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26 / Re: iStock Royalty Change
« on: October 28, 2016, 07:58 »
I don't think it can be something changed with any sort of protest. Everyone handles his own business. You can not dictated to anyone what to do and how to do his business. The only think we can do, is to pull out all our images and let them go down. So we protect out work to not be sold for almost nothing.

Luka, this is misleading. Anyone can say own opinion and negotiate for better conditions. The offered rate does not cover the resources and time applied to work. If we don't make buzz now then tommorow other stocks will do the same.

At the moment in music industry the royalty rates are growing on, and there are fixed minimum rates in USD as well.

If you don't want to participate, you don't have to. I call for those who take this business seriously.

27 / Re: iStock Royalty Change
« on: October 28, 2016, 07:17 »
Guys. Those who consider reduction of royatly rates by iStock offensive and unfair, please let's combine our forces and each one will write and send the claim letter to Freelance Union
Please let me know when you've done.   

28 / Re: iStock Royalty Change
« on: October 27, 2016, 12:25 »
Dear colleagues,

I suggest to combine our forces to prevent the offensive price policy of Getty Images. Many of Russian speaking community have already deleted their portfolios from iStock either deactivated works. However it hardly can effect Getty Images to worry. Recent suggestion is to make some kind of request, petition, site with aim to effect iStock for setting of fair minimum payment for 1 illustration.

To make this we need an initiative team that will represent our interests. We need legal consulting and information on fair royalty rate within US law, public organizations that can attract attention to our issue, unions of designers, freelancer etc.

Thank you so much,

Also you can follow discussion on

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