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Author Topic: Image Misuse? or theft?  (Read 4032 times)

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« on: December 30, 2011, 22:56 »
You might want to see whether your image was manipulate by others and sell it there. Just search for image #76042837 and check the author's portfolio. My image (5784511) was stolen and manipulated to the above mention image.
And the other image#88921597 , another contributor that using my image #50454055 to PS become his, see closely the dragon tail.


« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 23:09 »
Contact shutterstock that is not allowed.  Make sure you contact all the other sites where those images are too.


« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2011, 13:50 »
Maybe there should be a list of these in a sticky? There are a number of addresses for specific contacts, this on is for Infringement at SS - ShutterStock

[email protected]

« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 14:56 by RacePhoto »

« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2012, 03:18 »
Thanks traveler and Racephoto.
Today i do more search on my subject, and i found at least 3 more contributors, one of them has a huge portfolio(28k).
I am just a small nobody, do you think they will listen to me ? Some sites i am not in yet, not sure how am i going to contact them.
I already try to reported some... but i don't know should i continue...

« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2012, 03:36 »
I getting myself into big trouble now. And need some advice from you all.

I reported to a few site regarding misuse of my images.
My image: http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-12574231-water-splash.php
Some other variation :
..... and some other version.

At DT and IS, the water dragon are not available any more.
Others site no respond yet. But at CanStockPhoto, Duncan told me that he spoke to the photographer(with big portfolio) and the photographer make a honest mistake. He bought a Photoshop brush set from :http://www.daz3d.com/i/shop/popup/slideshow?item=11030&count=4&h=hhh
Duncan is kind enough to ask me whether i use the filter to make my image,and i have opportunity to explain, what i am afraid is SS and other sites might freeze my account straight away?
The brush set is not created by me, and no i never use that brush to create my images.
This is how i make my images:
- shoot a few hundreds water splash.
- choose 10-20 which i think is potential, and convert to tiff.
- spend hours and hours to edit in Photoshop.

Any advice for me?

Thanks in advance.


« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2012, 03:58 »
Are your images copyrighted?

Can you prove you took them? Original files, in sequence, with the EXIF still on them is just fine, they don't have to be RAW files. The series context is reliable proof.

You have 30 days from the date of discovery to protect your images, if you haven't registered them yet. Otherwise no copyright, no damages.

Get an attorney, do it now and maybe file a claim against daz3d.com

Otherwise, writing messages and filing notices will keep you occupied forever and you will not get a cent in return for someone using your pictures or selling them.

I can understand an honest mistake by the artists who bought the brush sets. I'm sure they understand and will agree to stop selling your materials as their own. But daz3d.com knows where they got them and unless they have some special license, illegally resold your work.


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