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Author Topic: Contributor's Collective  (Read 36267 times)

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« on: March 14, 2011, 12:33 »
I have converted my KTools personal stock agency into a Contributor's Collective.  For the past few years there has been much talk about forming a contributor run agency, but no one has stepped forward to make it happen.  I believe with our commissions are being slashed, and the other problems pervading some of the major micros, it is time to take matters into our own hands and look for something better.

My immediate goal is not to be an agency large enough to be ranked as a "Middle Tier" or "Low Earner."  Rather my goal is to produce more RPI/month for a small number of contributors than a Low Earner would.  Until we are generating sufficient traffic to make it worthwhile to open up the contributor's collective to everyone, it makes more sense to keep the list of contributors fairly small at first.

I am inviting any photographer with a track record of success in microstock to join the collective and upload immediately.  No firm numbers necessary.  As soon as we get a requisite amount of images, we will temporarily close the door to new contributors until our traffic catches up, and demand is meeting supply.

Costs - None.  I am paying out of pocket for all the software, hosting, and eventually advertising.

Commissions - 80% to start.  We will eventually decide as a group how to balance advertising and commissions.

Vectors? - Not yet.  Just photos or raster art for now.  I need to change some settings to eventually allow vectors.

Reviews? - Never.  Your track record of success already tells us that you know what you are doing.  Eventually we will let the buyers decide by culling the database of images which never sell.  But this is a long way down the road, and we will decide as a group how this should be handled. 

If you are interested in contributing, or helping in any way (ideas, advice, blogging, etc), please post or PM me.

« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2011, 13:22 »
Congrats! I applaud the effort and I'd love to see more little agencies with fair prices and payment pop up.

« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 13:29 »
Nice!  You have good initiative!

« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 16:24 »
Thank you. 

Cory, I should have the site set up for vectors soon.  If you are interested, the door will be wide open for you.

« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 16:39 »
congrats on taking the initiative and good luck! I wish this thing takes off even tho im exclusive to istock now and mainly vectors. Im all in favor of the suppliers getting the majority of the money for their hard work and one day in the future when i have a huge successful port, i plan to open my own shop too.

« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2011, 16:55 »
Hi Dan,

Just an idea that we should observe in the uploads, a kind of self-regulation, is trying to upload images that have been approved in 3 big agencies at least. In my case, I will consider IS, DT and FT, except for the illustrations, which I will consider DT and FT only, as I don't have them at IS (I do rasters).

Thanks for the initiative! 

« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2011, 17:37 »
Thanks VB!  Would love to have you with us if that crown ever breaks.   :D

@Madelaide -  I've been thinking about that issue too.  In general I agree we should stick to uploading images which have a track record of success, or have at least gotten multiple approvals.  However I think we may have an opportunity to offer some image types which generally don't get a lot of interest with the micros.  So if you have a really good image that didn't fit in with IS, FT, etc., then it is probably worth giving it a chance with a different audience.

« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2011, 17:45 »
what "defines your track record of success"?
btw. you will get a tsunami of mailwork, but i enjoy your commitment.

« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2011, 18:26 »
Not sure if I qualify but if I do count me in. If in you opinion I don't, I will not take offence and really hope it takes off. We need to do something.

« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2011, 18:33 »
Thank you. 

Cory, I should have the site set up for vectors soon.  If you are interested, the door will be wide open for you.

Thanks. I'll definitely have to check it out.

« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 03:52 »
The sites looking good.  I will start uploading some soon.  I did notice there isn't a favicon.  It's only a small thing but I think it makes the site look more professional.  I haven't made one for a while but found this site that might make it easier http://www.favicon.cc

« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2011, 03:52 »
Great idea, all the best of luck.

« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2011, 04:14 »
I think it's a great idea!
Here is another one:
If possible, how about creating a similar site or integrating into the existing one an RM section so us
who have crowns can also join ?

« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2011, 11:33 »
Thank you everyone for responding here, and by PM. 

The quality of portfolios which responded is staggering.  I am really proud to partner with the image makers who decided to be part of this collective.  I want to give the current contributors time to upload, and at the same time begin to build our traffic.

So in the meantime we are going to close the doors for a short while.  Hopefully within 3 to 5 months we will have some sales growth numbers to report, and will be able to give potential contributors some real world RPI figures so they can make a decision on whether our collective is right for them or not.

Thank you again everyone!

« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2011, 11:39 »
The sites looking good.  I will start uploading some soon.  I did notice there isn't a favicon.  It's only a small thing but I think it makes the site look more professional.  I haven't made one for a while but found this site that might make it easier http://www.favicon.cc

Thanks for the favicon link, sharpshot. I was just asking lisafx about this a couple of days ago...want to put one on my own site and didn't know where to begin.

« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2011, 12:38 »
Yes, thanks Sharp.  I'll definitely integrate it.  KTools allows us to add a RSS feed too, which I think is a no-brainer.

« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2011, 13:32 »
In order to help contributors to drive sales, you might want to consider creating a WordPress plugin which integrates a contributors portfolio with their own blog.

I heavily promote my work on my own web site and I do my own mailings (both physical and email) to buyers to promote my portfolio through my own web site.  What makes that work for me is that Pond5 released code which allowed me to integrate my portfolio directly into my web site.  From that I have seen an increase in traceable sales (through Google web analytics and referral income).

« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2011, 13:44 »
Good advice.  I have a blogspot blog tied in to my domain name and I am building a resource list for prospective buyers. 

« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2011, 08:41 »

Don't know if I would make the grade, but I read this post and am really interested in the idea. I have only a small portfolio on the usual-suspect sites, but I have some images which sell regularly for me and keep me in gadgets !
I would be very interested in joining this effort. So please tell me where or how to sign up!

-Ken Griffith

« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2011, 15:24 »
We're ready to accept a few more high end contributors. 

Things are coming along nicely.  We have not begun advertising yet, but our blog and website is seeing more organic traffic as we continue to add content.  My hope is very high for this project, and our small portfolio is strong.  Lots of 1st page search images from IS, SS and DT.

If you are interested please post or PM me.   8)

« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2011, 23:04 »
We're approaching 4000 images.  There is still room for a few more high level contributors to join.  We will begin advertising once we get close to 20000 images.  Thanks to everyone who has helped make this a reality!

« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2011, 23:46 »
Nice clean site and easy to get around! Love the concept!

« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2011, 12:11 »
How hard is it to submit and get rolling? I'd play. I don't know if I'm a high level contributor but I have 4k images I could add.

« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2011, 14:19 »
1600 images i can add. interesting to know if it's hard to submit photos.

« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2011, 15:48 »
4000-1000 = 3000

I had just my folio deleted by Dan without warning for the reason of problem on few pictures.

For info my answer to him so you have an idea what you enter

"  If I can understand some of the reasons you not being happy with some of my pictures but I can also tell that the method you have used to fire me, is rather brutal and I havent seen anything like that even in the worse ms agencies that all of us know.
Only few days ago you were asking me to contribute I quote you "You definitely have excellent images, and I want to build the agency around excellent contributors who think outside the box". After having thought about your proposal I accepted.
Now you fire me without warning.
Yes there were few of my pictures that were given issues, but I have make bulk uploads (1000 pictures or so in 2 days) so to help the library to increase in volume in short time and there were few glitches easy to fix without making such a drastically decision that sounds far away from your nice ideas such as (I quote you again) "I want to make mutual decisions with the people who initially join".
 I'm upset you have let me work for the sake of the project and decided courageously on request of "another member" (anonymous) to delete my folio and fire me as contributor, without having even tried to discuss with me. This is disrespectful and thats not my philosophy to treat other people and other people work.



« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2011, 16:21 »
Well, I am not that "other member" who noticed problems with your images and I didn't see the images in question.  But if you were, in fact, uploading images showing trademarks or people's faces without the proper releases, then you put the whole project at risk.   For a small company just starting out, one lawsuit for a non-released image could shut the whole thing down and leave Dan, as the site owner, personally liable.  

Certainly for the tiny 20% cut the site is keeping, you can't expect a team of inspectors to go over every submitted image.  The presumption when we joined was that we were stock professionals with quality portfolios, and could be trusted to act professionally without constant scrutiny.  

Any of us who are submitting to the collective need to be careful to only upload properly released and very high quality images, or else it jeopardizes the whole project and everyone involved.  

« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2011, 16:24 »
Well, I am not that "other member" who noticed problems with your images and I didn't see the images in question.  But if you were, in fact, uploading images showing trademarks or people's faces without the proper releases, then you put the whole project at risk.   For a small company just starting out, one lawsuit for a non-released image could shut the whole thing down and leave Dan, as the site owner, personally liable.  

Certainly for the tiny 20% cut the site is keeping, you can't expect a team of inspectors to go over every submitted image.  The presumption when we joined was that we were stock professionals with quality portfolios, and could be trusted to act professionally without constant scrutiny.  

Any of us who are submitting to the collective need to be careful to only upload properly released and very high quality images, or else it jeopardizes the whole project and everyone involved.  

