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Author Topic: 15 free vectors up on my Ktools site  (Read 6689 times)

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« on: January 13, 2012, 12:06 »
Hi guys,

My site has been up for a while, and I'm still learning my way around advertising and promotions. I've decided to include a free vector section to help draw traffic while I'm building up my collection. I'm over 300 images on the site, and I'm working on getting the site up to 1,000 graphics soon. I've added 15 free vegetable vectors for download.

Feel free to download them, use them, tell other people that they are there (hopeful grin).

Here's a link to those graphics at sweetsham.com:

« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 14:06 »
I'm not a huge fan of giving things away for free, but I suppose it can draw in possible paying customers.

« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 14:42 »
When I originally set up the site, I knew I wanted to include a link to Gleaners food bank, a charity in my area. I thought a good way to get people to see the link would be to place it in a free graphics section, and attach it to every free graphic there. It felt like a food based charity would be a natural match for a food based graphics site. I decided to go with free vegetables because the main collection is based on sweets. This way I can offer free images, but not get them too entangled with the graphics I have up for sale.

I'm interested in seeing if it helps with traffic to the site. Even if someone doesn't buy because of it, maybe they'll give a donations to Gleaners at some point, which would make the free section worth it too.

« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2012, 22:52 »
...Here's a link to those graphics at sweetsham.com:

Great job on your site, I enjoyed looking at it. Bad news: it made me hungry.

« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2012, 06:32 »
...Here's a link to those graphics at sweetsham.com:

Great job on your site, I enjoyed looking at it. Bad news: it made me hungry.

Thank you!

If you think it makes you hungry looking at the images, you should see what it feels like building them. I've got an artboard full of whole fruit pies right now. It's making me want to bake a real life tray of peanut butter cookies...then create peanut butter cookie vectors. It's a vicious cycle.


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