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Messages - Paulo M. F. Pires

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It's true... iStockPhoto doesn't like birds LOL. The acceptance rate of one "bird's" set was really too low compared wit SS, Fotlia, etc..

My 2 cents:

- Try other type of images for first evaluation. Dont mean that birds don't sell.
- Forget that image. I don't know what lens used, but 1/1000 @ f/7.1 and with -1 stop of compensation ( dunno if on raw ) made it very dark and PP will lead u to:

A) - More light -> More Noise -> More noise reduction -> Less sharp / Less Detail
b) - Less light -> Less Noise, More Sharp -> Too dark

I take birds photos too, with sigma 120-400 (!!) and work always around 1/400 for 400mm, even with OS on ( except on tripod/base ) and ISO 200 on a 450D, which gimme more sharp photos. When birds are on bushes I set partial metering and sometimes set +1/2 stop compensation on camera.

Even SS accept some of my bird work. On istock is on "approval drama" :D  

123RF / Re: Tips to Increase your Images Exposure
« on: July 22, 2011, 10:24 »
In my case, with a small port of 237 files ( 21 edit. ) , its easier see if both solutions works:

Faved: The few sale i've made was 99% faved phots
Free: 1 sale after put some files for free by a month.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Red Cross Symbol Copyrighted?
« on: July 21, 2011, 12:32 »
My 2 cents:

I've take a photo of a portuguese red cross ambulance, and send it to all agencys ( high,middle and lower's ):

- Some refuse because red cross ( for them I sent new version without red cross )
- One agency refuse because mercedes symbol on wheels ( LOL it is same agency that refuse one photo because a red line on an excavator ), but they don't mentioned nothing about red cross
- Some accepted the phot "as is".

So, dependes a bit of each agency.

For my "safety", and having a second version without "logos", I replace it.

And choose other day time., because shadows.

306 / Re: How to Find Which Photo was Sold?
« on: July 13, 2011, 06:14 »
This site is a navigational nightmare. The revenue overview gives no info on which image was sold.

Same here. Sold one image,but "image" column is empty.

Send an email to support with image ID asking to remove exclusive option.

I've done with one photo ( already selled as exclusive ) and take 1 day.

308 / Re: Dreamstime Views
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:31 »
In DT, 99% of my few sales were images with few views. They would change "download algorithm" LOL

309 / Re: Are you experiencing MASS REJECTIONS?
« on: June 29, 2011, 06:43 »
Even with my tiny and "strange" port @ SS, I believe that main cause for mass rejection is a question of "numbers": There are too many photographers, too many photos of same type, and  they are more selective...

By other side, it appears that they are accepting anything Editorial ( Another agencys too )

Last weekend I correct some old refused photos and they accepted the most unexpected ones...


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