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Author Topic: No, "Thank You"  (Read 10191 times)

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« on: May 07, 2008, 13:02 »
I'm sure I will catch a few flames for this one, but what the heck. I'm feeling a little Miz-ish today.

I'd like to appeal to Shutterstock contributors to stop thanking SS every time you get a payout.

I've been baffled by this since day 1. We perform a task for SS. We supply a product. They create the marketplace for this product and handle all parts of the sales, and in exchange they get a large cut of the sales revenues. We all know the deal, and we all agree to it or we just wouldn't sell there. Some people even complain about SS, complain about when the raise will finally come, etc. And yet every month, there is a flood of posts in the payout thread thanking SS for payment. Why?

I doubt anyone here walks into their boss's office every other week and says, "Hey boss, thanks for the paycheck!"

Sure people can do whatever they want, it's an open forum and people can thank SS if they feel inclined to do so. But I wonder if this is almost harmful to the business. One the one hand, we are all anxious for this raise, while on the other there are tons of people basically down on bended knee thanking the powers-that-be at SS headquarters for handing out payments that they earned. Doesn't this send the wrong message? That we're just oh so thankful for our $0.30 per image, so what's the motivation for SS to ever give out a raise?

People offer up their thanks every month as if we should be glad to even get any money at all. I'd like to suggest that we stop act like we owe something to SS. No doubt they are a great company, and I know that I personally make a nice sum of money working with them each month. But it's still work, not a hand-out, and I like to think of them more as an employer and less like a parent giving me my monthly allowance. Maybe if we acted in such a way, we would have some real ground to stand on when it comes to debating what sort of raise we deserve. As long as this behavior keeps up, I don't see why anyone should be surprised if we only see a $0.05 increase next week. If we act like the current $0.30 is so wonderful, what would SS ever want to give us more?

« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2008, 13:05 »
Those thanking is stupid to me too. I just do it to expose my portfolio to buyers. lol. If I am not on first page at forum, I wont make a post.... lol.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2008, 13:07 by Chode »

« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2008, 13:09 »
Blatant portfolio exposing with nothing to say, I don't agree with that....but I would like to thank chode and helix7 for bring it up

Has anyone seen my site www.nicemonkey.co.uk;D

« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2008, 13:30 »
I'm sure I will catch a few flames for this one, but what the heck. I'm feeling a little Miz-ish today.

OMG - you're just Mizzin.  I love it!

I doubt anyone here walks into their boss's office every other week and says, "Hey boss, thanks for the paycheck!"

Nope, but you are performing a service for your boss.  He/she should be thanking you.  SS (and others) is performing a service for you.   Well - really, so they can make money - but they are performing a service to you by promoting the site and your product and giving you your measly little commission.

And yes, I get mizzed too when I read the "thank you SS" and "thank you IS" posts.   Well - when I used to read those posts.  Who actually reads them anyway?  I hope it's only a post that people make once when they get their first cheque.  What's the point of kissing a virtual ass; it ain't gonna get ya sales.

« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2008, 13:43 »
I thank my boss every week when he gives me check ??? Why not considering what an excellent job I have and how many people would die to have it, it's the least I could do. Your boss should not have to thank you just because you do what is requiered of you as his employee. That just smells like "I am special and I deserve things" Hog wash when someone gives you something even if you are paying for it the proper thing to do is say "thank you". Now as far as SS yes it's a dumb thread everytime the payout is anounced that people rush in to state their thanks, why not just call Jon on the phone and say thank you. Come to think about it they {SS} should start the thread like this:

"We would like to thank all of the contributors for their hard work that keeps us employed, without your images we would have to be doing something more fustrating like flipping burgers or similar things ;D"

Then they could tell us what they write every month the paypal will go out on the 5 the ........
Allright enough I will sit down now  ;)

Hey what happen to all my site links on the bottom I only see featurepics?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2008, 13:47 by jorgeinthewater »

« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2008, 13:51 »
I totally agree Helix!
I wondered about that before. I figured it's the amateurs and housewifes who had a hard time getting in, and still find it hard to believe that they earn some money with their hobby.
The professionals who consider this as a business, wouldn't think about posting in that thread!
And I don't think that the folks from SS take the time to read that thread! They only read the threads about business questions/ bugs/ problems etc!


« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2008, 14:00 »
...I hope it's only a post that people make once when they get their first cheque.  What's the point of kissing a virtual ass; it ain't gonna get ya sales.

