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Messages - Carla

Pages: 1 [2]
26 / Re: Crazy ... or what?
« on: February 19, 2008, 02:50 »
Sunsets will be left as well...

My list:
1. Cling to my regular (non photografic) job
2. Try to see this Photo stuff more as a nice experiment
3. Take all rejections smiling
4. Experiment a bit more with my camera
5. Take my camera with me, ALWAYS !
6. Use my imagination
7. Try out some crazy ideas for concepts
8. Use hideous photos for some fun photoshop experiments
9. Buy an icecream and a coffee from my total photo earnings
10. Be terribly proud of my achivements

28 / iStock temporaryly down?
« on: January 15, 2008, 04:17 »
At the moment I cant login at istock, equally the forum isnt accessible. Anybody else?
(No warning, no comment, its just that I get the same startpage over and over, no matter how often I try  login)

Since DT allowed subscription I have stopped uploading big size images and vectors there. The difference in price between subscription and normal price is galling me. IStock has low prices as well, but at least I get more money for bigger file sizes and more complex vectors there.
Shutterstock- I just dont upload my best photos there any more. They get the second rate images, the best images go to midstock. Besides even with more uploads I get no increase I sales at SS, which together with the low price is disencouraging.

30 / Re: Rejection Cheer
« on: December 17, 2007, 04:36 »
The "not suitable for stock" rejection is unnerving. I have nearly stopped to upload to istock- once in while I test the waters by submitting an image which was recently accepted and sells well on other sites. Got 100% rejection during the last weeks, nearly all "not stock". My impression is they are really and deliberately discouraging non-exclusives.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia down?
« on: November 30, 2007, 03:26 »
Yes, same problem here.

32 / Re: Is it worth it?
« on: November 21, 2007, 02:35 »
My best selling vector: 222 downloads
same picture as jpg:  53 downloads
jpg sell less, but still enough for uploading them.

33 / Re: Submitting Fractals to DT
« on: November 19, 2007, 06:19 »
Would be nice if there was a stockpicture-site which only offers backgrounds, including fractals, sorted by color, structure and such (but that site would probalely not make enough money, as other things sell a lot better)

34 / Re: Submitting Fractals to DT
« on: November 15, 2007, 11:50 »
Notized the same. No acceptance of fractals during the last weeks.

35 / Re: Civilized LO Discussion
« on: August 08, 2007, 09:36 »
Lucky Oliver has so far proven to be uneccessable to me, as they rejected the first three pictures more than once-
and of course I had only submitted pictures which were accepted at major stock photo sites.
So to me their process of review seems a bit quirky. Im not sure if I want to continue trying, it seems a waste of time and energy.

I have pictures of windmills and live near an oil refinerie as well as near an nuclear plant in Germany. Of course there are lots of restrictions for photographers, I dont know if I could get anything else besides an outside view of the plants without paying some money and explaining their security and their management in detail what the photos are used for. Not sure if outside views is what you are looking for...

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