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Author Topic: Contributor's Collective  (Read 36269 times)

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« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2011, 16:21 »
Well, I am not that "other member" who noticed problems with your images and I didn't see the images in question.  But if you were, in fact, uploading images showing trademarks or people's faces without the proper releases, then you put the whole project at risk.   For a small company just starting out, one lawsuit for a non-released image could shut the whole thing down and leave Dan, as the site owner, personally liable.  

Certainly for the tiny 20% cut the site is keeping, you can't expect a team of inspectors to go over every submitted image.  The presumption when we joined was that we were stock professionals with quality portfolios, and could be trusted to act professionally without constant scrutiny.  

Any of us who are submitting to the collective need to be careful to only upload properly released and very high quality images, or else it jeopardizes the whole project and everyone involved.  

« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2011, 16:24 »
Well, I am not that "other member" who noticed problems with your images and I didn't see the images in question.  But if you were, in fact, uploading images showing trademarks or people's faces without the proper releases, then you put the whole project at risk.   For a small company just starting out, one lawsuit for a non-released image could shut the whole thing down and leave Dan, as the site owner, personally liable.  

Certainly for the tiny 20% cut the site is keeping, you can't expect a team of inspectors to go over every submitted image.  The presumption when we joined was that we were stock professionals with quality portfolios, and could be trusted to act professionally without constant scrutiny.  

Any of us who are submitting to the collective need to be careful to only upload properly released and very high quality images, or else it jeopardizes the whole project and everyone involved.  

Agree 100%, I have a few pictures there and planning to upload a few more (within the limit that Dan decided with myself)


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2011, 16:52 »
Dan....how do you upload...is it through the site or how? Also if you have time to look at my port and see if these will work let me know. If they don't I won't be offended. I would only upload the best sellers because the rest would probably be a waste of time. PM me and please be honest... ;)


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« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2011, 17:09 »
I was wondering how long it would take for Dan to start getting called "one of them" instead of "one of us".

Didn't take long at all...


« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2011, 17:23 »
I was wondering how long it would take for Dan to start getting called "one of them" instead of "one of us".

Didn't take long at all...

He's still "one of us" in my book :)

« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2011, 17:29 »
I was wondering how long it would take for Dan to start getting called "one of them" instead of "one of us".

Didn't take long at all...

He's still "one of us" in my book :)

Ditto here.

« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2011, 17:36 »
I was wondering how long it would take for Dan to start getting called "one of them" instead of "one of us".

Didn't take long at all...

He's still "one of us" in my book :)

Ditto here.
LOL make it 3


« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2011, 22:27 »
Make it 4


« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2011, 22:36 »
Thanks guys.   :D

Regarding Jean, who I like as a poster and who I respect as an artist.  There were many images pointed out to me which had tilted horizons.  When I looked closer, I found pictures of people on the street with visible faces and no model release information, and also store fronts with the store's complete name in the picture.  

As Lisa indicated, this collective is a group of professionals coming together.  Everyone is expected to quality control their own work, and honestly when I look through our portfolio I am amazed at the high quality.  There are no rejections of images.  

Also, artists are keeping 80% of the commission and I am doing all of the site design and blogging, and handling all "street team" efforts.  If a contributor is uploading images without proper releases, they cannot be part of the project.  It's as simple as that.  Anyone who has been involved with stock photography for several years should know the rules.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 22:39 by djpadavona »

« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2011, 22:54 »
are you still looking for contributors?  :)

« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2011, 23:10 »

Also, artists are keeping 80% of the commission and I am doing all of the site design and blogging, and handling all "street team" efforts.  If a contributor is uploading images without proper releases, they cannot be part of the project.  It's as simple as that.  Anyone who has been involved with stock photography for several years should know the rules.


« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2011, 23:41 »
As sais I agree there where few glitches in massive uploads and I believe the 5/6 out of 1000 pictures could have been deleted without the need to delete the entire folio. A simple message to the photographer would have solved this instead of an immediate firing.
Also Dan if I appreciate your kind but facade tone in this forum, I appreciate less the one where you are more yourself:
I quote you again in another forum
"I don't know why someone who has uploaded 4000+ images to microstock agencies would try to get
unreleased pictures on to our site. Clearly he knows better. It makes me wonder what he was up to."
So you Insinuating that I had a hidden agenda...you shouldn't feel well with what you are doing if you need now to write such things...Do you really believe I have uploaded 1000 pictures to kill the site? If not why letting people think I have done so?

