
Microstock Photography Forum - General => Selling Stock Direct => Topic started by: Ron on October 28, 2013, 08:36

Title: FotoQuote - pricing tool
Post by: Ron on October 28, 2013, 08:36
I ran into this software by reading this article which I found linked in the sys forum.

http://www.cradocfotosoftware.com/fotoQuote-Pro/index.html (http://www.cradocfotosoftware.com/fotoQuote-Pro/index.html)

http://strobist.blogspot.ie/2013/10/your-real-estate-agent-would-like-some.html (http://strobist.blogspot.ie/2013/10/your-real-estate-agent-would-like-some.html)

FotoQuote - pricing tool, anybody using it? Or is it all just common sense on how to price your images?
Title: Re: FotoQuote - pricing tool
Post by: LesPalenik on November 27, 2013, 05:34
Photoquote has been around for at least twenty years, but the blog post in the second link is timely and priceless.
Good find, Ron!
Title: Re: FotoQuote - pricing tool
Post by: Mantis on November 27, 2013, 18:18
Love the blog post. Perfect with lots of ACCURATE SARCASM.