Actually, there are usually a few familiar names in those threads. Some that have been around almost since SS started. It's bizarre.

« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2008, 15:11 »
My guess is that they do it to thank SS for providing the venue that gives them the opportunity to make money on their photos.  Maybe they had a good month and are thanking SS for bringing in so many customers.  Just my guess.  It's not something I do.

« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2008, 15:31 »
Like with most of the stock company's forums, I think there are a quite a few sycophants on Shutterstock's. Whatever the company does seems to be great by them.

Worse than the SS forum  is the iStock one, in my experience.

iStock says, "We're cutting the commission we pay you by 50% and restricting your uploads to one every second Tuesday when there's an 'r' in the month." And the forums fill up with, "Hey! That's sooooooo cool! Thank you, thank you!" posts.

I don't even bother to look at the companies' forums now.

This is the place to be.

« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2008, 16:07 »
I agree about this being the place to be. It is a wonderful, busy, helpful forum where I have learned so much in a short period of time. So thanks to all of you for being here and sharing your thoughts and experiences.  ;D


« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2008, 16:23 »
I don't post in those type of threads on SS generally either, although I did sometimes when I was new.  I was one of those housewives very happy to be making a paycheck on SS and elsewhere. 

Some of the people posting in the Thank You threads may be genuine suck ups, but others may be just trying to maintain good relations with the sites they submit too.  I know that is why I keep posting in the forums of my favorite sites.  Sometimes a "way to go" is merited, especially when they come up with some new innovation that will make life better for contributors or bring in more sales. 

But yeah, I do get your point.  Simply getting a scheduled payout doesn't seem to warrant all the thanks and hooplah.  Now if they implement a significant raise sometime soon I will be there doing the happy dance along with the others! :D


« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2008, 16:26 »
I'd like to appeal to Shutterstock contributors to stop thanking SS every time you get a payout.

I totally 110% agree with this statement, but I'd also like to go so far as to say I wish all contributors on every site would stop arse licking for a whole host of various reasons, when will most of these idiots realise that WE are paying THEM to sell our images.

Something else I can't understand is, that when you point out the fact they're a brown noser by insulting them, they go and get all upset.

« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2008, 17:19 »
How posting to internal / contributors forum would increase sales????

« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2008, 17:51 »
It's just because in people psychology is to feel thankful when they expect something for a long lime, and then they get it. How many times you said: "Thank God!" Just because you finished some hard work. In this case you don't have someone near by to say thanks, so you say it to God. I didn't say we should do it, and I didn't say it's right, but it's normal and very common human reaction on finalizing some work, especially hard work.

« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2008, 17:51 »
Those thanking is stupid to me too. I just do it to expose my portfolio to buyers. lol. If I am not on first page at forum, I wont make a post.... lol.

Actually that's why I don't read most of the microstock agencies forums anymore - too many redundant posts from posters who only want to expose their portfolio to buyers ...

« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2008, 18:43 »

It's nice to hear an opinion from an intelligent voice rather than the snivelling rah-rah from one of the cowering masses. Yeah it get's old for me very quickly.

Next, can you try and get rid of those "First download of May" and "last download of April" threads? A giant waste of time, and I too have mostly stopped with corporate forums. Just a quick look in a couple of times a week now on SS.


« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2008, 18:47 »
Provided one is not * up," I see nothing wrong with being polite.  The world could use a little more of it frankly.


« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2008, 20:05 »

I don't have a problem with "Show me" threads (although they should have a separate forum), "First download of..." threads, etc. No problem with people being polite, either. I just take issue with the "thank you SS!" posts because I really do believe that it could be harmful behavior.

Aside from the fact that I think people should take a little more pride in what they do and remember that they earned that money and should only thank themselves, I also think that it sends the wrong message to SS. Acting like beggars thanking them for whatever scraps they can spare doesn't really give us any credibility when we try to justify any sort of pay increase.

Even in looking at the microstock business in general, what sort of message does it send when we are SS is so generous with what they pay us? Or any microstock company for that matter?

« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2008, 21:06 »
I agree , I also think its stupid.

I cant stand one more thing , when a topic is opened , any subject doesnt matter but not like show me etc , and suddenly every other post  has a photo attached that is somehow connected with the matter or the poster thinks its connected.

