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Messages - mj007

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Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 26, 2020, 15:41 »
Yes you could sue and maybe get an injunction. The injunction would put a temporary hold on them changing the payout structure. Would you win the case , not sure. It would cost you 10's of thousands dollars of legal fees for attorneys. Are you in....That's what I thought, as me most of us have not that kind of money. SS knows that and fears No  legal battle.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 26, 2020, 13:36 »
One person shutting down their portfolio is meaningless. People will not gather up/unionized to pull their pictures off SS. Not sure there's an answer to this mess. I did my Jethro math with what little info SS sent me. I am guessing I may lose 30% to 50% of income from future SS income. That sucks but pulling portfolios off SS is not the answer.  Looks like SS for many in the future is just a photo hobby and not a future business. I would think this may hurt the international photographers in third worlds the most. It is still fun taking photos but just a lot less future cash.
Self respect is worth more than money.
  You are so correct about Self Worth...But Self Worth does not buy new equipment, food, or everything else. I think most photographers new that most if not all stock houses are like whoring for a Whorehouse. At first when you are young your prices are high as you get older your prices drop. But you keep Whoring.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 26, 2020, 13:22 »
One person shutting down their portfolio is meaningless. People will not gather up/unionized to pull their pictures off SS. Not sure there's an answer to this mess. I did my Jethro math with what little info SS sent me. I am guessing I may lose 30% to 50% of income from future SS income. That sucks but pulling portfolios off SS is not the answer.  Looks like SS for many in the future is just a photo hobby and not a future business. I would think this may hurt the international photographers in third worlds the most. It is still fun taking photos but just a lot less future cash. 

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 26, 2020, 11:39 »
Here is an idea... I hope Adobe is reading this. If you drop and delete all photos on SS . Adobe will give some type of extra incentive to be on Adobe and off  of SS. Not exclusive at Adobe but not to be listed on SS. That would be a big plus for Adobe and future images at Adobe.

It is not clear but Level 1 = 15% is that 15 cents....Level 2 = 20% is that 20 cents  and Level 5 which is last level 40%  is that 40 cents per image sale... If this is correct and you were making 38 cents an image sale ...Screw job...Maybe I am not reading this correctly. Your thoughts ?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 26, 2020, 11:08 »
It is not clear but Level 1 = 15% is that 15 cents....Level 2 = 20% is that 20 cents  and Level 5 which is last level 40%  is that 40 cents per image sale... If this is correct and you were making 38 cents an image sale ...Screw job...Maybe I am not reading this correctly. Your thoughts ?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 26, 2020, 10:54 »
I am not totally sure I understand this. I am at a very high lifetime earnings as I have been with SS for 15 years. If I understand this and maybe I don't . If you are a new contributor this is actually a good thing as for me maybe not. Sounds like kind of a reverse pyramid idea. You will make less money for the first few months and maybe make more or the same as you were making at the end of the year.

I am not totally sure I understand this. I am at a very high lifetime earnings as I have been with SS for 15 years. If I understand this and maybe I don't . If you are a new contributor this is actually a good thing as for me maybe not. Sounds like kind of a reverse pyramid idea. You will make less money for the first few months and maybe make more or the same as you were making at the end of the year. 

I can easily shot 15 images a day. At 60 bucks per shot that would be 900 per day....Not a bay day rate...Sign me up...

123RF / Re: Is it the end of 123rf
« on: May 22, 2020, 19:52 »
Sean Locke it is better to let someone think your an idiot than to open your mouth Sean and prove it.

123RF / Re: Is it the end of 123rf
« on: May 20, 2020, 18:51 »
Maybe my sells are different but 123 has been good in sells for me during the Communist Chinese Virus outbreak. In fact all of my sites have done well in this pandemic with the exception of the last report from Istock. Istock was very low. If anything I am guessing people will buy more images as the virus continues. It is kind of like my family, we now order groceries from Amazon delivery.  So I see more sells as people are on their computes more than ever as they stay at home. 