Agree 100%, I have a few pictures there and planning to upload a few more (within the limit that Dan decided with myself)


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2011, 16:52 »
Dan....how do you upload...is it through the site or how? Also if you have time to look at my port and see if these will work let me know. If they don't I won't be offended. I would only upload the best sellers because the rest would probably be a waste of time. PM me and please be honest... ;)


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2011, 17:09 »
I was wondering how long it would take for Dan to start getting called "one of them" instead of "one of us".

Didn't take long at all...


« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2011, 17:23 »
I was wondering how long it would take for Dan to start getting called "one of them" instead of "one of us".

Didn't take long at all...

He's still "one of us" in my book :)

« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2011, 17:29 »
I was wondering how long it would take for Dan to start getting called "one of them" instead of "one of us".

Didn't take long at all...

He's still "one of us" in my book :)

Ditto here.

« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2011, 17:36 »
I was wondering how long it would take for Dan to start getting called "one of them" instead of "one of us".

Didn't take long at all...

He's still "one of us" in my book :)

Ditto here.
LOL make it 3


« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2011, 22:27 »
Make it 4


« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2011, 22:36 »
Thanks guys.   :D

Regarding Jean, who I like as a poster and who I respect as an artist.  There were many images pointed out to me which had tilted horizons.  When I looked closer, I found pictures of people on the street with visible faces and no model release information, and also store fronts with the store's complete name in the picture.  

As Lisa indicated, this collective is a group of professionals coming together.  Everyone is expected to quality control their own work, and honestly when I look through our portfolio I am amazed at the high quality.  There are no rejections of images.  

Also, artists are keeping 80% of the commission and I am doing all of the site design and blogging, and handling all "street team" efforts.  If a contributor is uploading images without proper releases, they cannot be part of the project.  It's as simple as that.  Anyone who has been involved with stock photography for several years should know the rules.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 22:39 by djpadavona »

« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2011, 22:54 »
are you still looking for contributors?  :)

« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2011, 23:10 »

Also, artists are keeping 80% of the commission and I am doing all of the site design and blogging, and handling all "street team" efforts.  If a contributor is uploading images without proper releases, they cannot be part of the project.  It's as simple as that.  Anyone who has been involved with stock photography for several years should know the rules.


« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2011, 23:41 »
As sais I agree there where few glitches in massive uploads and I believe the 5/6 out of 1000 pictures could have been deleted without the need to delete the entire folio. A simple message to the photographer would have solved this instead of an immediate firing.
Also Dan if I appreciate your kind but facade tone in this forum, I appreciate less the one where you are more yourself:
I quote you again in another forum
"I don't know why someone who has uploaded 4000+ images to microstock agencies would try to get
unreleased pictures on to our site. Clearly he knows better. It makes me wonder what he was up to."
So you Insinuating that I had a hidden agenda...you shouldn't feel well with what you are doing if you need now to write such things...Do you really believe I have uploaded 1000 pictures to kill the site? If not why letting people think I have done so?

« Reply #37 on: April 06, 2011, 00:07 »
Jean I'm not going to babysit you.  If you don't understand the need for releases then it is your problem, not mine.  Your complaining over this will not win you much sympathy.  We all know the rules and live by them with every agency we contribute to.

It was far more than 5-6 photos.  I found 10+ that needed releases just in the small sample I looked it.  I found an entire page worth of travel shots with tilted horizons.  Don't forget that I had to correct over 200 of your images, one at a time, because you entered the categories wrong.  I spent over 2 hours fixing your images. 

You gave a poor effort and appeared to upload anything you could find on your hard drive.  I took that as an insult to me, and to everyone involved with this project.

« Reply #38 on: April 06, 2011, 00:54 »
The releases were on the way...
The issue with category, yes that's right I didnt find the right place at once, this will happen with more of your contributors I can tell.
2 hours to change from one category to another? Well you have a problem and soon a big problem because your site has simply not enough categories . Who will do the job when you finally decide to have the needed categories to run such a site?
Any way the the more we speak the more reasons you give for having deleted my pictures.
You can pretend whatever you want now that everything is deleted, and the worse you present the things the more it is justifies your behaviour


« Reply #39 on: April 06, 2011, 01:13 »
I don't know either of you and I won't try to guess who's right or wrong.

But the best way to fix categories is to dismiss them altogether imo.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 05:54 by microstockphoto.co.uk »

« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2011, 01:25 »
I don't know either of you and I won't try to guess who's right or wrong.

But the best way to fix categories is to dismiss them altogheter imo.

In an interview a while ago - maybe last year - a senior Dreamstime official said a large proportion of their buyers used the categories so I guess they are important.

« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2011, 04:34 »
I might have some sympathy with Jean if the site had reviews but we all know it doesn't.  It was made clear from the outset that we had to be careful what we uploaded and I think that's fair.

