How many of the same shot of the Moon or the Earth does any agency need, before it's just Spam? 
My moon photo sells pretty well.But then it's maybe better then the free pics 
LOL Yeah, amazing how that works, isn't it? Sometimes people don't know where to look for the free, and sometimes edited versions with keywords are easier to find, when someone searches. I have to admit, I don't use many images, but if I did, there are so many free, I'd probably never need to download from an agency.
Exception might be something specific, plant, animal, subject, or a location, and even with those, people travel and post those. Hard time to be selling quality images when so many people are willing to give them away for recognition or their pride when someone "likes" their image.
Here's one of mine, the Moon, which I admit I do some "far out" things and they don't sell. But... I do have fun?