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Messages - Alfa156Melb

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Choosing the RM-E (Rights Managed - Exclusive) licence on Alamy will allow for one time use as far as i know. At the very least it can only be sold to one customer - not sure of the customer can use it more than one time though...

General Stock Discussion / Re: My First Six Months Top Performers
« on: September 15, 2015, 17:31 »
I'm only two months into selling stock but so far for me the list goes like this:

1. SS
2. Dreamstime
3. iStock
4. Fotolia
5. Bigstock
6. 123RF

Still waiting on sales from:

Alamy, Canstock, Yay and Photodune.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Editorial shots - where to put them?
« on: September 15, 2015, 17:12 »
Sounds like a good plan - congrats on the acceptance. Shooting a similar event and comparing sounds like a good idea - Alamy though sometimes has a long tail so you may need to wait a couple of years to make a fair comparison.

The thing that makes uploading the kinds of images you just took worthwhile is that they can sell later for secondary editorial so I can see why the agencies took so many of them. Pop in here on occasion and let us know how they are selling.

Yep no worries :)  none have sold yet. Hang on let me check again... nope, still no sales.

So here's a thing.. SS accepted all 52 of my stunt photos.. but the stunt show was held at an open (and free to enter) car show - it was one of the attractions. Most of the cars were old american heaps so the show was mediocre but I took some OK shots and uploaded ten of them to SS.

All ten were rejected because I didn't have press credentials lol...

So they accept images of the professional stunt rider who does this for a living and performs all over the planet with all his flashy KTM sponsorship and stuff, but not the locals who parked their cars on the grass  :o

Maybe I'll upload them again.. usually SS accepts the second time round!

All the other agencies accepted the car shots.. SS was the odd one out.

I just checked again... still nothing! Maybe if I stop checking, sales will start rolling in lol

Anyway, I'll keep you posted.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Editorial shots - where to put them?
« on: September 15, 2015, 04:04 »
Wow! iS acepted them all!

I know?! lol  They must have been smoking something they shouldn't have. But I'm not complaining.

Although I'm more surprised about SS to be honest.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Editorial shots - where to put them?
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:42 »
Well I ended up sending them to SS, DT, IS, BS, Pond5 and YayMicro...

Ended up with 52 that I thought worth using. 100% acceptance with all the agencies.. they must have been distracted or something  :D

So it will be interesting to see how they go.

Next time i shoot a similar event, I'll upload to Alamy only and compare.

Thanks for the feedback! :)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Editorial shots - where to put them?
« on: September 13, 2015, 19:28 »
Yes SS and IS accept editorial along with the others i listed. I mentioned i uploaded to more agencies, but that those agencies DON't accept.. so i didn't list them.

In hindsight, it was a redundant comment...  ::)

Anyway, thanks Shady, I'm doing some research into IS creative and editorial now. I understand that the prices are all over the place on Alamy. I'm really asking - which is the 'go to' agency for editorial images in general?

General Stock Discussion / Editorial shots - where to put them?
« on: September 13, 2015, 18:29 »
Ok so yesterday I squeezed of a couple of hundred shots of a stunt motorbike rider doing a show at a car show. The guy was amazing - as a rider myself, he did things that defy physics.. it was a great day...

The focus gods were looking down on me because I have an extraordinary number of tack sharp images  :o Not sure what went wrong there, but I'll take it!  ;D

Anyway, given the show was in a regional town, and not really newsworthy, I don't expect to make much on them but I'd like to maximize my return as much as possible.

I'm drawn to uploading them to Alamy because I prefer their pricing model, but that prevents me from uploading anywhere else.

So I'm looking for advice here - I upload to SS, DT, CanStock, iStock, 123RF, Alamy, Yay and others but they don't accept editorial.

To get the best return, should I just upload to Alamy, or alternatively, all the others?  Who's the best for Editorial?

58 / Re: Resubmitting Rejected Content
« on: September 10, 2015, 18:11 »
I thought that software only rejected images for incorrect size, format and whatnot.

59 / Re: Resubmitting Rejected Content
« on: September 09, 2015, 00:59 »
I resubmitted 3 rejected images to SS as per the above posts a couple of days ago - the reason I did is that they accepted a similar image (same set) that was worse than the ones they rejected!  :D

Anyway, they accepted all three this time round.

I guess it depends on who's reviewing.

Ahh - I'm a goober...

I found them - they were sales through the partner program.

Apart from the account balance updating in Deepmeta, the details don't appear to reflect downloads from partner sales..

Anyway - chuffed I have my first 2 sale with iStock - about time!  ;D

So I haven't been with iStock long but I have about 70 images up with them. I thought it a bit odd that to date, there's not been one single view..

But just now, i notice I've made a whopping $0.56!   8)

Weird thing is - I still have no views, nor has Deepmeta registered any sales against any of my images.. I checked their website and the same thing.. I have a balance, but i can't work out which image sold?

Any ideas?

62 / Re: No views yet
« on: August 27, 2015, 02:30 »
IStock is mostly sub sales and partner sub sales (thinkstock) now.You may get to know about these about the time you start drawing your pension, if not those pennies will go to your children or your children's children, so be patient.

 ;D ;D

'nuff said  8)

63 / No views yet
« on: August 27, 2015, 02:21 »
Hi all

I'm very new to microstock, having had images up for only about two weeks on Fotolia, Bigstock, iStock, Dreamstime, Shutterstock, Alamy, Canstock, DP, and a few others..

I have between 15 and 80 images up on each agency - the average being about 40.