Newbie Discussion / Re: New to stock, made my first sale
« on: May 11, 2020, 22:12 »
Roger, first don't pay a lot of attention to most of the folks on MicrostockGroup. Seems many of the people here love to complain about the Stock business. Yes you will not get rich ,well most likely not but then never say never. Yes sells are lower than what they were 10 years ago. I still sell images every day of the year. I still get excited at 38 cents or 600 bucks per sell. Very few at 600 bucks , now and then one comes through Alamy. As long as sites send me money each month I will keep doing this until I die. Roger shoot what your think is interesting . If you find your subject interesting most likely others will too and buy it. The boot picture below I have sold over 3000 times.You just don't know what will sell.  Good luck.. Stock is Fun...W.Scott McGill

From my experience with Envato they are a slimy group. In my opinion you will be ahead if they don't except you. Just my opinion with working with them many years ago... Good Luck

Shutterstock.com / Re: stupid rejection
« on: May 11, 2020, 11:20 »
I just had this photo below rejected from SS. they said keywords need to be in english............america, architectural dome, building, capital, Capital Building, capitol, capitol building, congress, cupola, dc, debate, democracy, democrat, dome, Federal, federal building, government, governmental, historical, House of Representatives, independence, landmark, lawmakers, Legislation, legislature, Nancy, patriotic, pelosi, politic, political, powerful, Representation, republican, Rotunda, senate, Senator, sightseeing, symbol, tourist, trump, united states congress, united states senate, Unites States, us, US Capitol, US Capitol Building, usa, vote, washington, washington dc capital

Newbie Discussion / Re: Editorial vs Commercial
« on: May 08, 2020, 17:30 »
Free is always best....Editorial can be News related, recognizable people without model releases, pretty much any item that has brand, logo, or trademark on it, and even some famous buildings may have to be editorial. Commercial will have none of these items I have mention. Sometimes even the shape of an item like Iphone's may have to be editorial. Just upload your images or videos and if they reject it for editorial or commercial you will learn very fast what is the difference. Good luck...

Yaymicro / Re: Yay reopening??
« on: April 24, 2020, 14:13 »
They still owe me money from 12 years ago...

I started in 2006. It was not uncommon in 2006-2007 to have a single image sell 200 times a day and some even more a day. Those time are clearly gone. Now if I get a single image to sell twice a day that is a good day. I have around 5000 active images on multi sites. I do still upload each week. The money is less than half of what it was years back even with my increased images.  With less money I still get cash each and every month from most sites. It is still fun shooting whatever . I want to on that day. I still can deduct my expenses from the IRS traveling all over the world. At least before the Walking Dead Chinese Virus. Maybe stock photography works on my ego , as my wife says I have a big one...Ego that is... I do love my job..Stock Photographer..... W.Scott McGill

General Stock Discussion / Question for Historical Photos.
« on: April 07, 2020, 23:12 »
What are the rules on selling old photos such as ww2 and ww1 photos. I see a number of sites on SS that sell these historical photos. I assume they were taken by someone long gone. What are the rules/laws on old photos being sold for stock ?

This just came out from SS. It makes no sense as reviewers work in their homes on computers and no computer has ever given anyone a virus.     "PLEASE NOTE: Our review teams are taking the necessary steps to continue operating safely and at full capacity. However, you may experience longer than usual wait times for review due to the global impact of COVID-19."

General - Stock Video / Re: Corona affecting sales?
« on: March 27, 2020, 12:54 »
Surprising all my sales are up the last two weeks. I have a few China Virus images and they are selling ok. I am guessing sells in general my be up because folks are on the interweb more these last two weeks.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 24, 2020, 18:15 »
Just what If....I know most of you hat Pres. Trump...But what if the Chinese created this virus in the lab to reduce their population of elders as the 70 year old plus people old do not produce for the Chinese government. They just use up sources/food. Something went wrong in the Chinese lab and they had a very bad accident and the virus was release/by accident.. Just what if...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 14, 2020, 23:39 »
I found this site on the Coronavirus by country. It show in graphs the number of the infected , if you hit the country you are interested in . The scary part is not the number of infected in USA but the rate of infection by dates. In USA the numbers are quite low. I think early today they listed 2600 infected in America. The rate for America is doubling about every three days if you look at the graphs. If that rate in America continues it will a big,big problem. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 11, 2020, 10:26 »
One item they have found to be true about this virus. China's rate of smokers is four to one over western countries. Italy has a high rate of smokers in that country. Korea and Japan also has a much higher population of smokers than America. No tobacco dose not cause this virus but it may have a huge effect on the population recovering from the virus. 

I got mine also...Never had a problem with them.

General Stock Discussion / Not sure this is good.
« on: February 26, 2020, 16:48 »

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