on your site. Are you going to really tell me your customers think that file is not quality and they dont want it?

If 78 sales or fewer were the retention criteria, they'd delete all 240 of my images there! And I've checked a couple of times today to see if anything's been deleted, but so far not.

I cut & paste the sales pages into an excel spreadsheet, sorted them in order of download totals and about half have been downloaded, not one of them sold 78 times.

I understand the idea that sales at other agencies aren't something Canva wants to consider, but I'm truly puzzled as to why an image with demonstrable sales on Canva would be removed - unless there were model release, property release or other IP issues (like it's of a cruise ship, or has a visible logo or something that would only fly as editorial).

There were no issues like that. It is a background image with no people, etc., in it. It has been accepted and sold well on all other agencies I contribute to. I am equally as puzzled.

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: February 26, 2015, 14:51 »
I have an image that sold on YOUR SITE 78 times that someone decided to just delete. In fact, in just one month it sold 34 times on your site. Are you going to really tell me your customers think that file is not quality and they dont want it?

There is another agency that has had huge success by paying attention to what its customers want instead of what they think is quality.

Are you guys still deleting images?

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: December 16, 2014, 13:15 »
What does the rejection reason (S) mean?

Thank you!

General Stock Discussion / Re: model might try to sue me
« on: December 09, 2014, 15:06 »

While Plaintiff generally alleges breaches of Shutterstock's Terms of Service, she was not a party to those terms; does not and cannot allege that she was; and, does not allege -- and cannot in good faith allege -- that she is an intended third-party beneficiary of them.

To me, it sounds like Shutterstock is saying that unscrupulous buyers can throw out parts of the license terms if the model release is written in a certain way. It probably isn't what they mean, but it how its coming across.

I suppose they mean that violations of the ToS are up to the agency and maybe an image's copyright holder to take care of. However, has Shutterstock or the photographer taken any kind of action against the porn and escort sites, who VERY CLEARLY violated the terms?

Nope. I am not a native english speaker neither - so please correct me if I`m wrong - but knowing a bit the legal world to me it sounds like that the Model was not involved at any point into the TOS itself. Meaning: the photographer is accepting SS`s TOS when submitting / opening a contributor account and the client is agreeing to the TOS when downloading / opening a Customer account, but the Model itself never has to agree to SS TOS and as such cannot complain about breaking it since she was not involved in the first place. But this is just my interpretation of the argument...

I think you are right. If you read the "universal model release" the model signed it does not seem to prohibit such uses (I think the model release many stock photographers use prohibit certain uses that this one does not). Also, the model was 21 when she signed the adult. I think the model is claiming the verbal agreement (if there was one) should supersede the written release, but it seems impossible to prove there even was a verbal one.

If I disable a file on iStock is it also disabled on Thinkstock and other partners? Do I need to do anything separately to disable the file on Thinkstock?


General Stock Discussion / Re: model might try to sue me
« on: December 08, 2014, 14:47 »
It does not appear to be finished.

Near the bottom there is a link to the model release.

62 / Re: First Week of New iStock - How are you doing?
« on: September 23, 2014, 13:13 »
Looking at iTunes, Getty's stream is for IOS8 only (I am still at IOS7 for a bit so won't be trying this right away).

the iStock app hasn't been updated since July and the sharing it talks about is, I think, sharing a link to the image detail page, not sharing images in blogs. Most of the reviews are very negative - slow, crashes, images don't load, can't buy images or figure out how much they cost, etc.

I'm guessing the person writing the article doesn't actually know what any of these things do but is massaging a press release.

Thanks! That makes sense.

63 / Re: First Week of New iStock - How are you doing?
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:09 »

"The free app its first aimed at consumers lets you easily explore the firms massive image library and comes with functionality allowing you to embed selected photos in a blog or some such website, or post them to various social media services.

Getty brought the same functionality to its iStock photo app in July after a move four months earlier that made its database of millions of images freely available for non-commercial use."

Is there an iStock app that lets consumers embed our images for free?

GraphicRiver / Re: Time to step it up, Envato
« on: July 19, 2014, 21:42 »
I was looking at Creative Market and recognized a model. I think this person might be using someone elses photos:

The image on Creative Market:

Zoom Team image on Shutterstock:

The woman on Creative Market wrote in her profile that she is located in Berlin, but Zoom Teams profile on Shutterstock says they are located in Poland. Zoom Team has lots of images, the woman on Creative Market only has a few. I could be wrong, but it seems suspicious.

"Fountains, bridges, waterscapes, landscapes, landmarks, etc."

Aside from zoo animals and feet, you've named thed the top things that are easy to shoot and don't sell.  Just because you like shooting them doesn't mean anyone necessarily wants to buy them.