As for categories, I detest them. :)


« Reply #42 on: April 06, 2011, 05:57 »
I don't know either of you and I won't try to guess who's right or wrong.

But the best way to fix categories is to dismiss them altogether imo.

In an interview a while ago - maybe last year - a senior Dreamstime official said a large proportion of their buyers used the categories so I guess they are important.

No doubt they are important to get some more sales. What I mean is they are not worth the extra time - I think I can get better spend my time shooting new pictures instead of choosing categories.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 06:04 by microstockphoto.co.uk »


« Reply #43 on: April 06, 2011, 11:05 »

No doubt they are important to get some more sales. What I mean is they are not worth the extra time - I think I can get better spend my time shooting new pictures instead of choosing categories.

The Ktools interface makes it easy to assign categories to batches of images when you upload them.  It's not like on the micros where you have to do it one image at a time.  It's really no trouble at all.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #44 on: April 08, 2011, 12:18 »
I'll ask again...maybe someone here knows...do you just register then upload or do you have to be invited?

« Reply #45 on: April 08, 2011, 12:40 »


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #46 on: April 08, 2011, 15:03 »
Go to this page:  http://warmpicture.com/photographer_signup.php

Thanks...just did it, but realized I didn't include a stocksite. I thought he was talking about a personal website until I got the e-mail about it being reviewed. Oh well I guess he'll let me know.

« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2011, 20:20 »
We're pretty full now.  The only contributors we can accept at this point are very high level contributors with highly downloaded portfolios.  (In particular we could really use someone with excellent tropical images)  We seem to be filling the most downloaded categories.

Donna - Sorry but we only have room for so many images under KTools storage.  A lot of our contributors are diamond or black diamond crowns.  If we had more space I'd take images from smaller contributors, but there just isn't enough GB alloted to us.

« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2011, 21:18 »
I find it interesting that originally, it's all about "what can _we_ _all_ do to show the man we can do it on our own" and how quickly it has become "the elite club".  Not that I would have done it any different as you don't want to fill buyers' eyeballs with non-stock, and it must be hard to turn away those who aren't really good enough to bring in sales.

You're hosting under the ktools site instead of on your own webspace, where you can mod up the scripts to your needs?


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2011, 21:52 »
We're pretty full now.  The only contributors we can accept at this point are very high level contributors with highly downloaded portfolios.  (In particular we could really use someone with excellent tropical images)  We seem to be filling the most downloaded categories.

Donna - Sorry but we only have room for so many images under KTools storage.  A lot of our contributors are diamond or black diamond crowns.  If we had more space I'd take images from smaller contributors, but there just isn't enough GB alloted to us.

I understand and thanks for being honest.. ;)

« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2011, 22:01 »
I find it interesting that originally, it's all about "what can _we_ _all_ do to show the man we can do it on our own" and how quickly it has become "the elite club".  Not that I would have done it any different as you don't want to fill buyers' eyeballs with non-stock, and it must be hard to turn away those who aren't really good enough to bring in sales.

You're hosting under the ktools site instead of on your own webspace, where you can mod up the scripts to your needs?

That's correct Sean.  But we have x amount of total gigabytes of storage.  We are not at a ceiling now (nowhere close), but with the people we have signed we will be there in months. 

It's not that we are trying to be "elitist."  We have to be different.  In my opinion one important difference is that all our images are produced by accomplished photographers.  No other micro can come close to saying that.  We also want to offer a better buying experience, and I am working hard to ensure we become a partner of designers, rather than just a place they go to buy a picture when they need one.  That means becoming an educational resource, and helping designers become excellent designers.

And yes, it is hard to turn people away.  I hope it isn't "forever."  If we can build enough sales to justify a massive increase in storage and bandwidth, then we will be able to accept more people.  For now, we have to face our own limitations and be as stock worthy as we can possibly be.

If you have any isolated pictures of apples or kiwi, we'd love to have you Sean.   :P

« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2011, 22:05 »
BTW there are many contributors who signed up with us but never uploaded a single file.  I know people are busy and I am not going to rush them.  But if they still haven't uploaded after several weeks, we will probably assume they had a change of heart, and fill their spots with other contributors and move on.

« Reply #52 on: April 11, 2011, 02:42 »
We're pretty full now.  The only contributors we can accept at this point are very high level contributors with highly downloaded portfolios.  (In particular we could really use someone with excellent tropical images)  We seem to be filling the most downloaded categories.

Donna - Sorry but we only have room for so many images under KTools storage.  A lot of our contributors are diamond or black diamond crowns.  If we had more space I'd take images from smaller contributors, but there just isn't enough GB alloted to us.

Can you please explain how exclusives are allowed to participate ??