« Reply #37 on: April 06, 2011, 00:07 »
Jean I'm not going to babysit you.  If you don't understand the need for releases then it is your problem, not mine.  Your complaining over this will not win you much sympathy.  We all know the rules and live by them with every agency we contribute to.

It was far more than 5-6 photos.  I found 10+ that needed releases just in the small sample I looked it.  I found an entire page worth of travel shots with tilted horizons.  Don't forget that I had to correct over 200 of your images, one at a time, because you entered the categories wrong.  I spent over 2 hours fixing your images. 

You gave a poor effort and appeared to upload anything you could find on your hard drive.  I took that as an insult to me, and to everyone involved with this project.

« Reply #38 on: April 06, 2011, 00:54 »
The releases were on the way...
The issue with category, yes that's right I didnt find the right place at once, this will happen with more of your contributors I can tell.
2 hours to change from one category to another? Well you have a problem and soon a big problem because your site has simply not enough categories . Who will do the job when you finally decide to have the needed categories to run such a site?
Any way the the more we speak the more reasons you give for having deleted my pictures.
You can pretend whatever you want now that everything is deleted, and the worse you present the things the more it is justifies your behaviour


« Reply #39 on: April 06, 2011, 01:13 »
I don't know either of you and I won't try to guess who's right or wrong.

But the best way to fix categories is to dismiss them altogether imo.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 05:54 by microstockphoto.co.uk »

« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2011, 01:25 »
I don't know either of you and I won't try to guess who's right or wrong.

But the best way to fix categories is to dismiss them altogheter imo.

In an interview a while ago - maybe last year - a senior Dreamstime official said a large proportion of their buyers used the categories so I guess they are important.

« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2011, 04:34 »
I might have some sympathy with Jean if the site had reviews but we all know it doesn't.  It was made clear from the outset that we had to be careful what we uploaded and I think that's fair.

As for categories, I detest them. :)


« Reply #42 on: April 06, 2011, 05:57 »
I don't know either of you and I won't try to guess who's right or wrong.

But the best way to fix categories is to dismiss them altogether imo.

In an interview a while ago - maybe last year - a senior Dreamstime official said a large proportion of their buyers used the categories so I guess they are important.

No doubt they are important to get some more sales. What I mean is they are not worth the extra time - I think I can get better spend my time shooting new pictures instead of choosing categories.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 06:04 by microstockphoto.co.uk »


« Reply #43 on: April 06, 2011, 11:05 »

No doubt they are important to get some more sales. What I mean is they are not worth the extra time - I think I can get better spend my time shooting new pictures instead of choosing categories.

The Ktools interface makes it easy to assign categories to batches of images when you upload them.  It's not like on the micros where you have to do it one image at a time.  It's really no trouble at all.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #44 on: April 08, 2011, 12:18 »
I'll ask again...maybe someone here knows...do you just register then upload or do you have to be invited?

« Reply #45 on: April 08, 2011, 12:40 »


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #46 on: April 08, 2011, 15:03 »
Go to this page:  http://warmpicture.com/photographer_signup.php

Thanks...just did it, but realized I didn't include a stocksite. I thought he was talking about a personal website until I got the e-mail about it being reviewed. Oh well I guess he'll let me know.

« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2011, 20:20 »
We're pretty full now.  The only contributors we can accept at this point are very high level contributors with highly downloaded portfolios.  (In particular we could really use someone with excellent tropical images)  We seem to be filling the most downloaded categories.

Donna - Sorry but we only have room for so many images under KTools storage.  A lot of our contributors are diamond or black diamond crowns.  If we had more space I'd take images from smaller contributors, but there just isn't enough GB alloted to us.

« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2011, 21:18 »
I find it interesting that originally, it's all about "what can _we_ _all_ do to show the man we can do it on our own" and how quickly it has become "the elite club".  Not that I would have done it any different as you don't want to fill buyers' eyeballs with non-stock, and it must be hard to turn away those who aren't really good enough to bring in sales.

You're hosting under the ktools site instead of on your own webspace, where you can mod up the scripts to your needs?


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2011, 21:52 »
We're pretty full now.  The only contributors we can accept at this point are very high level contributors with highly downloaded portfolios.  (In particular we could really use someone with excellent tropical images)  We seem to be filling the most downloaded categories.

Donna - Sorry but we only have room for so many images under KTools storage.  A lot of our contributors are diamond or black diamond crowns.  If we had more space I'd take images from smaller contributors, but there just isn't enough GB alloted to us.

I understand and thanks for being honest.. ;)


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