That's not true. I sell lots of zoo animal shots. Got an EL on one today. And I had a similar shot to his of Chattanooga get an EL last week. Cityscapes and landmarks sell well. Sell 75-100 images a day on Shutterstock, and a quarter of those are zoo animals and landmarks.

Anyway, I think the key is having variety and photographing the things you enjoy. Photographing your cute daughter doing everyday things can be a good way to bump your sales. Nothing like having full-time access to a good model like that.

The fireworks shot is way overexposed. Something like that should be shot at like f8-11 at 2-3 seconds, prefocusing on the bridge. Then you'd have plenty of depth of field to get it all in focus.

Which zoo do you go to? All of the zoos I have looked at don't want images of their animals to be used for commercial purposes, especially stock.

Mostly little ones that don't seem to care or have policies on their websites.

Thanks (:

"Fountains, bridges, waterscapes, landscapes, landmarks, etc."

Aside from zoo animals and feet, you've named thed the top things that are easy to shoot and don't sell.  Just because you like shooting them doesn't mean anyone necessarily wants to buy them.

That's not true. I sell lots of zoo animal shots. Got an EL on one today. And I had a similar shot to his of Chattanooga get an EL last week. Cityscapes and landmarks sell well. Sell 75-100 images a day on Shutterstock, and a quarter of those are zoo animals and landmarks.

Anyway, I think the key is having variety and photographing the things you enjoy. Photographing your cute daughter doing everyday things can be a good way to bump your sales. Nothing like having full-time access to a good model like that.

The fireworks shot is way overexposed. Something like that should be shot at like f8-11 at 2-3 seconds, prefocusing on the bridge. Then you'd have plenty of depth of field to get it all in focus.

Which zoo do you go to? All of the zoos I have looked at don't want images of their animals to be used for commercial purposes, especially stock.

Selling Stock Direct / Re: New Photography Platform
« on: June 25, 2014, 00:59 »
I also dont understand the Download Raw. I dont want people downloading my image unless they have licensed it. Why would they license it if they can download it for free? Unfortunately, most people would just steal it. Can this be disabled?

This has been removed. The email check failed inadvertently.

@BD, please let us know any other changes. We encourage your feedback. We are in the process of adding the license descriptions.

I sent you a personal message with feedback. Thank you for asking!

Selling Stock Direct / Re: New Photography Platform
« on: June 24, 2014, 21:31 »
There are still reasons why I wouldnt upload my images there yet, but I think they have been listening to the stock photographers posting here. I appreciate this. I noticed they got rid of the i button and have made things more intuitive for buyers. Buy print is now right next to each image instead of being hidden.

I also dont understand the Download Raw. I dont want people downloading my image unless they have licensed it. Why would they license it if they can download it for free? Unfortunately, most people would just steal it. Can this be disabled?

I am still waiting for some of the other changes, such as links next to the images to descriptions of the royalty free standard license, watermark options, etc. I think without such things they will have trouble getting stock photographers to upload to their site.

Selling Stock Direct / Re: New Photography Platform
« on: June 18, 2014, 00:28 »

We are aware of this and changing this soon, maybe as soon as tonight. It's still in Beta.

I should also add, if you want to buy a print, from a photographer's site, you can click on an individual photo here: You can click on the i button and then click buy print. We plan to add similar functionality to our marketplace.

It was not clear to me that clicking the i button would allow me to buy prints. I believe your company gets some percentage of some of these sales? I dont know if you would consider this functionality, but on the sites that are not e-commerce you could put a button that says something like license image that would take the buyer to that particular image on the website. If Im understanding correctly, the e-commerce sites get 100% of the sale and the free sites 70% (so your company would get 30% of these sales). I also noticed that the individual websites dont have the option for someone to search and find an image. This would be a nice feature.

Selling Stock Direct / Re: New Photography Platform
« on: June 17, 2014, 21:49 »
Thanks for your response. If I create one of the free websites will my images automatically be added for sale at

Selling Stock Direct / Re: New Photography Platform
« on: June 17, 2014, 21:41 »
It is really difficult to find the standard and extended license agreements. There are no links on the images pages or when you are in a cart to check out which will take you to a description of the licenses.

Selling Stock Direct / Re: New Photography Platform
« on: June 17, 2014, 21:19 »
I looked at the website. I cant find descriptions of the licenses anywhere. For example, if I shop like I am a buyer, I cant find the description of the licenses, even the standard license.

I deleted my images and am planning on deleting my account there as it appears they are not looking for the type of images I uploaded.  Oh wellon to something else. Good luck to everyone else!  :)

I only uploaded images about a day ago. For those of you who received the email that you were included in searchhow long did it take after you uploaded images? I dont know if I should upload more/different images or just keep waiting.

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