« Reply #53 on: April 11, 2011, 03:19 »
^^^Istock exclusives wont be able to participate, lots of non-exclusives are diamond level or better with istock and can upload RF wherever they want to.

« Reply #54 on: April 11, 2011, 03:52 »
^^^ Now that makes more sense. you got me confused:
"A lot of our contributors are diamond or black diamond crowns"

Non exclusives don't have crowns...

Anyways I do wish you the best of luck with your idea, who knows, maybe one day we will join you (as exclusives :)  ).

« Reply #55 on: April 11, 2011, 05:57 »
In my opinion one important difference is that all our images are produced by accomplished photographers.

Sounds just like "the good ole days" ;)

« Reply #56 on: April 11, 2011, 09:06 »
BTW there are many contributors who signed up with us but never uploaded a single file.  I know people are busy and I am not going to rush them.  But if they still haven't uploaded after several weeks, we will probably assume they had a change of heart, and fill their spots with other contributors and move on.

I'm one of those. I am going away tomorrow for a week in South Carolina to shoot a wedding though. I'll try and get some up before I go but don't axemurder me! :)

« Reply #57 on: April 11, 2011, 09:16 »
You just joined Matt - no worries!  I'm referring to contributors who joined 6-7 weeks ago and never uploaded.  I'll give them a little longer, but since we have somewhat of a waiting list of contributors, at some point another contributor will take their position.

« Reply #58 on: April 11, 2011, 11:15 »
So - there isn't enough storage space for small portfolios, that's why you're only taking  big ones.

I get that. Absolutely I do.

« Reply #59 on: April 11, 2011, 11:41 »
So - there isn't enough storage space for small portfolios, that's why you're only taking  big ones.

I get that. Absolutely I do.

I could see making several smaller themed shops being a better model than making one large one with everyone. Besides, Rome wasn't built in a day. You have to start small with some profitable contributors. I applaud Dan for taking the initiative to start this. There is a lot more complaining than actually doing most of the time on this forum.

« Reply #60 on: April 11, 2011, 12:15 »
Maybe now that this 'collective' is full and not accepting new 'members', it should start its own forum.  Up until now MSG has been devoted to agencies that I can actually submit to - not closed, gated communities.  

I question whether this is a 'microstock'.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 12:21 by stockastic »

« Reply #61 on: April 11, 2011, 12:20 »
So - there isn't enough storage space for small portfolios, that's why you're only taking  big ones.

I get that. Absolutely I do.


« Reply #62 on: April 15, 2011, 18:30 »
So - there isn't enough storage space for small portfolios, that's why you're only taking  big ones.

I get that. Absolutely I do.


Seriously Blufish.  You have 6 sales at DT.  When you put up the money and start your own site, you can fill your server space with non-stock images.  You have nearly as many people ignoring you on MSG as you have sales.  That's pretty incredible.  Maybe you can start to suggest how I should run a business when you show us that you can make a sale in microstock.

« Reply #63 on: April 15, 2011, 18:34 »
Wait a minute. I sent you a PM acknowledging my small port, but also offering to help fund the site and services to help out. Sorry my port seemed to offend you, an email back with a  thanks or no thanks would have been nice though instead of just ignoring. That is rude, and to attack people who are just starting is also uncalled for.

Good luck to you

« Reply #64 on: April 15, 2011, 18:41 »
So - there isn't enough storage space for small portfolios, that's why you're only taking  big ones.

I get that. Absolutely I do.

So what you are saying is if you had the initiative to start your own collective, you would fill your server space with contributors who haven't shown the ability to sell images?  I believe that.  Absolutely I do.

Step forward and risk some of your own capital.  

« Reply #65 on: April 15, 2011, 18:50 »
Wait a minute. I sent you a PM acknowledging my small port, but also offering to help fund the site and services to help out. Sorry my port seemed to offend you, an email back with a  thanks or no thanks would have been nice though instead of just ignoring. That is rude, and to attack people who are just starting is also uncalled for.

You never offered to pay for our site, so please don't make such a ridiculous accusation.  You piled on with Stockastic with your "+1" to his assertion that I basically don't know what I am doing with regard to who I hire.  So I called attention to your lack of sales as evidence that you have no basis to judge the contributors I chose.  Sorry if you think it is uncalled for.  Maybe the contributors we brought on would feel Stockastic's comments (and your agreement) to be uncalled for?


« Reply #66 on: April 15, 2011, 19:09 »
Wow.  Not sure why all the hostility directed at Dan.  He's actually trying to do something positive here.   

Last thing he needs to do is mirror all the content on the micros.  In this oversupplied climate a new site has to differentiate itself.  If his way of differentiating Warmpicture is to be extremely selective and market it as a "premium collection" that makes total sense to me. 