Sometimes is funny , I mean there are many conceptual stuff out there that fits in , but mostly is all about pushing photos just to be seen at any price. I feel like when watching TV when those stupid commercials start.  What is it all about , even if it gives you attention and maybe you get  few more sales ,but  is it seems like falling real low at least to me.


« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2008, 22:32 »

Aside from the fact that I think people should take a little more pride in what they do and remember that they earned that money and should only thank themselves

I disagree.  It takes 2 to Tango.  Go ahead and take those same great images over to CanStock or Featurepics and see how much money you make.  Shutterstock is my runaway earnings provider every month these days.  Not even iStock comes close for my portfolio.  So in that sense, I think saying "thanks" is just fine by me. 

I'll give you an example:

This food image has sold 89 times in 1 and a half months on Shutterstock, a few times on Fotolia and StockXpert, and once on iStockphoto.  If it all came down to me, and me only, I'd have the same sales at all sites.  But obviously that is not the case.  Some sites can bring the earnings, and some can't sell their way out of a paper bag.


  • I radiate Love and Happiness!
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2008, 23:02 »
I qoute from The law of gratitude,

"Being grateful for everything that happens, good or bad, is one of the biggest shifts in the way you think. Gratitude for the good will give you more of it".  :)


« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2008, 23:40 »
I disagree.  It takes 2 to Tango.  Go ahead and take those same great images over to CanStock or Featurepics and see how much money you make.  Shutterstock is my runaway earnings provider every month these days.  Not even iStock comes close for my portfolio.  So in that sense, I think saying "thanks" is just fine by me...

True, but SS also reaps the benefits of those increased sales as well. You make it sound like all companies have the exact same incomes, but SS pays more or something. SS gets as much (if not more) benefit as you do for their success, relatively speaking.

By your logic I should be thanking every online service provider I use. eBay helps me sell my old junk. I make money off of it, so should I email eBay and thank them? PayPal helps me get paid every month, although they do take their cut. Maybe I'll shoot an email over to them expressing my gratitude as well. Come to think of it, I sell images at 10 microstock sites. Should I thank them all? Or just the top earners? What's the criteria for who gets my thanks and who doesn't?

« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2008, 00:30 »
I think it is a throwback to Pyramid Sales, where the top earners get up and "Woopee I love this Company, look at me!", and others look on in amazement and dream of that day they can add the woopee.

Read between the lines, they are not really thanking SS but advertising the fact they made the cut, "immediate gratification syndrome"

How about the many contibutors that have made sales but not hit the magic value that gets them a payment, and may never hit it, maybe they should have another thread each month.

"Sorry SS I never made the grade this month, thank you for staying with me through these tough times", woopee I love this Company!"

Funny when you register a bank account with PayPal they can pay in a few small payments to verify your account, any bank anywhere, but the stock agencies cannot pay direct to your account, and cannot pay unless you have hit a set amount of sales, and they love you so much they pay it to another Company PayPal that charges you again to use your hard earned money.

You are not part of a community, if you fall off the face of the earth tomorrow they will not care, as they are a merchant they take the goods from the vendor, make a transaction with the customer, all the time protecting thier fixed profit margin, what a fantastic business model, suppliers come to you give thier goods sale or return, no logistic, warehousing, only costs are the servers a few staff and advertising.



« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2008, 01:18 »

By your logic I should be thanking every online service provider I use. eBay helps me sell my old junk. I make money off of it, so should I email eBay and thank them? PayPal helps me get paid every month, although they do take their cut. Maybe I'll shoot an email over to them expressing my gratitude as well. Come to think of it, I sell images at 10 microstock sites. Should I thank them all? Or just the top earners? What's the criteria for who gets my thanks and who doesn't?

Like I said, being polite once in a while never killed anyone.  I just think with all that could be argued about in microstock, that you are upset over this is flat out bizarre.  If this is the war you want to fight, be my guest.

I wonder, since you are also leading a popular thread where you are considering exclusivity at iStock, if this "thank you thing" is just an excuse to get angry at SS about something else?  I say, go ahead and make the move to iStock.  You sound like you will be much happier once you do.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 01:20 by DanP68 »

« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2008, 01:46 »
I dont see why anyone would bother either. Does anyone actually believe that anyone from shutterstock goes through and says "well, such and such said thank you, such and such also said thank you... This guy said thank you..." No one does that, no one remembers, and its all a complete waste of time. The only people who do are a bunch of pussies desperate to suck up at the slightest opportunity.


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