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Topics - Sue Burton Photography

Pages: [1]
General Stock Discussion / SS sales this week
« on: March 22, 2018, 03:47 »
Is it just me or does there seem to be a reporting issue with no sales from SS since Monday 19th March 2018.

General Stock Discussion / SS new submission page
« on: November 24, 2017, 15:23 »
Is it just me or is anyone else finding the new SS submission page less than useful.
This is certainly not progress as now when you click submit its touch and go whether they are submitted or not - despite all fields filled in correctly.

General Stock Discussion / Adobe Stock and Fotolia
« on: September 30, 2016, 05:08 »
I have read that Fotolia have teamed up with Adobe stock and in order to submit to Adobe stock you have to sync your images between the two. Any opinions on how this will affect sales on Fotolia?

General Stock Discussion / Pond 5
« on: August 18, 2016, 03:52 »
Has anyone had any successful sales on Pond 5 and if so what is the size of their portfolio?

General Stock Discussion / Deletion of thumbnails
« on: November 26, 2014, 17:34 »
Please could someone explain to me the technicalities of why it takes quite a period of time after the main images on an microstock site have been deleted to also have the thumbnails removed, even when a potential legal issue. Thanks.

Newbie Discussion / SS very strange review process
« on: January 06, 2014, 17:50 »
Having eventually now been accepted as a ss contributor I uploaded some images for review to them, taking into account what others on here had said. 
So dear they have not accepted any of my first batch all with the same 'excuse' sorry reason even though these very same images are very successful on other ms and stick sites.
It appears to me that they do not welcome new contributors into their fold.

Shutterstock.com / Success at last
« on: January 03, 2014, 17:51 »
At long last I've had all my review images accepted by SS.
I can now look forward to being an active contributor to ss as well as is and ds.
It turns out the last review failure was down to a software glitch at their end.
Thank you ss for your help. 

Newbie Discussion / Shutterstock review process again
« on: January 02, 2014, 17:55 »
I have a large portfolio istock, Dreamstime and Alamy with regular sales on all and can't believe how difficult it is to get the first batch if images accepted with shutterstock.
My latest review has failed again despite adding a comment for the reviewer as requested by a member of shutterstock staff.
It almost appears as if shutterstock aren't interested in new contributors.
If anyone from shutterstock reads this post please could you contract me.

Newbie Discussion / Fotolia and lesson to be learnt.
« on: December 23, 2013, 10:59 »
Well Fotolia seems to live up to its poor reports.

I thought I would upload a few images to see how they got on with Fotolia as some people on here seem to think they were ok.
Despite all these image already being accepted at numerous other ms sites and stock sites like Alamy they failed them all through totally unfounded and stupid reasons.

So glad I only bothered uploading a few images.

I will now be deleting my account and concentrate on the proper microstock sites where reviewers do know what their doing.

Newbie Discussion / Inspection times
« on: December 22, 2013, 04:05 »
Does anyone know what the average time you have to wait for files to be inspected and approved on Fotolia.
There is very little info on their for contributors and I thought I'd seen a post somewhere that said they were quite quick at assessing files - this doesn't seem to be the case so far unless it's because I'm a newbie to this microstock company.

Newbie Discussion / Fotolia - minimum amount of sales
« on: December 19, 2013, 17:56 »
Does anyone know what the minimum amount of sales needs to be on Fotolia site before you can claim a payment.
There does not seem to be much information for contributors on their site.

admin edit: made subject more descriptive

Newbie Discussion / Fotolia - sales and experiences
« on: December 13, 2013, 10:27 »
Has anyone any experience if Fotolia stock library?
For example any sales and how they compare with istock and Dreamstime.

admin edit: modified the subject to be more descriptive

Newbie Discussion / Shutterstock Application Review Process
« on: December 13, 2013, 03:05 »
Please could anyone tell me how the review process for new 'wanting' to be contributors to shutterstock works - or rather doesn't.
Whilst I understand they have to have a review process to set standards why when I resubmitted all 10 images that they said would have passed  did they fail 6 if the ones that had previously passed.
These same images are successful on other sites including alamy.

admin edit: changed to a more descriptive subject

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