If you are fairly new to microstock, don't be offended.  We all started out where you are.  When I first started in 2005 I thought my first 300 images or so were amazing.  I was so proud of them.  Now, looking back, I realize they would never qualify as good stock by today's standards.  They were still a great learning experience.   Most of them will not be submitted to Warmpicture though, because the quality is just not there. 

« Reply #67 on: April 15, 2011, 19:44 »
I'm not being hostile. I offered to help with the funding, not pay for the whole * thing. You did not make clear in you initial asking that you only wanted the elite to participate. That is very, very clear now.

You jumped on my for agreeing with someones statement. Fine. I wanted to make where my position was coming from. Fine. I'm still the one offended that you couldn't even send a simple email reply. You only know who I am through here. Don't judge what you don't know lest you burn bridges.

What does having 4 ignore me have to do with the price of ducks? I for one do not go around checking peoples profiles to deem whether their comments are worthy or not. It's childish.


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #68 on: April 15, 2011, 21:11 »
Now we get to see in living color what agencies have to deal with.

I like Dan's direct approach instead of sugar-coating it.

Like I said before, the more people Dan filters out the more he is being perceived as "one of them". Now people are ganging up and turning the pitchforks and torches toward him.

« Reply #69 on: April 15, 2011, 21:58 »
naturaly...any good idea is nothing worth without structure, marketing and distribution.
I also declared my regrets.


« Reply #70 on: April 21, 2011, 00:47 »
naturaly...any good idea is nothing worth without structure, marketing and distribution.
I also declared my regrets.

All I can say from my desk is, this is going to be fun to watch!  :P

The Us vs Them isn't just the artists and the agencies.

Very Interesting. Please don't take this as a big negative. People talk, someone has done something and started the collective. I wish you the best.

Warmpictures has an attractive design and good images on the front page, well done. I just think there are going to be other issues that haven't been planned for. Things like, looking at how deep the water is, before you dive in, head first.  :o

« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 22:16 by RacePhoto »

« Reply #71 on: April 23, 2011, 08:46 »
Things like, looking at how deep the water is, before you dive in, head first.  :o


You are right, I have jumped in it without looking and hit the bottom.....


« Reply #72 on: April 23, 2011, 10:00 »
So again, a new site for large fish who probably can negotiate for percentage of earnings with large agencies ...
Deja Vu and nothing new!

Please, just change name of this topic " Senior contributor's collective" and then we, "others" will shut up!
It seems that the "sphere of interest" is again before anything else... Am I right, Lisa!?  ;)
Like similar in near past, when big players were very silent when the IS reduced rates, because of that  enough "biggy players" repeat history again, now in this case...
Interest above the "critical attitude"!!!
« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 10:15 by borg »

« Reply #73 on: April 23, 2011, 10:40 »
you would fill your server space with contributors who haven't shown the ability to sell images?  

All my photos sell, and quite a few of them sell well, and steadily, thanks.  Good luck with your 'collective'.  You might also want to set up CollectiveGroup.com.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 10:47 by stockastic »

« Reply #74 on: April 23, 2011, 11:39 »
I am not one of the big guns with thousands of images but I was accepted as part of the group; my guess is I offered something different than the usual "grip and grin" images.  I am hoping the collective will grow and accept more talent; I feel it is a great idea that was needed; I appreciate Dan's efforts to get this rolling.

« Reply #75 on: April 23, 2011, 12:36 »
Same here -- small fish with hopefully something different to offer.  Glad to be part of the experiment, thankful for the opportunity to be involved.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #76 on: April 23, 2011, 15:28 »
you would fill your server space with contributors who haven't shown the ability to sell images?  

All my photos sell, and quite a few of them sell well, and steadily, thanks.  Good luck with your 'collective'.  You might also want to set up CollectiveGroup.com.

So do mine and of course I was turned down, but that's just the way it is.....I really don't care, but I gotta add that without variety, things won't do very good...what's the saying??? What is one mans garbage is another mans treasure....some people like to buy a different type of stock...not the studio but candid, not isolated but natural. I don't see a whole lot of variety. I can also understand him being selective, but being a little to selective limits the variety. Sorry if I offended any one but that's the way I feel about it... ;)

« Reply #77 on: April 23, 2011, 15:43 »
The idea of a collective is a great idea. The project of doing something together is exciting.
However don't do it for the money (I was told warmpicture has only sold one picture at the day of today.....). And if you like the idea make sure the project is really collective and that you will not been thrown out based on one man decision after having uploaded 1000 pictures as I was with warmpicture. Even I as was not been happy all the time with big microstock sites I was never treated badly with any, and have earned well with them. The idea of collective make sense if it is a collective an not another micro behaving worse as macro with lower earnings...