So far I've had 7 sales:

Fotolia - 1
Dreamstime - 1
Shutterstock - 4  (with only 15 images up! - I am amazed)
Bigstock - 1

Not many sales but admittedly, more than i expected!

I have a varying number of views on all the agencies except On iStock...   ???  Not one single view and I have about 65 images up with them.

By all accounts iStock is a strong agency, not as strong as it once was I know, but referring to the polls, it's the second highest revenue agency after SS...

I'm not all that worried about it as I know as my work improves and i upload more images, things will change. I am more interested as to whether others have a similar experience?

That Alpha Romeo 2000 is beautiful.

Ahem, Alfa

oh man indeed! my father had one but the 1600, the wood steering wheel was gorgeous, don't know if he still has it though ;D

Old thread I know - but it had to be said - You're a man with good taste! :)

Newbie Discussion / Re: New member!
« on: August 24, 2015, 21:28 »
Thanks for the encouragement guys!

I agree about the big ones, I'm on all of them.. Fotolia, Dreamstime, SS have been the best.  Canstock, 123, deposit and istock are dead ducks in my limited experience, but I only have 80ish images up on each so early days.

I'll be regularly uploading and hope to see improvements :)

Newbie Discussion / Re: New member!
« on: August 22, 2015, 20:58 »
Well, I'm staggered.

I managed to get a couple of sales out of Fotolia and Dreamstime which I was happy about.. especially with only about 60 photos up.

But a week ago Shutterstock accepted me, now i have 15 images up with them, and yesterday - 2 sales! Giddy up!  8)

I love SS - pity they reject so much but that at least pushes you more.

67 / Re: image rejected based on IP infriingement
« on: August 19, 2015, 18:58 »
read this, I know it's IS but should be help for explaining

Very helpful, thanks.

Well i resubmitted as editorial and it got rejected again.... for poor lighting! Poo.  :(

I thought the lighting was ok?

Live and learn :)

68 / Re: image rejected based on IP infriingement
« on: August 17, 2015, 23:52 »
Well, I've resubmitted.. Hope it works this time.

69 / Re: image rejected based on IP infriingement
« on: August 17, 2015, 19:04 »
If you are going to submit it as editorial go back to the version with the logos on it as there would be more use for a camera image with the exact markings on it. A generic camera with no markings is not much good when illustrating an article about a specific camera and that is the only reason it would sell in the editorial market.

OK will do, thanks for the heads up...

70 / Re: image rejected based on IP infriingement
« on: August 17, 2015, 18:23 »
Thanks for your feedback everyone :)

Seems you're right, they don't do camera's anymore.

I'll resubmit as editorial...

71 / Re: image rejected based on IP infriingement
« on: August 17, 2015, 08:49 »
Yes I know its cut at the bottom, it may not be a good image but that wasn't the point. It was IP..

All of you make good points.. maybe they have cracked down?

The gold sticker is a QC mark it says 'passed' on it.

Oh well, I'll steer clear of camera's in the future!  :D

72 / image rejected based on IP infriingement
« on: August 17, 2015, 06:07 »
Hi All!  :D
I've recently been accepted into Shutterstock which I'm really happy about.
However i have a couple of images of a vintage camera that keeps getting rejected based on intellectual property rights.
I don't understand it, it's a 1950's camera and I've removed any identifying features such as numbers and brand name. yet when I search for camera's in Shutterstock there are hundreds of images of cameras, some similar to mine.
Here's one of the pics:

I'd love to have some insight as to why so many other similar images are allowed, but this one isn't?

Newbie Discussion / Re: New member!
« on: August 09, 2015, 20:27 »
Hello first,

yea, canstock you can nearly forget completly, its really not worthit there to upload a single image.

shutterstock will be really worthit, how anyone else would say.
but its maybe depends much on what are the photos and how the customers could need it.
for me istock is the better earner for me.

btw : do you have a link to your portfolio?
that you have already 2 sales in 2 weeks; and that not at shutterstock makes me interesting into the images.
seems like i could learn from you too. :-D

I doubt it, I think for me it's beginners luck! :)

When i work out how to post images I'll post them up for you - then you'll be as surprised as I was when they sold! haha.

Newbie Discussion / Re: New member!
« on: August 07, 2015, 00:53 »
Thanks Jo Ann, Yes I'm very keen indeed to join Shutterstock - so I want to put in some time into choosing the right images or go out and take ten specifically for them to pass their entry standards.. They've failed me twice so I'm more paranoid than I was before with them.

The first time, I hadn't done my research. the second time there were keyword issues, a couple of IP issues I'd missed and one noise issue (which for the life of me, I couldn't see, and still cant!) so I want to be very very careful the next time i submit.

In regards to canstock - I will probably pull out there, but i'll give it some more time before I make a decision.

So far I've only had two sales (Fotolia and Dreamstime), but have only had images up for just under 2 weeks - so my expectations have already been surpassed! :D

Newbie Discussion / New member!
« on: August 06, 2015, 20:19 »
Hi all, I just joined and thought I'd introduce myself.

My name is Dave, based in Melbourne and I have just entered the world of microstock with about 40 images up up on Dreamstime, Fotolia, Alamy, 123RF, iStock and Big Stock.  Two weeks in and two sales! yay :)

I'm still trying to get accepted at Shutterstock, and for some reason Canstock just rejected all my uploads - all of which are on other sites too. oh well.

Anyway, looking forward to getting to know you all!

Dave :)

Edit: oops - I didn't have enough coffee this morning, Canstock have accepted a 3rd of my shots.. so there you go.. seems their standards aren't so good as I thought! haha

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