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Messages - LizC

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General Stock Discussion / Re: 1099 and Paypal
« on: January 29, 2025, 23:50 »
Aren't you suppose to declare the money in the year that you are paid out, not the year in which the sale was made?

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobestock Review Time
« on: January 29, 2025, 10:48 »
Do you guys continue to upload while you have pics in review or do you wait until they clear? Someone said that if there is only a few waiting the faster they get reviewed but I now have 3 pics waiting for around 3 months and I'm not sure if I should continue uploading or wait.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobestock Review Time
« on: December 20, 2024, 12:32 »
I thought the reason for the long review time might be that they are scrutinizing each upload to see if any AI generated images are trying to pass as real photos.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobestock Review Time
« on: December 18, 2024, 11:00 »
Smaller numbers of submissions must be going thru faster.

I just had 1 video reviewed in a couple days and a small batch of images took about a week.
I have 8 vectors that are waiting for 2 months now. Today I'm also having trouble uploading, a circle spins for a couple of minutes then I get a message there's something wrong with the eps file.

Did anyone give a reason for this long wait time?

Adobe Stock / Re: AS Contributor Survey
« on: December 16, 2024, 19:30 »
Didn't get the email either but just did the survey through the link too

Just want to say that I recently contacted support using the contact form and I received a reply back a couple days later addressing my issue.

Adobe Stock / Re: Free Images Payment
« on: September 27, 2024, 17:38 »
Never mind, Adobe removed one of the pics from the free collection

Adobe Stock / Free Images Payment
« on: September 27, 2024, 07:54 »
I got 3 pics selected for the free collection but they only paid me for 2. What's with that? It's suppose to be $5 per pic including for ones that were free the previous year, which one of mine was.

Adobe Stock / Re: Free Image Payment
« on: August 19, 2024, 19:48 »
Just noticed the nomination banner is up in my account, deadline is Aug. 30 for submissions.

Adobe Stock / Re: Free Image Payment
« on: August 12, 2024, 19:47 »
Thanks much for that info, if the nominations for illustrations hasn't started yet that explains why my pic is still available for free. Any idea when illustration nominations start?

Print on Demand Forum / Re: Pictorem.....Worthwhile?
« on: August 12, 2024, 09:44 »

People, I obviously don't understand something, excuse my backward mind. Or is everything really great on this site, and you don't want to voice my question for the sake of competition.
I'll repeat myself once again.
What are the ways to withdraw your hard-earned money from this site? I didn't find such information on their site.


Adobe Stock / Re: Free Image Payment
« on: August 03, 2024, 14:17 »
I checked insights and there isn't anything there. Shouldn't we get the option of opting out if we don't want it free for another year? What sort of image were yours? My freebie is a vector, don't know if that makes any difference

Print on Demand Forum / Re: Pictorem.....Worthwhile?
« on: August 03, 2024, 10:35 »
I started to upload to Pictorem around a year ago, I now have around 112 images there and so far no sales.

Adobe Stock / Free Image Payment
« on: August 01, 2024, 22:51 »
Last year one of my vectors was nominated and picked for the free images collection, from what I understand if the image is free again this year I would be paid again for it, but that free vector is still free and I did not receive any money for it. So what gives?

Yes I'm having trouble connecting to the forum as well, it either won't load at all or is very slow to load

Adobe Stock / Re: Dashboard Filter
« on: April 01, 2024, 11:04 »
Thanks for the help, I'm using a laptop, I was able to see the option when I zoomed out in my browser.

Adobe Stock / Dashboard Filter
« on: March 30, 2024, 11:01 »
On the dashboard there used to be an option where you can choose to show images in the order of date uploaded. Did they remove that option because I can't find it now. All I see is an option to choose by tier, whatever that is.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Canstock did not pay, thief..
« on: March 12, 2024, 22:56 »

Please! Do you have Canstock email or Duncan contact here? They have some money that belong to me! Thank!

Duncan made a reply in one of the forum threads near the bottom of the thread, click his profile and send him a private message, maybe he will see it: https://www.microstockgroup.com/canstockphoto-com/canstockphoto-ceased-operations-and-is-closing-down/

Canstock's email is "support at canstockphoto dot com"

General Stock Discussion / Re: Canstock did not pay, thief..
« on: March 11, 2024, 19:05 »
Though I did receive my final payment without any problem, I have had trouble getting my earnings from them in the past. You need to keep bugging them about it, I told them I would file a complaint with the BBB and eventually I did get my money
How did you contact CanStock? I would like they paid me some money!
I contacted them through support while they were still up and running. They responded at the beginning then they ignored me but I still kept at it, threatening to file a complaint at the BBB.

Don't stop bugging them until you get your money. I think Duncan has an account here, you can try sending him a pm.

Dreamstime.com / Re: $100 payout minimum sucks!!!
« on: March 09, 2024, 13:33 »
Who says the money is in escrow? And if we really owned it DT would have a legal obligation to pay it out if we close our account

I think there is more of a demand for photos than illustrations so maybe that's why

Dreamstime.com / Re: $100 payout minimum sucks!!!
« on: March 09, 2024, 12:15 »
Redbubble is the only place I know of that will pay you whatever is in your account at the end of the year even if the minimum has not been reached, which I think is pretty decent of them

Dreamstime.com / Re: $100 payout minimum sucks!!!
« on: March 08, 2024, 23:55 »
I agree $100 is much too high especially when the majority of downloads are .35 I think $50 would be much fairer. We may have agreed to the terms but how many of us would think it would take so long to reach payout? In three years I'm up to $87and it doesn't look like I'm going to reach $100 any time soon. And I think it is wrong and maybe even unethical  not to pay accumulated earnings to those who want to close their account.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Canstock did not pay, thief..
« on: February 22, 2024, 09:22 »
Though I did receive my final payment without any problem, I have had trouble getting my earnings from them in the past. You need to keep bugging them about it, I told them I would file a complaint with the BBB and eventually I did get my money

Does anyone know if canstockphoto will issue 2023 T slips for those in Canada?

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