« Reply #78 on: April 23, 2011, 16:56 »
The idea of a collective is a great idea. The project of doing something together is exciting.
However don't do it for the money (I was told warmpicture has only sold one picture at the day of today.....). And if you like the idea make sure the project is really collective and that you will not been thrown out based on one man decision after having uploaded 1000 pictures as I was with warmpicture. Even I as was not been happy all the time with big microstock sites I was never treated badly with any, and have earned well with them. The idea of collective make sense if it is a collective an not another micro behaving worse as macro with lower earnings...


There are 2 sides to every story and I think it only fair for you to mention that you uploaded some photos without releases (from what I understand), after you were told to self-moderate. I don't think that's being fair to others who are following the rules, either.

Everyone here can go to ktools and purchase the software for about $200 and start their own collective. In fact, Jean, if I remember correctly, you were talking about starting one before Dan did, and it seems to me you immediately put a caveat on the people who could upload. I remember, because I was excluded right off the bat. With 800+ images approved and a Gold level on istock. So let's not be a pot calling the kettle black.

Here's the link to the thread you started:


You were looking for folks with 3000-4000 images. If that isn't being elitist, I don't know what is. But it was okay when you were doing it, right?  ;)

« Reply #79 on: April 23, 2011, 17:34 »
All my photos sell, and quite a few of them sell well, and steadily, thanks.  Good luck with your 'collective'.  You might also want to set up CollectiveGroup.com.  

Do they?  You want to be involved in a project, and you don't even show us your portfolio.  Give us a link and let us take a look.  We're not signing a photographer who doesn't share his portfolio.

« Reply #80 on: April 23, 2011, 17:58 »
Let me clear something up.  I never stated smaller contributors could not be part of our project.  What I stated was we have a small amount of initial storage to work with given our cash reserves, so we are filling that storage with the best possible photographers possible to attract customers.  You may disagree with that strategy if you prefer, but that is what we are doing.

Once we are receiving regular sales, I will be able to afford to upgrade our storage capacity so we can accept more contributors.  I'm sorry people don't understand this.  Please be patient.

There is one thing which will never change - we will only accept strong stock, or quality images which fill a niche for us.  This is how we will differentiate ourselves from libraries with several million images. 

So a contributor who joins us with 500 images will probably be asked to upload their top 100 (top 20%).  That top 20% will be the contributor's most successful images.  If that is not acceptable to a contributor, then he or she will have to contribute to another project. 

That is how our current contributors are uploading.  People with 7000-10000 images are uploading their best 1500-3000 images only. 

My guess is a lot of the people complaining in this thread will not be able to check their ego at the door when asked to upload that best 20%.  I have found that the most successful, huge portfolios are constructed by artists who don't have a chip on their shoulder, and realize that some of their work really doesn't cut it and they have to work to get better.  This as opposed to someone who has been in stock for 4-5 years, makes less than 100 total sales per year at DT, and still claims "all my stuff sells." 

« Reply #81 on: April 23, 2011, 18:09 »
So again, a new site for large fish who probably can negotiate for percentage of earnings with large agencies ...
Deja Vu and nothing new!

That's a pretty hefty claim considering you have no evidence to back up your assertion. 

I complained plenty about Getty's September decision.  I recall many of the contributors who are currently part of our project being very active in the threads protesting what was happening.  Actually I left IS exclusivity because of it, and one of our current members also abandoned IS exclusivity as a very high level diamond because of the royalty changes.

It's also unfortunate that you lump anyone who is successful in microstock into an elitist category.  It couldn't have anything to do with talent and hard work, could it?  Just label them as elitist, then you don't have to admit that they work harder than you do.

« Reply #82 on: April 23, 2011, 18:13 »
You want to be involved in a project, and you don't even show us your portfolio.  

Huh? I didn't even bother, because you'd already said:

The only contributors we can accept at this point are very high level contributors with highly downloaded portfolios.
If we had more space I'd take images from smaller contributors....

I didn't really intend to knock your business concept. I thought it was a bit funny to state that you didn't have room for small portfolios, just big ones - maybe that isn't exactly what you were trying to say.  I also said that what you're setting up isn't a microstock, and this is a microstock forum.  

