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Topics - LizC

Pages: [1]
Adobe Stock / Free Images Payment
« on: September 27, 2024, 07:54 »
I got 3 pics selected for the free collection but they only paid me for 2. What's with that? It's suppose to be $5 per pic including for ones that were free the previous year, which one of mine was.

Adobe Stock / Free Image Payment
« on: August 01, 2024, 22:51 »
Last year one of my vectors was nominated and picked for the free images collection, from what I understand if the image is free again this year I would be paid again for it, but that free vector is still free and I did not receive any money for it. So what gives?

Adobe Stock / Dashboard Filter
« on: March 30, 2024, 11:01 »
On the dashboard there used to be an option where you can choose to show images in the order of date uploaded. Did they remove that option because I can't find it now. All I see is an option to choose by tier, whatever that is.

CanStockPhoto.com / CanstockPhoto?
« on: August 31, 2023, 13:52 »
Anyone know what's with canstockphoto? I haven't been able to upload anything in days, their forum is down, and support tickets go unanswered.

Adobe Stock / Adobe Reviews and Sales
« on: June 14, 2023, 11:43 »
I have a very small portfolio at adobe with only one or two sales a month but since my earnings have reached almost the payout threshold sales have completely stopped and the images I'm uploading are sitting in review for I don't know how long. And after uploading a transparent PNG file which was created in Inskscape I have a message tacked in the review section that says I must select checkbox for generative AI images. I have no ai generated images so why am I getting this message? Could that message be why my images are stuck in review. It's the first time I uploaded a transparent PNG, all my other uploads are EPS and a few SVGs

CanStockPhoto.com / Paypal Payment
« on: October 18, 2022, 08:30 »
How long does it take for your money to be deposited into paypal? I requested payment on the 12th and still nothing.

CanStockPhoto.com / International Contributors
« on: October 04, 2022, 11:54 »
For the first time I'm about to request payment by Paypal and I was surprised that Canstockphoto is letting me choose the currency. So would it be of more advantage to me to ask for CAD instead of USD since I'm in Canada? Would Paypal still charge me if the money was in CAD and I withdrew it from paypal?

CanStockPhoto.com / Processing Time For Payment
« on: October 31, 2020, 09:25 »
Can anyone tell me how long it takes to process a payment request for a check? For the first time I reached the payout threshold for a check, I requested payment on Sept.28 but the check has not come. I opened a support ticket on Oct.27 to ask why I haven't received the check and was told it's because my payment wasn't processed yet. That is the only reply I got from them and now they are not answering me either through the support ticket or through email.

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