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What % of your images would you consider to be USA locations, style or content?

5 (10.9%)
4 (8.7%)
3 (6.5%)
1 (2.2%)
1 (2.2%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (2.2%)
Over 90%
11 (23.9%)
I don't submit to SS but wanted to see the answers
5 (10.9%)
None, I have never taken a photo in the US. But I'm a SS contributor.
15 (32.6%)

Total Members Voted: 38

Voting closed: January 30, 2014, 18:49

Author Topic: Questions Questions Questions - What % of your IMAGES are US Source in 2013?  (Read 11299 times)

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Uncle Pete

« on: December 31, 2013, 18:49 »
In your best estimate what percentage of your images on SS are US source material, or shot in the USA?

The reason for the questions are to determine if localized photos sell better in the country of origin, and the USA is the only one that separate reporting on SS.

« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2013, 19:12 »
Sorry. Stupid question. Deleted.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 19:22 by JPSDK »

« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2013, 19:58 »
You missed out the zero option ! Most people in the world have never visited the USA.

« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2013, 20:00 »
I guess you may as well ask where you reside - as that is the place most people will do there shooting, no?

Uncle Pete

« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2013, 20:15 »
The question is based on a point that Sue brought up that US images might be better on the market than other locations. Second part is people who have found their US sales dropping year after year.

I also see a problem identifying "US Source Images" because I have Indonesian food shot around the corner, but is that a US image? Illustrations, if I'm in the US, is that US source? How about something like a piggy bank, made in China (or who knows where else) but I shot it in the US and it's American style? If I shoot a fruit from South America is that US source, because of the setting and where I am?

I realize the question can be vague of confusing. Just guess.

The objective is to determine if US images have any market advantage over Other places? It's not rocket science, estimate and post your vote please.

Yes that's true Noddle, but some people do travel. The connection would be US people, shooting US images, and do they sell better around the world?

I guess you may as well ask where you reside - as that is the place most people will do there shooting, no?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 20:32 by Uncle Pete »

Uncle Pete

« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2013, 20:16 »
Buggers, you're right! Sorry about that. It does say US content as well, so people in Timbuktu could shoot US subjects or images and never leave home. But none-the-less, you are correct, there should be a zero option. Done.

You missed out the zero option ! Most people in the world have never visited the USA.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 20:37 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2014, 01:38 »
When you say 2013 do you mean images added in 2013 or do you mean total portfolio at the end of 2013?  Sorry to make this so complicated.

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2014, 03:34 »
In your best estimate what percentage of your images on SS are US source material, or shot in the USA?

The reason for the questions are to determine if localized photos sell better in the country of origin, and the USA is the only one that separate reporting on SS.

Last time I went in USA was in 1979

« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2014, 09:54 »
I was there in 1977, and I was held up by the marines at the gate of the White House because I carried a knife.
I thought they over reacted a bit.

Had it been nowadays, I would still have been there. Dead or  alive.

Uncle Pete

« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2014, 11:08 »
I carry a Swiss Army Knife, have since about the time of your experience. Some of the security regulations are stupid and accomplish nothing, but to aggravate people. At the courthouse they were taking away nail clippers with files on them. Federal courthouse building, you can't have a pen knife. (trip back to the car to leave my knife, should I forget, at all of these places)

What next pencils and ball point pens?  ::)

It's all about appearance, nothing to do with reality. And yes I'd agree with you, it's all an overreaction. Like no photos in train stations? Yeah very sneaky, a guy with a DSLR walking around with a big white lens. That's a threat.

No dummies... almost everyone has a camera in their pocket, built into their phone!

I was there in 1977, and I was held up by the marines at the gate of the White House because I carried a knife.
I thought they over reacted a bit.

Had it been nowadays, I would still have been there. Dead or  alive.


    This user is banned.
  • Location. Third stone from the sun
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2014, 21:21 »
Look it works!  ;D

Uh they send the kids to school and then the cafeteria with knives and forks and yes let us not forget the pens and pencils!

I get on all of my daughters school teachers about that and explain that there are so many weapons they allow in school and or already have in school but yet a plastic army man with a gun is considered carrying a weapon on school property and punishable!?

Go figure! STUPIDITY!

I carry a Swiss Army Knife, have since about the time of your experience. Some of the security regulations are stupid and accomplish nothing, but to aggravate people. At the courthouse they were taking away nail clippers with files on them. Federal courthouse building, you can't have a pen knife. (trip back to the car to leave my knife, should I forget, at all of these places)

What next pencils and ball point pens?  ::)

It's all about appearance, nothing to do with reality. And yes I'd agree with you, it's all an overreaction. Like no photos in train stations? Yeah very sneaky, a guy with a DSLR walking around with a big white lens. That's a threat.

No dummies... almost everyone has a camera in their pocket, built into their phone!

I was there in 1977, and I was held up by the marines at the gate of the White House because I carried a knife.
I thought they over reacted a bit.

Had it been nowadays, I would still have been there. Dead or  alive.

« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2014, 22:25 »
Interesting question. I went through and counted up my US images - US travel, US editorial, and nature images that are site specific. That came to 34% of my portfolio but they account for 65% of my all time sales at shutterstock.
I did not count isolated objects and other still life photos that could have been shot anywhere unless they were of iconic American things, nor did I count abstract backgrounds, since, though many of these were shot in the US, again they could be anywhere.
Since this is the time of year for analyzing sales and deciding what to shoot in 2014, I also went through my payment history and discovered that 51% of my sales come from US sources and 49% from non-US sources, so clearly customers outside the US are purchasing US source images - I've found a lot of my US images - travel and editorial - on South American and European web sites and I often have sales from every single continent showing up on my map at SS. Though my image with the highest number of sales is an abstract background, my highest grossing image there is a US travel image.
Most of my European images (I've only been to North America and Europe) are with traditional agencies or are only available through my own site, but I checked out those stats too. They make up just 3% of my portfolio and account for 0.6% of my sales - with such tiny numbers I don't think the stats are significant, though the percentages are about the same for European images on DT, a European site.
I've sold a lot of US travel photos on Alamy too - many to European clients - in the UK, Italy and Russia.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 22:32 by wordplanet »

Uncle Pete

« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2014, 16:27 »
US Style or Source, doesn't mean you have to be in the US or ever been there. This came up out of a question from Shady Sue about wildlife photos being sourced from the US (actually said North America, but SS doesn't read it that way) I missed the word Nature in her post and started thinking, do people around the world really buy more US oriented images, than other places.

I'll say I'm sad if it's true in some ways. Like style, fashion, products, commercialism and pressure to keep up with your neighbors with the latest trendy things. Here I had hoped the world could get along on it's own special cultural identity and values, instead of the marketing heavy US.

Meanwhile the question is still there, whether it's animals, nature, wildlife or slathered up models with red lipstick, tats and holes punched into their body.  ???

As for what this is, heck I don't know. I'd say everyone has their own impression and I'm not going to try to define something that is individual and varies.

If you think it's USA or North American in style or concept, then it is.

Main point is me wondering. Do those type of images actually sell better around the world. In which case it's interesting and a sure advantage to people who live here and have easier access to more desirable materials.

It's that simple?


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