Good luck with your endeavor.  I think your collective is probably not the place for me.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 18:20 by stockastic »

« Reply #83 on: April 23, 2011, 22:00 »
There may be 2 sides to every story but I have to correct you cclapper as what you say is not correct:
1) I have never opposed to the fact that there were few pictures (mainly with my family by the way) without release, I also said those were on the way, but as my folio was deleted within 48 hours and I did not get a chance. At this time there were by the way also other pictures from other contributors without release.
2) I was never told to self-moderate; the folio was deleted over-night without a single discussion or warning (and on top of this on request of another contributor). This method is brutal and not corresponding to what I believe a "collective" should be, and especially not in a construction phase where with massive upload this can happen. I'm very surprised that all you contributors find this way of behaving another photograph "normal". There was at least two things to consider before doing this:  (a) ask the contributor to be more selective (b) deleting the pictures with issue instead of the whole folio!
3) This is right, I have been starting to organize a collective and asked for large folios to join. Did I ever complained about  your CEO taking large folio only? The answer is no, I never did
Please read the threads again and don't put in my mouth words that other have been saying. I try to be factual please do so too.


There are 2 sides to every story and I think it only fair for you to mention that you uploaded some photos without releases (from what I understand), after you were told to self-moderate. I don't think that's being fair to others who are following the rules, either.

Everyone here can go to ktools and purchase the software for about $200 and start their own collective. In fact, Jean, if I remember correctly, you were talking about starting one before Dan did, and it seems to me you immediately put a caveat on the people who could upload. I remember, because I was excluded right off the bat. With 800+ images approved and a Gold level on istock. So let's not be a pot calling the kettle black.

Here's the link to the thread you started:


You were looking for folks with 3000-4000 images. If that isn't being elitist, I don't know what is. But it was okay when you were doing it, right?  ;)

« Reply #84 on: April 24, 2011, 01:02 »
It's a shame that this thread degraded into this. I feel bad for Jean because nobody likes to feel like they weren't given a fair chance. I also feel for Dan because all he was trying to create was something better. I hope he is successful, so more people can take part in it. As Cathy said, Ktools or other programs are available to everyone. I have a store myself. Personally, I'd love to see a lively independent community here. I encourage people to go and try things out for themselves.

« Reply #85 on: April 24, 2011, 07:12 »
There may be 2 sides to every story but I have to correct you cclapper as what you say is not correct:
1) I have never opposed to the fact that there were few pictures (mainly with my family by the way) without release, I also said those were on the way, but as my folio was deleted within 48 hours and I did not get a chance. At this time there were by the way also other pictures from other contributors without release.
2) I was never told to self-moderate; the folio was deleted over-night without a single discussion or warning (and on top of this on request of another contributor). This method is brutal and not corresponding to what I believe a "collective" should be, and especially not in a construction phase where with massive upload this can happen. I'm very surprised that all you contributors find this way of behaving another photograph "normal". There was at least two things to consider before doing this:  (a) ask the contributor to be more selective (b) deleting the pictures with issue instead of the whole folio!
3) This is right, I have been starting to organize a collective and asked for large folios to join. Did I ever complained about  your CEO taking large folio only? The answer is no, I never did
Please read the threads again and don't put in my mouth words that other have been saying. I try to be factual please do so too.


Regarding you discriminating on the basis of 3000-4000 images, my point was that you chose to exclude people right off the bat and you had every right to do so. It was your idea and you were the one setting it up. This collective was Dan's idea, he paid money and time to get it set up. If he thought you weren't doing what he thought was right, it is within his right to do whatever he wanted. Just like the big boys.

I agree that the Photostore software is a little lacking when it comes to the model release issue, but I found a way around...I also add "model released" to the description window.

I don't agree with ANY of the decisions istock has made about their site, but it's their site. I feel about them just like you do about Dan. I totally get why you are complaining and feel that Dan messed you up. With 3000-4000 images, I would think you would WANT to be starting your own collective or at least working on your own site.

« Reply #86 on: April 24, 2011, 07:23 »
It's a shame that this thread degraded into this. I feel bad for Jean because nobody likes to feel like they weren't given a fair chance. I also feel for Dan because all he was trying to create was something better. I hope he is successful, so more people can take part in it. As Cathy said, Ktools or other programs are available to everyone. I have a store myself. Personally, I'd love to see a lively independent community here. I encourage people to go and try things out for themselves.

The reason is because in past discussions, the idea of a "collective" came up that everyone felt they were going to be able to participate in, regardless of history, or portfolio size or whatever.  So to be rejected from a project in a thread of such a title is probably a bit disappointing/insulting/etc.


« Reply #87 on: April 24, 2011, 11:44 »
Thanks for inviting me Dan, Heres to better things ahead. sent my top 30%. Good for you.


« Reply #88 on: April 24, 2011, 13:57 »
Great idea!  and it doesnt hurt anybody, you have my 30%

« Reply #89 on: April 25, 2011, 04:52 »
this thread is now locked - it has served it's purpose and isn't progressing anywhere except downwards.


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