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Author Topic: A blog with Ads possibility on every page and a "donate" button?  (Read 8548 times)

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« on: July 29, 2013, 13:13 »
So, from the frustration of selling from your own site, i have quite a lot of visits with very low sale (low conversion rate). Apparently people just want free stuffs. So i am thinking, i am gonna give them free small res of my images (say 300px) with a link to my site for those who want to buy higher resolution versions, and make money from advertising instead, and also adding a "donate" button for those who feel like paying a small amount for what they have for free.
Do you guys know any platform i can build something like that easily?


« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2013, 13:25 »
I want a Lamborghini Diablo GT, so now I am going to the sports car dealer a few times to look at the Lamborghini but not buy anything, until he gives me a remote control Lamborghini Diablo GT for free to get me to buy the Lamborghini. In the mean time he is going to put a tip jar at the reception in case someone wants to donate some change.



« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2013, 13:26 »
Please dont give your images away for free dude.

« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2013, 13:36 »
never give away for free in such a blatent way
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 13:40 by picture5469 »

« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2013, 13:40 »
Please dont give your images away for free dude.
Well, with my port the situation is a bit different, mine are all educational pictures that some time i feel i can give educational institutes in poor countries for free (but dont know how to do that), most of them would be good at that small resolution.
And, i could get good advertising business with just number of visits, so it's not for free, strictly speaking, and i would definitely increase traffic to my site , too, hopefully. Believe me, i still dont give those pictures for abusing agencies, stopped uploading to them and deleting my port.

Anyways, if someone knows a platform, it would be helpful. Thanks

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2013, 13:59 »
I want a Lamborghini Diablo GT, so now I am going to the sports car dealer a few times to look at the Lamborghini but not buy anything, until he gives me a remote control Lamborghini Diablo GT for free to get me to buy the Lamborghini. In the mean time he is going to put a tip jar at the reception in case someone wants to donate some change.


You can get it for $ 4.23 on ebay


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2013, 14:20 »
Well, with my port the situation is a bit different, mine are all educational pictures that some time i feel i can give educational institutes in poor countries for free (but dont know how to do that), most of them would be good at that small resolution.
This would only work if the photos were culturally relevant. Trust me, I was a teacher who used Microsoft pics and bought these bumper CD sets, and most of the images were so American they were unusable in the UK.


And, i could get good advertising business with just number of visits, so it's not for free, strictly speaking, and i would definitely increase traffic to my site , too, hopefully.
Are you sure? Do you often click on adverts when you're visiting sites?

« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2013, 14:35 »
Well, with my port the situation is a bit different, mine are all educational pictures that some time i feel i can give educational institutes in poor countries for free (but dont know how to do that), most of them would be good at that small resolution.
This would only work if the photos were culturally relevant. Trust me, I was a teacher who used Microsoft pics and bought these bumper CD sets, and most of the images were so American they were unusable in the UK.

yes my pictures are relevant for most if not all countries , that is for sure, science does not have cultural borders, except in extreme cases, i am a science teacher myself and that what i would use, i have also lived in all parts of the world. Infact, if i could afford it, i would like to do like Wikipedia, to which i donate regularly, but ofcourse i can not, i still have to earn my livings.

And, i could get good advertising business with just number of visits, so it's not for free, strictly speaking, and i would definitely increase traffic to my site , too, hopefully.
Are you sure? Do you often click on adverts when you're visiting sites?

Ofcourse i can not be sure, but i see many of medical infos website make money out of generic infos, and my images, that even though they dont give them for free per se, people are free to just right click and get them, and as i said, they are good in small resolution. You dont know till you try.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 14:43 by asmai »

« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2013, 14:40 »
So, from the frustration of selling from your own site, i have quite a lot of visits with very low sale (low conversion rate). Apparently people just want free stuffs. So i am thinking, i am gonna give them free small res of my images (say 300px) with a link to my site for those who want to buy higher resolution versions, and make money from advertising instead, and also adding a "donate" button for those who feel like paying a small amount for what they have for free.
Do you guys know any platform i can build something like that easily?

