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Messages - spaceofgrace

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Hey its all good. Your reply was respectful and constructive. And you have some great points. I appreciate it. I think you are right about not showing the best sellers. Im going to have to think more about this. Anyway, thanks very much!

Hi everyone,
I've been a member here for a year or so. I upload regularly to Adobe, SS, IS, DT and BS and it's going pretty well. I also started a landscape photography adventures YouTube channel and recently started making a few videos on stock photography. I'm getting requests to do more and I'd love some feedback from you guys who actually work in it. Advice/likes/dislikes/ideas all welcome.

Stock photography shoot - Having fun while making money -

Top 10 stock photography subjects -

Stock photo of the week (and why) 1 -

Stock Photo of the Week (and why) 2 -

Thanks guys,

Beautiful! You should be proud... love the images.

General Stock Discussion / Submit all button in Dreamstime?
« on: October 07, 2017, 18:05 »
Hi all,

So I noticed that Dreamstime has a "submit all completed" button and I used it. Great they are all submitted, HOWEVER, now I'm wondering which of the rights boxes have been selected. Does anyone know? I don't want to sell the rights to any. If I go in to edit, no boxes are checked off. Makes no sense. I know the categories are blank.



5 / Submit all button, what rights applied?
« on: October 07, 2017, 18:01 »
Hi all,

So I noticed that Dreamstime has a "submit all completed" button and I used it. Great they are all submitted, HOWEVER, now I'm wondering which of the rights boxes have been selected. Does anyone know? I don't want to sell the rights to any. If I go in to edit, no boxes are checked off. Makes no sense. I know the categories are blank.



Zalee, if you are near $500 with that size portfolio, maybe you're doing better than me! I started by uploading to about 10 sites but now I only do 4... SS, IS, Adobe and Bigstock. Dreamstime was ok but I decided these 4 were the best use of my time.

Hi Zalee... I've uploaded 1580 so far. How about you?

Thank you so much everyone! JetCityImage you were right... it corrected itself within the timeframe. Appreciate your help.

Can you include a link because I searched again and found nothing

Hey guys,

So I'm pumped, I've reached the threshold of $500 US lifetime earnings on Shutterstock. They sent me an email confirming that I get a raise... subscription images now $0.33 per DL instead of $0.25. Woot! EXCEPT, my very next sale came in at 25 cents. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a delay? Will they fix it? Do I really need to start the long process of contacting them??? (groan). (Still pretty pumped about reaching this milestone! In under a year of uploading... I know its peanuts but hey, I'm happy)


Do some basic search and you will find that your question has been answered at least a dozen of times already  ;)

I did that thanks... I was hoping to get a quick answer because I didn't find it. If you know, it would be aquick one sentence? I'd appreciate it.

Hey guys,

So I'm pumped, I've reached the threshold of $500 US lifetime earnings on Shutterstock. They sent me an email confirming that I get a raise... subscription images now $0.33 per DL instead of $0.25. Woot! EXCEPT, my very next sale came in at 25 cents. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a delay? Will they fix it? Do I really need to start the long process of contacting them??? (groan). (Still pretty pumped about reaching this milestone! In under a year of uploading... I know its peanuts but hey, I'm happy)


Oops got it figured out. They sent a payment last month to an old PayPal account I didn't know I had still. Transferred and updated. All good now.

General Stock Discussion / My iStock payment shows as zero?
« on: July 20, 2017, 18:22 »
So I finally passed the payment threshold for iStock... in May I had approx $95 carried over, and June was $30 in sales.... but now the Royalties statement has been posted and the summary tab shows as me having $30 minimum payment not met and $0 under payment. Ugh. The stats still show the sales in the graphs and so on but what's going on? Anyone else have this?

I read that but I'm unclear..  this is the man claiming his picture as his identity. My model does not wish to be associated with someone else's activities. Bigstock says it plainly - you can't use it as a profile pic.

General Stock Discussion / Is this allowed?? What do I do?
« on: April 30, 2017, 20:01 »
Someone downloaded one of my photos... it is of my husband in outdoor gear... and they used it on their website saying that it is them. Its an outdoor survival website and his bio has my husband's picture. Is that allowed? I can't imagine! I tried clicking on the contact links for Shutterstock but none of them work.

Hey thanks!!

Newbie Discussion / Re: General feedback...
« on: April 19, 2017, 12:40 »
It's so much fun isn't it??! Enjoy it!!

Newbie Discussion / Re: General feedback...
« on: April 19, 2017, 10:13 »
I like your images! They provoke an emotional response... I find that those always sell best for me. Great job! BTW.. love the locations, can I come on a shoot with you?  ;D

So I can still see sales on the portfolio page but the views have disappeared... even if you sort by views. Is this a glitch or are others seeing this too?

I'm just getting a little frustrated with Adobe... I will submit a batch of images (this is happening only recently) and half of them will be rejected due to "lack of aesthetic or commercial appeal", and there's no way... they are good solid microstock images. So I wait a day and resubmit them with no changes made... accepted! I understand there are probably many reviewers with different tastes etc, but honestly, this has happened a few times now and I resent the waste of my time. Also when the images do go on sale, there have been sales almost immediately... anyone else experience this? It's like they feel they have to reject some to do their job or to keep the agency high-end. And the other agencies are accepting all of them with no issues.

Thanks Anna! March was my BME. April not so much. Oh well that's ok!

So true! But I'm happy anyway. Oh well.

Here is the link to the Forbes article! It's the matchbox one a bit down the page...
I've seen my photos in many places online already but this was the first publication I recognized. Thanks for all your encouragement! It was a good day...

Thanks guys! Congrats Artist!!

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