take a look at symbiostock.com   you could probably set one size to $.00 and keep the others at whatever price you want

« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2013, 14:45 »
So, from the frustration of selling from your own site, i have quite a lot of visits with very low sale (low conversion rate). Apparently people just want free stuffs. So i am thinking, i am gonna give them free small res of my images (say 300px) with a link to my site for those who want to buy higher resolution versions, and make money from advertising instead, and also adding a "donate" button for those who feel like paying a small amount for what they have for free.
Do you guys know any platform i can build something like that easily?

take a look at symbiostock.com   you could probably set one size to $.00 and keep the others at whatever price you want

Thanks, do i have the option of putting ads on every page and set the smallest size to whatever i want?

« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2013, 15:23 »
I've found that it is much easier to sell images than advertisements. So, I'm not sure if giving them away is an improvement.

« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2013, 15:27 »

take a look at symbiostock.com   you could probably set one size to $.00 and keep the others at whatever price you want

Thanks, do i have the option of putting ads on every page and set the smallest size to whatever i want?

default size is 250 for blog size but you can set it to whatever you want.

you place ads by putting text (eg your adsense script) in the header or footer

« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2013, 15:51 »

take a look at symbiostock.com   you could probably set one size to $.00 and keep the others at whatever price you want

Thanks, do i have the option of putting ads on every page and set the smallest size to whatever i want?

default size is 250 for blog size but you can set it to whatever you want.

you place ads by putting text (eg your adsense script) in the header or footer

Thanks, cascoly, looks like that the way to go.

« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2013, 18:41 »

take a look at symbiostock.com   you could probably set one size to $.00 and keep the others at whatever price you want

Thanks, do i have the option of putting ads on every page and set the smallest size to whatever i want?

default size is 250 for blog size but you can set it to whatever you want.

you place ads by putting text (eg your adsense script) in the header or footer

Thanks, cascoly, looks like that the way to go.

when you're ready just leave a note in the symbiostock forum here & you'll be added to the global search network


« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2013, 21:06 »

take a look at symbiostock.com   you could probably set one size to $.00 and keep the others at whatever price you want

Thanks, do i have the option of putting ads on every page and set the smallest size to whatever i want?

default size is 250 for blog size but you can set it to whatever you want.

you place ads by putting text (eg your adsense script) in the header or footer

Thanks, cascoly, looks like that the way to go.

when you're ready just leave a note in the symbiostock forum here & you'll be added to the global search network


Thanks, Steve, will do.

« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2013, 04:37 »
  I thought  giving away images was one of the things we were using the Symbiostock network to get away from?

If you use the wording  Royalty Free, you are going to get people landing on your site after searching for free images.  If you omit the Royalty free wording it cuts down on the number of hits but people looking for free are just going to look elsewhere anyway

« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2013, 13:30 »
  I thought  giving away images was one of the things we were using the Symbiostock network to get away from?

If you use the wording  Royalty Free, you are going to get people landing on your site after searching for free images.  If you omit the Royalty free wording it cuts down on the number of hits but people looking for free are just going to look elsewhere anyway

it's not giving away images that is bad in itself - but giving away images (or selling for pennies in the agencies) with no upside.  some of us may try using the free blog size to gain more sales.  there's lots we cam experiment with and report on when we control the database

it's a choice each of us can make

« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2013, 04:11 »
So, from the frustration of selling from your own site, i have quite a lot of visits with very low sale (low conversion rate). Apparently people just want free stuffs. So i am thinking, i am gonna give them free small res of my images (say 300px) with a link to my site for those who want to buy higher resolution versions, and make money from advertising instead, and also adding a "donate" button for those who feel like paying a small amount for what they have for free.
Do you guys know any platform i can build something like that easily?
If your images won't sell they are not interesting enough for people to buy full stop!

Giving them away and think you can rely on advertising only must make your site having an insane amount of unique visitors a day/month/year and if so and you still are not selling anything it's again most likely because the images are not interesting or good enough for your targeted market area!


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